Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 129 Damn it! Black hole trigger!

[Chu You, male, 26 years old, player-Gulangji]

[Grade Judgment: B-Grade]

[Weird Power: Me-Giiga-Gi (Charm·Giiga·Gi) - Kuuga (Kuuga) System]

[In a certain challenge to the Knight's Realm, I obtained Grunge's belt "Kidru", and successfully fused with it to form Grunge's weird form]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm twenty-four times, tested Knight's Realm three times, and challenged Knight's Realm four times have extraordinary combat experience and fighting skills, because their soft body tissues can absorb all blows. Therefore, they are often invincible in hand-to-hand combat]

[Props held: Daguba Debris (Fragments of Daguba Belt)]


【Kiwi LockSeed (Kiwi LockSeed).】

At the same time as the information emerged, Lu Ziye jumped down from the stone pillar.

When he fell in front of a player named Chu Yu, he discovered that he was slightly different from the Mei Jiyiga Ji in the information.

The original Mei·Giga·Ji's species was a squid, and its appearance was similar to a squid, but the fragment of Daguaba's belt he held turned the armor in front of him into pale gold. In other words, he absorbed the fragments of Daguaba's belt and was promoted to an enhanced body.

".Absorb all the impact." Looking at Chu You in front of him, Lu Ziye kept sizing him up.

In addition to meeting the purebred Aoife Enoch before, this was the first time he saw a player who became a Gurungi.

Then if you obtain Daguaba's belt, wouldn't you be able to become Daguaba?

But becoming a Gurungi will amplify the inner darkness, so this idea was quickly put aside by Lu Ziye. It would be nice to quietly be a knight!

"I'm sorry little brother, I don't want to snipe you, but they gave too much to "Lost". " Chu Yu also looked at Lu Ziye at this time, and then said.

Lu Ziye was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but complain: "Is it really okay for you to tell your employer so easily?"

"I just took advantage to snipe you. I'm not a killer, and I didn't take advantage to hide it." Chu You was quite upright and said everything in one breath.

"Good buddy, I will be gentle when I say this to you." Lu Ziye couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

And Chu You chuckled: "Hahaha, it depends on your ability."

The moment the two finished talking, a virtual scene appeared between them.

"Ready? Fight! (Ready? War!)"

When the sound effect fell, Lu Ziye instantly entered high speed, and quickly distanced himself from Chu You under the afterimages.

Such a quick action made Chu You slightly confused. He had watched Lu Ziye's previous battles. Didn't they all deal with their opponents in hand-to-hand combat at extremely fast speeds? How come they had to distance themselves when they came to him?

The next moment, the energy in Lu Ziye's hands condensed, the vortex-shaped energy was instantly compressed, and the ultra-small sun sphere shot out the moment it took shape.

The two spheres shot out went straight to Chu You, but Lu Ziye entered high speed again, came to the side of Chu You, and once again condensed two ultra-small sun spheres on his hands.


The previously thrown ultra-small sun sphere exploded, once again covering the already dilapidated venue with flames and craters.

"Ahem." Chu You rushed out of the thick smoke, his body already covered with dust.

Just when he rushed out of the smoke, Lu Ziye threw the ball that had already been condensed in his hand again.


The ball hit Chu You's body and feet, and Lu Ziye also speeded up again and moved to the position behind Chu You.

The ultra-small sun sphere condensed in his hand, waiting for another wave of replicas when Chu You appeared.

"Cough cough cough" Chu You's coughing intensified in the thick smoke. As a squid aquatic creature, he felt very uncomfortable being choked by the smoke.

But before the coughing stopped, Lu Ziye had already locked Chu You's position, and the two spheres in his hands flew straight out, heading straight for Chu You's position in the smoke.


A new round of explosions blew away the smoke, and flames and new smoke followed Chu You's figure.

"Wouldn't it be a bit too doggy?" But this idea was immediately thrown away by Lu Ziye. Now we are in battle, how can we talk about dogs.

With a thought, the signal ax appeared in his hand. Holding the signal ax with both hands, crimson energy began to pour into it.

"Ahem, you're going to fight me!!" Chu You roared angrily, and the moment he rushed out of the smoke, he sprayed out two jets of ink.

Ink is the basic ability of Mei Jiiga Ji. The ink has a high temperature of 280 degrees and can turn humans who are contaminated into ashes in an instant.

It's just that the ink flew out and landed on the previous location, but where was Lu Ziye's figure?

"Good buddy, I'm here!"

Lu Ziye's voice suddenly sounded, causing Chu You to subconsciously turn his head and look to his right side. He saw Lu Ziye's hands raised high, and the purple ax in his hand shone with a crimson light. Under this light, Chu You's heart went cold.

"It's time to go! Full Throttle!"

The light on the signal ax reached its limit, and the moment it was swung out, it turned into a substantial cutting blade and flew out.

Swish-bang! !

The cutting blade struck Chu You, causing him to fly backwards instantly. After landing, he rolled dozens of times before stopping.

After the rolling movement stopped, a faint white light flashed across Chu You's body and he returned to his human posture.

"Victory! (Victory)"

A huge virtual screen appeared in the center, with the image of Evol's knight printed on it.

"Damn it. This special meow won?"

"Why do I feel that this "wheel battle" is so easy? I think I can do it! "

"You can just bang a banana with a stick. Others can clear fifty players, but you can do it with your butt?"

".Is this the world of the strong? How scary!"

Amidst bursts of cheers and noises, Lu Ziye's "wheel battle" came to an end at this moment.

In Lu Ziye's hands below, a large magenta plastic box appeared.

"Why are you doing this again?" The familiar large plastic box did not dampen Lu Ziye's interest. It contained special props for clearing the "Wheel Battle".

"Wish for a Genius Bottle, wish for a Milky Way Muscle Bottle, and wish for a Chuangyue Full Bottle!!"

Lu Ziye, who was muttering to himself, suddenly opened the large magenta plastic box in his hand.

The moment it was opened, the power in the eyes simultaneously unfolded the information about the item.

[Evol-Trigger (evolutionary activation device): A function expansion device available for the Evol drive. Use this device to transform into a Black Hole Form. Due to the plot line, this special prop is in a sealed state. 】

[Note: The unblocking condition is an energy attack with a danger level of 6.0, or an attack comparable to this level of energy]

". Damn it, black hole trigger!"

Lu Ziye was slightly disappointed. It was obvious that his wish had failed.

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