Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 148 Lao Lu’s victims have increased again!

[Congratulations on completing the final stage of the task, the rating will be integrated with the total rating]

[Players will be teleported out of this knight's realm in three minutes, please take your belongings with you]

A familiar virtual screen pops up, announcing the end of this challenge to the realm of knights.

Lu Ziye turned around and looked at the huge Fengdu Tower in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction. There was no sign of damage at all. The final stage of the mission should be stable!

"Old Lu, I feel like you had a lot of fun this time." Xia You came to the right side of Lu Ziye and tried to hook her shoulder.

But he looked around and couldn't find a place to strike. The body-shaped armor had no place for him to strike.

"Aren't you the same? You were so happy that you flew up." To be honest, Lu Ziye really couldn't forget Xia You who turned into a star that day.

"Ahem, even if you don't say that, we are still good brothers!" Xia You blushed, not adapting to the operating system at that time, and he didn't expect to fly to the sky.


The two memories were pulled out, and Lu Ziye released his transformation.

Standing on the edge of the Fengdu Tower, he stretched out against the sunset and said, "It's a pity that athlete's foot triggered the attack in the end."

He doesn't have much resentment towards the athlete's foot trigger, but he is very concerned about it. In the original plot line, OOO (Oates) made a cameo appearance.

But until now the plot is completely over, there is no sign of Oates.

Is it possible that in the realm of knights here, other knights will not make guest appearances?

"The athlete's foot trigger is just the athlete's foot trigger. The special props have been unlocked. Are you still not satisfied?" Xia You couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lu Ziye.

Lao Lu has only entered the realm of knights a few times. Not to mention the special props, he can use them so quickly!

It's pity that he is an experienced player who has played the game many times and doesn't even know where the special props are.

At this time, An Yu came over and stood on the left side of Lu Ziye: "Special props. Did you challenge the "wheel battle" in the arena? "

"Yeah." Lu Ziye nodded, then sat down, enjoying the last moment of the breeze.

"Lao Lu's incident caused quite a stir last time. Don't you know?" Xia You couldn't help but ask An Yu's words.

To be fair, at least 50% to 60% of the people in the buffer zone knew about Lu Ziye's last challenge to the fighting arena.

"I don't know. I was in another knight's realm before entering this dungeon." An Yu shook his head and showed curiosity: "What happened to Lao Lu?"

".This is the world of the boss. In addition to the next book, it is the next book." Hearing this, Xia You's mouth twitched, "The last time he entered the Build plot line, he was torn to pieces by Evolto, which resulted in The difficulty is increased, and players who have participated before will be forced to enter after one month.”

"It turns out you kid set me up!!" An Yu's face darkened instantly, and his fists were even clenched.

"Lao Lu, your victims have increased again. Hahahahaha." Xia You laughed on the spot after hearing this.

"." As the person involved, Lu Ziye did not speak.

It was somewhat inappropriate for him to speak in this situation.

Zuo Shotaro and others behind the three people did not disturb the conversation of the three people and left here silently.

"I'm giving up now. This may be my fate." After saying that, An Yu sighed and sat down resignedly.

"What about that? Although the difficulty is very high, the opportunities are also great, right?" Seeing this, Lu Ziye said cautiously, "Think again, many of the players who are forced to participate are high-level players. Maybe if we work hard, Just cleared it!”

"You underestimate the realm of A-level knights, let alone the top A+ level." An Yu felt like his head was getting big.

If they can't conquer it, the Cavaliers may be facing a major reshuffle, and there will definitely be some big moves in the weirdo area that has been eyeing them for a long time.

"Oh, by the way, didn't you mean five players? Why didn't I see another one?" Seeing that the atmosphere was getting heavy, Lu Ziye changed the subject.

"Killed by Tao Zhi." An Yu said. She accidentally learned this when she was fighting Tao Zhi.

"Isn't it too disgusting for players from the same camp to attack?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but frown after hearing this.

"Their "Seven Sins" are such players. They pursue power and interests. As long as they are profitable, they will do anything. "An Yu said with disgust on his face, "According to the information I know, the "Seven Sins" did not hesitate to massacre the entire city in order to obtain a certain prop. "

"I understand. Yu, from now on, anyone who encounters the "Seven Sins" will be beaten to death! "Lu Ziye sneered at such bad behavior.

It's not that he is very righteous, but he must at least have a bottom line.

At this moment, inexplicable power enveloped the three of them, and they disappeared from the Fengdu Tower in an instant.

In the same familiar luxurious room, the figures of Lu Ziye and three others appeared in it.

"I have begun to miss the wind in Fengdu." After muttering, Lu Ziye waved his left hand, and the magic circle immediately unfolded.

Click, click, click!

A piece of memory fell from the magic circle, which was the T2 memory he pulled out from Dao Katsumi.

"Family members, let's divide the spoils." Lu Ziye finished his words, and quickly took out the eternal memory, "You can choose what you want, each based on his ability!"

As the person who defeated Daidou Katsumi, it shouldn't be too much to choose a memory first, right?

The main reason is that he wants to improve the strength of the entire team. Later, he will face the A+ level Build plot line. The strength of a single person is limited, so improving the strength of the entire team is more impressive.

Furthermore, the energy of T2 memory is much stronger than that of T1 memory. In addition, all of them are destroyed in the plot line, so the value must be quite high.

Although the W system is not that high, it is still quite good to assist in improving attack methods.

"Then I want Nazca, I still like it." Xia You was not polite and took Nazca's memory directly.

"This is your trophy, are you sure you want to share it with us?" After witnessing Xia You's actions, An Yu looked at Lu Ziye in surprise.

"I don't know about others, but I am willing anyway." Lu Ziye responded, but his eyes swept over the memory, and he once again took down the Xtreme memory with rapid hand speed.

Hearing this, An Yu said nothing more and immediately took down the Fang memory.

The next moment, Lu Ziye and Xia You's eyes fell on the Zone memory, and they both felt each other's intentions.

"Old Lu, look there's a rich big sister with blond hair and animal ears over there!" Xia You said in an emotional voice, as if there really was a big sister behind Lu Ziye like he described.

"Women will only affect my speed of opening a black hole!" Lu Ziye was not fooled at all and had no intention of turning back.

Just as the two of them were staring at each other, An Yu, who was not involved in the situation, directly took the spatial memory with his little hand.

"Well, I remember this quite well." After muttering, An Yu began to look for the next target.

Lu Ziye and Xia You: "."

What on earth are they fighting over?

A virtual screen popped up in front of the three people, showing the settlement of the Knight's Realm.

[Challenge the Knight’s Realm—"Eternal Memory" rating begins. 】

[Integrate the completion rate of the first phase tasks and the final phase tasks]

["Eternal Memory" clearance rating——S+ level]

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