Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 146 The black hole trigger is finally unlocked! It’s the perfect time!

The silver-white energy entwined, coupled with the golden light photon blood effect, seemed like Lu Ziye was the protagonist this time, and the majestic overflowing energy even overwhelmed the roaring and gathering wind.

"An Yu, do you think Lao Lu is more of a villain than Dao Keji?" Under such circumstances, Xia You expressed her feelings.

"It feels that way, maybe because his armor looks a little evil." An Yu nodded in agreement.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, just wait for the golden limit of Ace of Winds!" Feeling the majestic energy in his body, Lu Ziye felt so happy.

"It has nothing to do with the armor, he is the villain." Hearing the devilish laughter, An Yu immediately made a judgment.

"Why are you still talking? Use your strongest strength!" As he said that, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the two people who were motionless.

"." An Yu silently took out a brand new memory.

"Evolution! (Evolution)"

As the new memory was inserted into the drive and a sound effect sounded, An Yu's whole body emitted a faint white light.

In the white light, the original black base turned into dark red, and the golden pattern became more coherent. The armor on the chest showed the emblem of the ghost mantis. The added golden armor made it look more wild. , especially the golden antenna on the head, which has a sense of arrogance.

The original red compound eyes turned into dark green under the influence of the power of the ghost mantis, making the whole body filled with a different kind of beauty. This is the final posture of the thirteen undead beasts of the red heart series - Wild Chalice. Callis)!

"Sigma! (Sigma)"

Xia You has replaced the power of Amazons with the energy of the Chiji armband on his arm, and his whole body is enveloped in the super energy of the ancient Inca.

At the same time that the two of them had completed their strongest strength accumulation, there was a sudden sound of howling wind behind them, and a figure shrouded in golden light floated behind Lu Ziye and the others. Behind them were three pairs of data-like thin golden wings, and the original milky white armor in the middle. Turned into the color of gold.

And such a posture is the strongest form born from Cyclone Ace Extreme's absorption of the wind of earth's memory - Cyclone Joker GoldXtreme (Cyclone Joker GoldXtreme)!

"It's just a different form. There's a huge difference in the number of memories we have. Just enjoy yourself in hell!"

After Dao Keji finished speaking, he put the eternal memory into the eternal dagger and pressed the activation switch.

"Eternal! Maximum Drive! (Eternal! Ultimate Drive!)"

As the sound effects sounded, Dao Keji suddenly jumped up, and saw blue arcs flying wildly, energy gushing out like waves, and he suddenly released a knight kick towards where everyone was!

"Now, let's go."

Lu Ziye pulled out the photon blood memory and put it into the card slot on his waist.

With Lu Ziye's starting point, Xia You and An Yu also inserted the memory into the card slot on their side waist.

"Blaster Smash! Maximum Drive! (Explosion Smash! Ultimate Drive!)"

"Sigma! Maximum Drive! (Sigma! Ultimate Drive!)"

"Wild! Maximum Drive! (Wild! Extreme Drive!)"

Under the continuous sound of sound effects, the three of them were enveloped in an extremely terrifying energy. Compared with the power of Dao Keji, they were not inferior at all, and even had a faint tendency to surpass them.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them jumped up at the same time, assuming a knight kicking posture in mid-air.

The Gale Ace Golden Limit, which he had been witnessing, flapped three pairs of data wings behind him, and instantly came to the side of the three of them.

The four Knight Kicks met the lone Katsuki Daiichi.

The distance between the two sides continued to shorten at an extremely fast speed. At the moment when they were about to collide, Lu Ziye suddenly said: "Phillip, how long will it take for his abilities to recover!?"

"Four seconds left!" Philip responded after a moment of calculation.

"There should be no problem."

The next moment, Lu Ziye unfolded the magic circle in his right hand and took out the black hole trigger.

Previously, when he pretended to save Philip, the two discussed the ineffectiveness of the energy of the eternal memory. First of all, he wanted to obtain the eternal memory and did not want Philip to completely destroy it, so he did not let it completely destroy its ability.

Instead, a short-term invalid restriction was imposed. Now that the power of the eternal memory has been restored, the power that is enough to destroy the world is exactly what he wants to use!

The black hole trigger was suddenly thrown out by Lu Ziye and fell towards the center of the two sides.

"Damn it, Lao Lu, it turns out that's why you asked us to use our strongest power!" Seeing the black hole trigger being thrown, Xia You suddenly understood.

"Hey, have you regained your IQ after being squeezed out?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but tease Xia You because of his sudden intelligence.

"?" In contrast, An Yu didn't quite understand what was going on, and only had a confused look on his face.

But the current situation is no longer controllable by anyone. Even if Dao Keji sees the strange prop, he can't stop moving!

Boom! ! ! ! !

The two sides collided in mid-air, and the majestic and terrifying energy exploded in a spherical shape. It spread so fast that it almost instantly enveloped the Wind Capital Tower above and below.

Only ten centimeters away from the nearest fan blade, the diffusing energy suddenly stopped where it was, and then violently moved back.

The energy reflected in the sky above completely retreated and shrunk in just a few seconds, all pouring into the black hole trigger between the two!

"What is that?" Dao Katsumi finally saw the appearance of the device clearly from this distance.

"Daodao Keji, I will accept your power!"

The moment Lu Ziye finished speaking, the energy on the five people's feet was completely drained and absorbed by the black hole trigger.

I saw the petrification on the black hole's trigger gradually fading away, revealing its original black and white color scheme, and the meter in the center also began to rotate!

Swish, swish—!

Along with the rotation of the meter, a crimson energy wave suddenly spread out.

The spread of crimson energy directly ejected the nearest Daidou Katsumi and fell towards the Wind Capital Tower below.

As for Lu Ziye and others, without the blessing of the knight's kick energy, they also fell back to the Fengdu Tower from mid-air.

But when it fell, the ultimate golden power of the Ace of Winds dissipated, and it returned to the ultimate form of the Ace of Winds.

"Finally. Finally unlocked, the power of the black hole trigger!" Looking at the black hole trigger in his hand, Lu Ziye felt emotional and excited.

The complete power of Dao Katsuki's eternal memory, the strongest output of the Blade (sword) knight Wild Kallis, the ultimate earth memory power of the Golden Wind Ace, the super energy of the combination of the old and new Amazon powers, and his Offee An evolutionary pairing of Enoch and Photon Blood.

It took five powers approaching the top level system to completely unlock the black hole trigger. One can imagine how terrifying the energy required is!


At this moment, Dao Keji stood up and his eyes fell on Lu Ziye and others: "I haven't failed yet."

"Don't be anxious, this moment is the perfect moment."

Then, the black hole trigger in Lu Ziye's hand flashed with a faint white light, and turned into a black and white memory under the inexplicable power.

"Over The Evolution! (Beyond Evolution!)"

An extremely unique sound effect sounded, and the black and white memory replaced the original knight system memory.

"Cobra! Black Hole! Revolution! (Cobra! Black Hole! Revolution!)"

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