Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 134 I want to recruit her! !


On the quiet and peaceful street, Lu Ziye and Xia You stood here.

The occasional breeze blew by, making people feel comfortable. The difference from the oppressive feeling in the buffer zone made both of them have smiles of enjoyment on their faces.

"Lao Lu, this place is really nice." Xia You stretched out as he said this. The peaceful feeling gave him a rare sense of laziness.

"I agree." Lu Ziye nodded, feeling the wind blowing.

He once thought that Fengcheng City would be a comfortable city, but now that he is here, it is much more comfortable than he imagined.

If there is a chance in the future, he may choose to settle here.

A familiar virtual screen popped up in front of the two of them, giving information about this challenge to the Knight's Realm.

[Welcome to all players to participate in the knight game. This challenge to the realm of knights is - Eternal Memory]

[The player's identity this time is the Kamen Rider who protects the capital]

[The task of clearing the first stage is to find the T2 Gaia memory in the city that suits you (note: each stage of the task will be rated, the higher the rating of each stage, the richer the reward will be)]

[Second phase mission: to be started]

[The number of players participating in the game this time is five]

[In order to fit in with this challenge to the realm of knights, all knight systems have been replaced with lost drives and special dual drives, and supporting props have been replaced with Gaia memory]

[The game will start in five minutes, I wish you all a happy game]


"Yu. I take back what I said before. This knight's realm is not easy either." After reading the message, Lu Ziye's face turned pale and red.

"Isn't it just that the drive was replaced? What's the problem? Besides, there are only five players, how difficult can it be!"

Xia You said as he took out the lost drive. The original wolf squeeze gel also turned into light blue Gaia memory. Even the Amazons drive was replaced by purple Gaia memory.

On the light blue memory, the letter 'W' is the main body, with the English word Wolf on the side. The same is true for the purple memory, with the letter 'S' as the main body and the English word Sigma on the side.

"I hope you can still laugh later." After saying this, Lu Ziye confirmed the situation on his side.

His Build and Evol drives are gone, except that his is not the Lost Drive, but the same dual drive as W.

And this is the special dual drive mentioned in the information, which requires two Gaia memories to transform.

As for Gang Dou's knight belt, it became a lost drive just like Xia You.

"Lao Lu, your drive has two sockets." Xia You suddenly approached Lu Ziye, very curious about the special dual drive.

"It must have something to do with the characteristics of my original drive." Lu Ziye didn't pay much attention.

He already needs two bottles to transform, so it makes sense to use a special dual driver, right?

"Let's go, let's act first this time." Putting away the special dual driver, Lu Ziye already had a plan.

"Act first? Do you know where the T2 memory of the mission is?!" Xia You's eyes widened, why did she feel like Lao Lu knew everything.

"I don't know, so we have to search all over the place." Lu Ziye answered simply.

But blanket search is indeed a good method, and coupled with his power, it shouldn't take too much time.

The most important thing is that they must find it before Zuo Shotaro and others, otherwise those T2 memories will be in danger!

"Okay, okay, you said so, let's start walking." Then, the magic circle of the ring on Xia You's hand unfolded.


The sidecar slammer that had been retrieved earlier landed with a loud noise.

Lu Ziye was not polite and directly stepped onto the seat next to him.

After waiting for a while, Lu Ziye didn't see any movement from Xia You. He turned around and saw Xia You watching the figure not far away.

"Yu, what are you looking at, so entranced?" Lu Ziye followed his gaze, and a figure came into view.

The other party seemed to be a girl in her twenties. She wore a black leather jacket on the upper body. The lining could not be seen because of the side view. The lower body was paired with black hot pants, and the boots on the feet were modified, which further highlighted the slender legs.

Under Lu Ziye's gaze, the other party's eyes quietly fell on them, and he raised his hand to comb his ponytail.

"Hey! Do you like this type?" Regardless of whether he said it or not, Lu Ziye thought this girl was a bit handsome.

"No. I just think she looks familiar. She should be a player." Xia You squinted her eyes, looking like she was thinking seriously.

Upon hearing this, Lu Ziye immediately activated the power of authority and checked the other party's information.

[An Yu, 24 years old, female, player-Undead]

[Grade judgment: B grade]

[Weird Power: Albino Joker (Albino Clown) - Blade (Sword) Series]

[Knight system: Chalice - Blade system]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm twelve times, tested Knight's Realm four times, and challenged Knight's Realm five times. Those who have achieved the perfect chapter of "The Lost Ace" are recognized by the "Ruler" and given the gift of merging with the albino clown to become an undead beast. He has rich combat experience and is good at all kinds of ruthless moves. The plot line collapsed and the A-level knight's realm survived.]

[Binding props: "Heart King" Evolution ("Heart King" Ghost Mantis) - fuses the thirteen heart-type undead beasts it holds and evolves into its final form]

[Props held: Red Heart Awakening Card.]

The moment he finished reading the message, Lu Ziye was completely shocked.

The cool girl in front of me was recognized by the sword's sealing slate and became an undead beast. Isn't this special girl the same as most knights? !

You must know that the characteristic of undead beasts is that they cannot truly die, they can only be sealed by the awakening card.

Coupled with the characteristics of the albino clown, if she collects all fifty-three awakening cards, she can't even imagine the scene!

Xia You, who noticed Lu Ziye's expression, quickly asked: "Old Lu, what's wrong? It feels like you saw something extraordinary."

"It's more than amazing, it's like a rolling pin stabbed in the butt - it's really eye-opening!" Lu Ziye said leisurely, fully expressing the degree of shock in his heart at this moment.

Only Ran Ge could compare to An Yu's fighting strength in front of him. The only big boss he came into contact with was Ran Ge.

"Can you describe it accurately?"

"Let's put it this way, if you encounter a survival mission, this boss can pass it lying down."

Lu Ziye was jealous of his real name. He had experienced several survival missions before, and the intensity was really high.

But if An Yu has the characteristics of the undead beast, even if he is defeated, he will only enter a stagnant state. Without the seal of "Ruler" and blank awakening card, he can be alive and kicking again after a short rest!

"Hiss!" Xia You couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this.

You can pass the most difficult survival mission while lying down. Is the girl across from you the internal account of Knight Game?

"No, I want to get her to join the gang!" Lu Ziye's eyes were shining.

Not only because of the opponent's high combat strength, but also because of the characteristics of the opponent's undead beast. If something unexpected happened to him and Xia You later, with An Yu as a teammate, it would be a proper life-saving device.

". Ying Ying Ying, Lao Lu didn't expect you to be such a person. Isn't it enough to have me?"

"How big of a leg can you hold me?" As he said that, Lu Ziye jumped out of the sidecar and slammed the car.

"Hold your thighs, then it's okay!" When she heard that she was hugging her thighs, Xia You felt normal instantly.

As for Lu Ziye, he was already heading towards Anyu. And An Yu's eyes were always on the two of them. When he saw Lu Ziye approaching, he took the initiative to greet them.

"Hello, my name is"

"You want to form a team to pass this knight's realm, I'm not interested."

Before Lu Ziye could finish his greeting, An Yu took the initiative to say it, and his rejection was even more direct.

"That's such a pity, the eternal memory can't defeat us." Lu Ziye seemed to be talking to himself, turning around and pretending to leave.

"Wait, what did you just say?" An Yu keenly captured Lu Ziye's words, but he didn't hear them clearly.

"Information about the "Eternal Memory". "Stop, Lu Ziye turned his head and looked at An Yu and said.

"Do you have information about this knight's realm?" An Yu looked suspicious.

As far as she knows, this is the first time that the knight's realm is being challenged. Where did the other party get the information?

Lu Ziye slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the sky with one hand: "There is someone above me."

"Are you sure the person above you is a human?" An Yu said coldly.

"Ahem, just tell me whether you want to form a group or not!"

"I can buy it with cell coins."

"I look like...well, how much are you paying?"

"Two hundred thousand."

"Hey, this is very important information, I need to pay more!"

"Three hundred thousand, no more."

"Deal!" Lu Ziye took out the trading card as soon as he finished speaking.

"Transferred." An Yu took out the trading card and confirmed the transfer under Lu Ziye's gaze.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" Lu Ziye asked, rubbing his little hands.

"What you just said, the eternal memory can't do anything." An Yu said it directly without hesitation.

Hearing this, Lu Ziye immediately replied: "That's the transformation item that can neutralize us."

"What's the way to deal with it?" An Yu asked again after thinking for a moment.

"That's another price." After saying this, Lu Ziye turned around and left without any further hesitation.

"." An Yu froze on the spot, watching Lu Ziye get into the sidecar and slam the attacker away.

"Why do I feel like I've been fooled?" An Yu didn't come back to his senses until the figures of Lu Ziye and Xia You completely disappeared from sight.

In just one sentence, the other party took away her 300,000 cell coins? !

"Lao Lu, aren't you trying to recruit that player to join your team? Why do you want me to drive quickly?" Xia You asked in confusion.

"She didn't want to play with us. She paid for information." Lu Ziye didn't hide anything and said it directly, "We'll share a point when we get back!"

In one sentence, he asked a woman to pay 300,000 yuan for him. It felt so good!

"It has to be you, Lao Lu." Xia You suddenly smiled when he heard that he had also received a share, "But, you just gave up like that? It doesn't feel like you!"

"How could we give up? Just wait until she comes to the door." Lu Ziye was 70% sure that he could trick this big guy into entering.

"Save your strength!" Xia You gave Lu Ziye a thumbs up.

Others invite the big boss to form a team with conditions, but when it comes to Lao Lu, they just wait for the big boss to come to their door. No one needs to say more.

"Okay, let's focus on finding the memory." As he said that, the power of power in Lu Ziye's eyes turned on, and his eyes began to scan the streets.

The countdown on the virtual screen also returned to zero at this time, and we began to truly enter the plot.

"Yes." As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, the originally peaceful street was filled with people, and even several firelights rose in the back.


The explosion that followed also forced Xia You to stop the Sidecar Slammer.

"Old Lu, the plot has begun!" Xia You narrowed his eyes slightly, focused his vision on the back of the crowd, and noticed the two weirdos walking towards the crowd.

"Rescue first." Without any hesitation, Lu Ziye took the lead in jumping out of the sidecar and slamming the attacker, wearing a special dual driver around his waist.

"Okay." Xia You turned over and jumped out of the car, putting the Lost Drive in her hand on her waist at the same time.

I saw the memories in the hands of Lu Ziye and Xia You pressing down.

"Cobra! Rider System! Evolution! (Cobra! Rider System! Evolution!)"

"Sigma! (Sigma)"

Deep red light and purple light intertwined, and black lines appeared on the faces of Lu Ziye and Xia You.

The two men were surrounded by fragments, and as the fragments attached to their bodies, they turned into their respective knight armors.

The moment the transformation was completed, the two people quickly passed through the crowd, and the two doped bodies behind them were fully displayed in front of their eyes.

A monster that injects memory types into a memory and transforms it into a form of power is called a Dopant!

The dopant body close to Lu Ziye has an hourglass shape on its entire head, and its lower abdomen and arms have the shape of a clock device. Such features are exactly the characteristics of Yesterday's dopant body.

The dopant that is closer to Xia You has a posture more similar to that of a human being. It is dressed in a very gentlemanly white suit, but its face has a weird posture, with a huge head like a mask, and it is - Puppeteer (Puppet Master) Dopant.

"Yu, you deal with that guy in the white suit." Lu Ziye made a judgment instantly.

The main ability of the puppeteer is to use silk threads to control other people or objects, but Xia You uses the power of Amazons this time, and the wrist blade on his hand is perfect for dealing with silk threads. To put it mildly, Xia You beat the puppeteer even more in the same way!

The next moment, the two of them started running at the same time, rushing towards the dopant they wanted to deal with.

Before Lu Ziye could get closer, Yesterday's dopant raised his right hand and released countless hourglass-shaped light bullets.

Seeing these light bombs, Lu Ziye didn't hesitate at all and immediately went to high speed to avoid the dense hourglass light bombs.

He knew that these light bullets could not be touched. Once they touched these hourglasses, the opponent could activate their abilities and let him repeat his actions within twenty-four hours. This was why he did not let Xia You deal with the dopant.

Lu Ziye, who possessed high speed, could easily avoid the hourglass-shaped light bullet and raised his hand to press on the opponent's chest.


The cosmic star disk condenses and converges into ultra-small solar bombs at an extremely fast speed, and then is released close to the face.

boom! !

The ultra-small solar bomb was released, immediately sending yesterday's doped body flying backwards.

And after flying upside down, it turned into a fire and exploded the moment it landed!

"Ah? Is it that simple?" In the firelight, Lu Ziye saw yesterday's dopant disengaging from its weirdo posture, and the T2 memory attached to it falling to the ground.

But at this moment, a strong sound of breaking through the air came from behind!

"Old Lu! Get out of the way!!" Xia You's voice sounded behind Lu Ziye

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