Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 142 I'm afraid that if I get punched, I have to beg you not to die!

Under the Fengdu Tower, many Fengdu residents gathered here.

"This is the memory I found! Give it to me one billion quickly!"

"Please take a look at my memory. This is definitely the memory you are looking for!"

"How could I not be the memory you want? Have you taken a good look at it?"

"Are you kidding? This is obviously a memory. Why do you say it's not a memory!"

The residents of Wind City were like madmen, flocking to the NEVER members in front of them, and they rushed to offer the museum memories in their hands to them.

The deceived residents of Fengdu did not know that the so-called memory was just the key to the door to death, but at this moment they regarded it as a treasure.

Buzz buzz—!

The rapid sound of a locomotive made many residents look back.

As the locomotive stopped, everyone led by Lu Ziye flew off the locomotive, all holding their own memories.

"Xtreme! (Extreme)"

"Joker! (Ace)"

"Accel! (Accelerate)"

"Fang! (Fang)"

While the sound effects were sounding, four channels of memory were plugged into the drive.



Among the extremely neat shouts, only Terui Ryu's unique shouting method stood out.

Surrounded by the fragments, the four of them also completed their transformation.

"Hey! The memory in their hands must be wanted by NEVER! Everyone, grab their memory!"

Someone suddenly shouted, causing many people to come to their senses and react.

Many residents' eyes turned red, and they rushed towards Lu Ziye and others, not caring whether the person standing in front of them was a Kamen Rider.

"Those on the left, you go to the Fengdu Tower!" Terui Ryuu looked at the rushing crowd and did not flinch at all. Instead, he took the initiative to greet them.

"Terui, can you handle it alone?" Shotaro Zuo was not at ease. Not only were there people here, but there were also members of the NEVER Legion behind him.

"Don't question me!!" Terui Ryu shouted softly, already facing the people who rushed forward first.

Without any further hesitation, Zuo Xiangtaro led the way and headed up to Fengdu Tower with Lu Ziye.

"Trigger! (Trigger)"

"The game begins!" The voices of members of the NEVER Legion came from behind.

With Zuo Shotaro leading the way, the three of them quickly arrived at the second floor of Fengdu Tower.

But as soon as they stepped onto the second floor, the howling wind hit them!


Shotaro Zuo, who was in front, raised his arms to block the roaring metal rod.

Lu Ziye and An Yu were also able to see clearly that the man holding the metal rod was Gozo Domoto of the NEVER Legion!

"Just let me do it." An Yu stepped forward and stood in front of Lu Ziye and Zuo Xiangtaro.

"Why are you here? There's no need for him to waste his time." After saying this, Lu Ziye directly pulled An Yu behind him.


I saw the crimson flame energy rising in Lu Ziye's right hand, becoming more and more majestic in his hand, swelling to several meters in size in just an instant.

Under the blank gazes of An Yu and Zuo Xiangtaro, Lu Ziye directly threw him towards Domoto Gozo in front of him.

"Well done!"

"Metal! (Metal)"

Domoto Gozo drank softly and quickly placed the memory on his back.

As the memory sank into the body, the silver-white fragments around Domoto Tsuyoshi's body joined together and transformed into a doped body.

The moment it turned into a doped body, a crimson fireball several meters in size was already in front of him. Domoto Gozo immediately waved the metal rod in his hand to meet the crimson fireball.

But the metal rod only touched the edge of the crimson fire ball, and was dissolved into molten iron in the blink of an eye.

Sensing something bad, Gozo Domoto wanted to dodge, but the crimson fireball was already close to him, leaving no room for him to dodge.

Bang - boom! !

The crimson fireball hit Gozo Kamidomoto, exploded in an instant, and completely engulfed his figure in an instant.

And Gozo Domoto knelt down on his knees under the baptism of the crimson fireball, the metal memory fell in front of him, and he himself was in a charred state.

"Look, there's no need to stay at all, right?" Lu Ziye turned to look at An Yu, looking very proud with his head held high.

".You really shouldn't stay." An Yu fell into a brief thought.

She originally thought that the people in this legion would be somewhat capable, but she didn't expect that the fireball, which didn't look simple, was going to be intercepted by force! ?

At this moment, she just felt that her idea of ​​staying just now was a bit hasty.

"Let's continue going up." Zuo Shotaro didn't know how to evaluate it, so he simply gave up.

A small episode passed by, and the three of them once again set foot on the stairs to the Wind Capital Tower.

Surprisingly, they did not encounter any obstruction this time, and the three of them arrived at their destination unimpeded.


As Shotarou Zuo punched, the locked iron door in front of him was blown open.

As the iron gate fell, Lu Ziye and others were able to see clearly what was behind the iron gate.

I saw a strange device placed in the center of the slightly crowded space. In the middle of the device, Philip was locked and connected to various lines. On top of the device was a disk-shaped device for Gaia's memory. The inserted card slot extends to the top.

"Shotaro!" Philip exclaimed softly the moment he saw Shotaro Zuo.

"I'm here to save you, partner." After Zuo Shotarou finished speaking, he looked at Daidou Katsumi who was walking slowly.

"It's time to make a settlement." Katsuki Daidao stopped, took out the memory in his hand and inserted it into the lost drive.

"Eternal! (Eternal)"

As the Lost Drive was triggered, the pure white armor covering and eternal robe flew up, and the transformation was completed in an instant.

"Give Phillip back to me!" Seeing Katsumi Daido approaching, Shotarou Zuo took the initiative to greet him.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye and An Yu took steps to help, but a tentacle suddenly appeared and landed on the ground in front of them.

Bang bang bang——!

A burst of sparks flashed, forcing Lu Ziye and An Yu to stop.

"I'm sorry, I won't let you pass." The words came out in the air, and Tao Zhi's figure gradually emerged.

"Undead (Undead Beast), I want your awakening card." After saying this, An Yu rushed out instantly, with a white sharp blade extending from his wrist, and he put it on Tao Zhi's neck and rushed towards the wall.


The wall was shattered instantly, and the two figures were immediately swallowed up by the shadows.

"Have I been forgotten?" Lu Ziye felt a little unhappy for no reason, why did he appear to be alone.

"Because you are my prey."

A familiar female voice sounded from behind, causing Lu Ziye to turn his head and see Hahara Lai walking in from the door.

"You'd better forget it, I'm afraid if I punch you, I'll have to beg you not to die." Under the mask, Lu Ziye's originally happy face fell instantly.

"You've offended me!" Hahara Lai's face darkened, and he raised his right hand to reveal a memory.

"Dummy! (Virtual)"

At the same time as the sound effect sounded, Hahara Lai inserted it into the interface above the collarbone very honestly this time.

Energy ripples spread out, and black and white doped bodies emerged. However, the bare and shapeless appearance made Lu Ziye hesitate for a moment.

"Ah, I remember." For a moment of hesitation, Lu Ziye remembered the dopant.

This virtual dopant appears in the interactive theater version. Its ability is to mimic other people or objects and copy their abilities.

"I will use your power to defeat you." Hahara Lai snorted, and his posture began to gradually change.

Wrapped in bursts of energy, Hahara Lai's figure was revealed once again, but this time it was no longer the bare appearance, but had suddenly transformed into the same Xtreme form as Lu Ziye!

"." Under the mask, Lu Ziye tried very hard to suppress a smile.

To be fair, there is nothing wrong with Hahara Lai's mimicry. If he had to mimic his current form, he wouldn't know how to use the power of a single extreme memory, let alone Hahara Lai.

The ability of extreme memory is to increase the ability of other memories to the limit. The opponent has no other memories at all, but he has many.

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