Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 156 I’ll send you to have barbecue today!

The swung signal ax fell directly towards Bo Yingzhi's chest, which was the core of the mechanical mutant.

"Stop!!!" Tomari Shinosuke shouted angrily, but his body was far from keeping up with the thoughts in his mind.

Tomono Shinosuke could only watch the signal ax fall, and Tomonashi, who was originally in his arms, suddenly moved away, and even stepped back several positions on the spot, and came to Next Drive's side.


The signal ax fell and landed on the ground in front of Toro Shinosuke, and the entire ax blade penetrated into the ground.

"Hey, you dodged pretty quickly."

Lu Ziye was a little surprised. He had thought that the other party would take this blow hard, so that he and Tomonosuke would misunderstand. He really didn't expect that 108 would be so straightforward and just stopped pretending!

"Hideshi.?" The person in his arms disappeared, and Tomonosuke was stunned.

"Ah, really, the plan almost succeeded." Bo Yingzhi's face was extremely cold, and when he looked at Bo Jinnosuke, he could not see the deep affection between father and son before. There was only a strange feeling at all.

"Hideshi, everything you said is lying to me, right?" In such a scene, Tomari Shinosuke still didn't understand that he had been lied to.

"No, 80% of the words are true. That is a technique to make lies believable." As he said that, Bo Yingzhi took out a tablet in his hand, "I am a Kamen Rider from the future. This kind of effect can definitely be achieved. "

Under his operation, the gunshot wound on the chest gradually disappeared, and the virtual screen that appeared on the tablet gave real-time feedback on the status of the next generation of Chiqi.

"What is your purpose!?" Toba Jinnosuke's lips were trembling slightly. He believed in Toba Yingzhi so much, but he didn't expect that he would be deceived in the end.

"Of course I want to destroy you and Kurim. You are very difficult enemies." Bo Yingzhi said, his eyes falling on the belt-san on the ground. "However, even without my intervention, it seems that it will not work."

After hearing this, Tomonosuke's expression gradually became ferocious, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye stood up and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't listen to him. He is the mechanical mutant 108 from the future. He stole your son's equipment and likes to call other people his father!"

".Mechanical mutant 108?" Under Lu Ziye's reminder, Tomari Shinosuke gradually calmed down.

"You know so much, but I don't have time to waste it with you." After saying that, Bo Yingzhi put a bracelet on his wrist, "Start Our Mission!"


Seeing that the other party was about to transform, Lu Ziye did not go to high speed to stop the other party.

Not to mention the possible transformation invincibility frame, he also wants to defeat the opponent from the front!


As Bo Yingzhi put the next-generation special gear-shifting chariot into the bracelet, he turned it at the same time.

"Drive! Type Next! (Drive! Type Next!)"

The second-generation Chiqi beside him turned into streaks of black fluid, and turned into an armored posture as it surrounded Bo Yingzhi.

The moment the armor comes together, the dark armor is revealed. The turning surface is outlined in blue, and the bottom coat is covered with blue lines all over the body. This style makes it full of futuristic sci-fi style.

In Lu Ziye's eyes, the information about the next generation of Chiqi was undoubtedly revealed, and the level judgment was even the top B+ level at this stage!

"You in the past are no match for the power of the Dark Drive in the future." In Bo Yingzhi's words, the next generation of Chiqi is called Dark Drive.

"That's hard to say."

Seeing that the other party had completed his transformation, Lu Ziye instantly entered high speed, leaving afterimages in the air, and he was already in front of Bo Yingzhi.


Bo Yingzhi, who received a punch from Lu Ziye, took a step back, but it seemed that he did not suffer much damage.

"It's surprising that the past had such power." Bo Yingzhi said as he brushed away the non-existent dust on his chest.

"There are a lot of things that surprise you." Lu Ziye didn't waste any time. He waved his left hand and a sound terminator suddenly appeared in his hand.

The left hand played the terminator, the right hand signal ax, and then the whole person started to rotate.

“Tornado destroys parking lot—!”

Lu Ziye, who transformed into a small top, and with the blessing of high speed, was close to Bo Yingzhi in an instant.

"Hmph!" Bo Yingzhi snorted, and the light on his right hand flashed, and the weapon and equipment called the dagger gunner solidified.

The next moment, Bo Yingzhi waved the dagger gunner in his hand and slashed at Lu Ziye, who was on the small top.


Under the action of ultra-high-speed rotation, the short sword gunman's slashes were deflected on the spot, or even escaped directly.

At this moment, the weapons in Lu Ziye's hands struck Bo Yingzhi in the chest one after another.


Amidst a burst of golden sounds, the blue data defense field unfolded, completely blocking Lu Ziye's high-speed slashes.

Then, the blue data defense field advanced, directly pressing towards Lu Ziye, forcing him to retreat back.

"Sure enough, there is no way to break through the defense." Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered as he dodged to avoid the push of the defensive field.

He is quite familiar with the settings of the next generation Chiqi. Its biggest feature is the defensive field all over the body and the built-in plasma generating device, which can destroy anything inside that comes into contact with the enemy.

In other words, the next generation Chiqi can ignore his armor defense and directly attack the interior itself. It is precisely because of this setting that the next generation of Chiqi can benchmark the final form of Drive.

His high-speed slash just now was just to see if he could break through the opponent's defense. Now it seemed that his attack basically couldn't break through the opponent's defense.

"I said, as old models, you cannot defeat me." Bo Yingzhi's tone was full of disdain.

"The armor enhancement work should be completed." He, Lu Ziye, couldn't see the other party being so arrogant, so he took out the black hole trigger with his little hand.

"Over The Evolution! (Beyond Evolution)"

"I'll send you to have barbecue today." Lu Ziye took out the Dragon Evolution Bottle and replaced it with the Cobra Evolution Bottle.

"Cobra! Rider System! Revolution! Are you ready? (Cobra! Rider System! Revolution! Are you ready?)"

"Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha! (Black hole! Black hole! Black hole! Revolution! Huhahahaha!)"

With even more arrogant laughter, Lu Ziye disappeared and gradually revealed his figure as if tearing apart the space.

"Huh?" Bo Yingzhi made a confused voice.

Because at this moment, the next generation Chiqi eye analysis system was flashing red light crazily, and the results displayed were all unanalyzable, analysis failure, etc.

At the same time, Lu Ziye took a step forward. The high speed did not even leave a few afterimages in the air, and he arrived in front of Bo Yingzhi as if he was teleporting.

With the foundation of the Evolved Dragon, his speed will reach the next level even faster!


Before Bo Yingzhi could react, Lu Ziye grabbed the 'little ears' on his head.

Lu Ziye's raised right fist was suddenly wrapped with black hole energy. When it was completely wrapped, he punched him in the face!

boom--! !

At the moment of the hit, black energy overflowed, the place where the two were standing collapsed and collapsed, and the surrounding environment was plundered and destroyed in the blink of an eye.

When Lu Ziye let go of his hand, Bo Yingzhi flew out uncontrollably. The cracks on his face that were attacked from the front gradually spread. The moment before he landed, his face was completely shattered, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound. , blue and black facial fragments were scattered on the ground.

"Humph" Bo Yingzhi grunted as he landed. Under the damaged mask was his extremely ferocious face.

But more importantly, he couldn't believe that he was equipped with future technology from 2035, so how could he be defeated by the Kamen Riders of the past.

"I'm so sorry, this is not the power of the past, it's alien technology!"

As he spoke, Lu Ziye turned the drive handle while walking step by step towards Bo Yingzhi who fell on the ground.

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