Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 144 Unique Items! Don't Touch My Tower!

The moment the device stopped, the memory on the disc was suddenly ejected and fell to the ground.

Dao Keji's eyes widened and he looked at Lu Ziye in disbelief: "Why you...?"

"Why can't it be me?" Lu Ziye immediately asked back, pulling out the signal ax in his hand.

"Hmph, I underestimated you, but you still can't defeat me." After Dao Katsumi finished speaking, he picked up the eternal memory that fell at his feet.

"Eternal! (Eternal)"

As the memory was pressed, Katsumi Daido immediately prepared to transform.

But at this moment, Daido Miki beside him suddenly took Daido Katsumi's hand: "Katsuki, now I finally understand. We should not continue to make mistakes. You are no longer the same Katsumi before."

"...Don't come in my way!" Katsuki Daido couldn't hear what he said, and he shook off Miki Daido's hand with great indifference.

The moment Daido Miki's hand was thrown away, he suddenly hugged Daidai Katsumi.

"Katsuki, let's end it here." After saying this, Miki Daido rushed towards the gap beside him with Katsuki Daido in his arms.

Under the action of Daidou Miki, he jumped down with Daidou Katsumi in his arms, and headed towards the Wind Capital Tower through the gap opened by Xia You.

"My plan was in vain." This sudden development made Lu Ziye confused for a while.

"Eternal! (Eternal)"

A sound effect was heard, followed by a pure white figure flashing through the gap and heading towards the top.

"Philip, are you okay?" Shotaro Zuo, who was here, tore off the line on Phillip's body and asked with concern.

"Shoutaro, we have to stop Daidou Katsumi!" Philip saw the pure white figure flashing past.

"Ah, for everyone in Fengdu." Zuo Xiangtaro nodded, his eyes becoming more determined.

Then the two of them stepped onto the stairs to the top, with Philip walking at the front.

"Well, Lu Ziye, it's time to fight together!" Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly stopped and shouted down.

"Okay, I'll be right away." Lu Ziye came back to his senses immediately after hearing Zuo Xiangtaro's voice.

But when he took steps, a virtual screen suddenly popped up in front of him: "Settlement at this time...?"

[Congratulations on completing the first phase of the mission, and we will start grading your first phase of the mission]

[The rating is completed, your rating result is - S+ level]

[Because the team shares the Knight's Realm, you will not receive the corresponding special props. Congratulations on getting the reward Houdini Damashii (Houdini Eye Soul)! 】

[Houdini Damashii (Houdini Eye Soul): Can summon Houdini's ghost cloak and possess it. It can be combined with the motorcycle 'Mechanical Woody' to fly in the air. It can avoid locked attacks through escape magic (Note: Avoid The upper limit of locking skills is level B)]

As the virtual screen disappeared, Houdini's eyes and soul also fell into Lu Ziye's hands.

But when he looked around, the power in his eyes immediately activated.

The information displayed is similar to that given by the virtual screen, but there is a separate message in the last position!

[Note: This prop is unique. It is said that if you collect fifteen great men's eyes and souls and perform a ceremony in front of the stone monument, any wish can be realized. However, if you don't have a "Ghost Drive", you are not eligible to make a wish]

"It's a unique prop. It feels like collecting Dragon Balls." Such information made Lu Ziye complain.

[The first phase of task rating has been fully completed, and the final phase of tasks is now announced]

[The final stage task: Protect the Wind Capital Tower from damage, and the rating will be based on the degree of damage to the Wind Capital Tower (current actual damage to the Wind Capital Tower: 0%)]

【Wish you a happy game】

"We must not let Dao Keji kill Fengdu Tower!" The moment he saw the mission, Lu Ziye used the fastest speed in his life and rushed towards the top floor.

While running, Lu Ziye started shouting in the team voice in his mind.

[Xia You, Anyu! Come up as soon as it's over, your final task is to protect the Wind Capital Tower! ! 】

[Lao Lu, I will be here soon. A young woman just fell from the sky]

[One minute to resolve the battle. 】

After receiving the responses from the two people, Lu Ziye also came to the top of Fengdu Tower.

At this time, on the top floor, Zuo Shotaro and Philip had transformed into the ace blast form, and were fighting with Daidou Katsumi.

I saw the two of them running towards each other and kicking each other in the chest at the same time.

But under this kick, Daidou Katsumi only took a few steps back, but W fell directly to the ground.

"Huh, it's time to give Dao Keji a little shock." Upon seeing this, Lu Ziye breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he took out two memories and put them into the special dual drive.


"Cobra! Rider System! Evolution! (Cobra! Rider System! Evolution!)"

The fragments gathered together and turned into the armor he was most familiar with on Lu Ziye.

"As expected, I still like this operating system better." After saying this, Lu Ziye flew away in an instant and entered the familiar high-speed.

Afterimages remained in the air, passing by W lying on the ground in an instant, and came to Dao Katsumi.


Crimson energy bloomed, and Lu Ziye's right fist struck Dao Keji's chest, sending him flying backwards and rolling twice on the ground before stopping.

"Hey, it's my turn now, right?" Lu Ziye slowly retracted his right fist and waved his hand to disperse the white mist on his fist.

"It's nothing like that." Katsuki Daido stood up from the ground and jumped directly onto the main body of the oversized fan. "When I get the energy of Exbika, your life and death will not be determined by my presence. It’s just a moment.”

With that said, Daidou Katsumi's hand was about to touch the huge main body of the fan.


With a series of crimson afterimages left behind, Lu Ziye arrived in front of Dao Keji in an instant, and clamped his outstretched hand with his right hand.

"I didn't say you could touch it." Without any hesitation, Lu Ziye raised his right foot and kicked it out, directly hitting Dao Keji's lower abdomen.

Bang-bang! !

Two consecutive kicks made Dao Keji's body tremble violently, and he even let out an imperceptible groan.

"I'm here to help you." The moment the soft drink rang out, Lu Ziye suddenly saw the blue figure raising his right hand from the corner of his eye. The gun-like right hand spurted out tongues of fire and fired towards the place where the two of them were.

"Didn't Terui Ryuu deal with him?" Lu Ziye didn't even hesitate and immediately released his grip on Dao Katsumi.

The eternal ceremonial robe appeared behind him and took the initiative to move towards the incoming cannonballs.


An extremely violent explosion exploded, and the flames spread with Lu Ziye as the center, but did not damage the main body of the fan behind him.

"You can touch me, but you can't touch my Wind Capital Tower!" Lu Ziye waved his eternal ceremonial robe, and the embers of the flame were blown away.

The opponent was a trigger dopant, a pistol-like device on his right hand that could shoot out explosive missiles. One hit could deflate Terui Ryu. Naturally, he couldn't avoid it and let the Fudu Tower behind him take the damage.

".He loves Fudu Tower so much." Below, Zuo Shotaro couldn't help but sigh after witnessing this scene.

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