Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 14 What the hell is this called giving in?

"There's still a little left, just a little left!!"

As soon as Lu Ziye stepped into the store, an extremely happy voice came from behind.

Following the sound, he saw a figure sitting behind the cashier, wearing a black suit, with his back turned to him.

The hands of the figure in the black suit kept flying and typing on the keyboards of the two computers in front of him, as if he didn't even notice that he had entered.

But at this moment, the flying movements of his hands suddenly stopped, and he leaned weakly on the chair.

"Game Over! (Game Over)"

The sudden sound effect startled Lu Ziye.

Then he saw the figure in the suit gradually turn gray, and his body decomposed and dissipated like a game special effect.

"." Lu Ziye twitched the corner of his mouth after witnessing everything.

Good guy, as soon as he came in, he encountered a scene from hell.

But the next moment, a pipe rose up from behind the cashier, with the word 'Continue' flashing on the pipe.

The figure in a black suit rose from the pipe and landed on the chair with a whoosh.

After landing on the chair, he turned around and faced Lu Ziye.

"New face, new guy?"

The figure in a black suit with meticulously combed bangs looked at Lu Ziye at the same time.

Just as Lu Ziye thought, the man in the black suit in front of him was the Tan Li Dou he knew well!

Or should I say Xin Tan Li Dou? Tanli Fighting God.?

But the man in front of me is a crazy genius with the talents of a god in Ex-aid, a soul figure who is known as the creator of scenes, the beauty of gods, the immortality of gods, etc.!

"Yes, do you have any good props here?"

Seeing the real Tan Li Dou, Lu Ziye was really excited.

The reason why he entered Huan Meng Wushuang was also because he wanted to see what the props under the God's Talent were like!

"Nice prop?"

"Listen up, kid, the props I sell here all come from my divine talent. There is no such thing as good, they are all the best works!"

"Besides, if you want to get my props, just exchange them for excellent materials. I don't need things like cell coins."

After finishing speaking, Tan Lidou turned around and pressed the computer keyboard.


With a crisp sound, the walls on both sides of the computer opened, and display cabinets were pushed out.

On the display cabinet, there are dazzling props, which are huge and exquisite.

Even Lu Ziye was shocked, because the props on the display cabinet were not limited to cassettes and the like!

It was like a shining golden prop on the display cabinet closest to Lu Ziye.

[Muteki FullBottle (Invincible Full Bottle): A full bottle based on the combat data of invincible players. When the holder is shaken and activated, the whole body will emit golden light. It blocks any attack within ten seconds and can only be used once]

"!!!" The information that appeared in his eyes almost made Lu Ziye's mouth water.

What the hell is a god’s talent? This special meow is a god’s talent!

If he had such an item, combined with the ascent time change, ten seconds would be enough for him to push through several Zerg Factories!

His eyes followed the props next to him

[Eternal Edge (Eternal Dagger): After Tanli Dou's extreme improvement, props destroyed by this weapon cannot be used again unless the weapon is damaged]

After reading the information, Lu Ziye took a deep breath.

As Tan Lidou said, his props are the best works!

The only question now is, what level does the excellent material Tan Li Dou talk about need to reach?

"Have you finished admiring it?" At this time, Tan Li Dou reminded him abruptly.

"Well, they are indeed excellent works." Lu Ziye quickly looked away and said.

"Now that you understand, let's go. This is not the place for a newcomer like you. If you come again in the future, I will welcome you very much."

After saying this, Tan Lidou waved his hand and turned around to sit back in his chair.

"Wait, you can take a look at this."

Seeing that Tan Lidou was about to sit down, Lu Ziye took out the Amazons potion he had just obtained.

For him, the Amazons potion is not of much use, and he does not have an Amazons drive in his hand, so it is definitely useless at this stage.

"Huh?" Tan Lidou, who was just about to sit down, couldn't help but frown.

To be honest, he didn't expect the newcomers to come up with any outstanding material.

Any material that catches his eye can only be obtained by high-level players!

Lu Ziye took out a silver box in his hand, opened it on the counter, and showed the potion inside.

In addition to a syringe of green liquid, the silver box also contains a silver jar filled with blue liquid.

"This is..." After seeing the potion, Tan Li Dou was not immediately sure.

"A potion that can transform humans into Amazons and allow human will to dominate." Lu Ziye explained as briefly as possible.

Tan Lidou looked puzzled: "This is not a prop that a newcomer like you can get. Where did you get it from?"

"How should I put it? A senior player entered the novice level, and the difficulty of Knight's Realm was raised to E level, and then he got a good rating and was rewarded." As he said this, Lu Ziye shrugged helplessly.

But thanks to Lin Xiao and the others, otherwise he might have missed the steel fight.

"What rating...?" Tan Li Dou showed an interested look.

"A+." Lu Ziye said it directly without any intention of hiding it.

"The game is played well. I'll keep this potion. Choose one of the props on this floor and take it away."

Tan Lidou was not polite and directly put away the silver box and pointed to one of the layers of the cabinet next to him.

Lu Ziye looked at the layer Tan Lidou pointed to. There were only three props on that layer.

"What about this?" Then, Lu Ziye took out the Ice Age memory he had collected from Li Yuan.

This vendable memory cannot be used and becomes a dopant without the interface.

"This thing is garbage." With just one glance, Tan Lidou made a judgment.

"Can I exchange it for cell coins?" Tan Lidou said so, and Lu Ziye didn't intend to keep it.

"Two thousand cell coins without an interface." Tan Lidou thought for a while and gave the price.

"Two thousand is too little, four thousand!"

As a special photographer, Lu Ziye still knew the memory in his hands.

If there is an interface device that Tan Li Dou talks about, newcomers can buy it and use it as combat power.

Tan Lidou: "."

"Without an interface, the value is greatly reduced. For the sake of your medicine, I'll give you three thousand."

"Four thousand, boy, I'm a newbie, so I have a lot of money to spend."

"The most I can give you is three thousand and four, no more!"

"Let's do this. Let's each make concessions. How about four thousand one?"

From the moment Tan Li Dou agreed to increase the price, Lu Ziye knew that he would never give in.


Tan Li Dou's face turned dark. What the hell is this called giving in?

"Three thousand and nine, love can never come out!"


"The price is at least 4,500, and you can add more."

Before Lu Ziye could finish his words, a clear female voice rang out.

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