Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 176 How did you open your mouth?

When Lu Ziye's eyes fell on Wu Tianyuan, Wu Tianyuan was floating and falling from the wall.

".I will give you a chance to become a part of me, and you will become the ultimate life form." After Wu Tianyuan finished speaking, he extended his right hand to Lu Ziye.

At the same time, a little light flashed in his dark red compound eyes, and as the data flashed, he was clearly analyzing various situations of Lu Ziye.

The reason why he said this was because the analysis results in his eyes told him that Lu Ziye was not an ordinary life form. If he could absorb it, he would not only be closer to the ultimate life form, but also gain a variety of abilities to enhance his combat power. .

"No, you were eating melon seeds in the toilet - how did you open your mouth?"

After saying this, Lu Ziye couldn't help but ponder for a moment. Did he look easy to bully or something? Wu Tianyuan came up to give him such a sentence.

"Is that so? Then we have nothing to say."

As Wu Tianyuan's eyes turned, the nictitating membrane covered him like a blink of an eye, and the figure disappeared from where he was.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Tianyuan appeared next to Lu Ziye, and there was a rotating eyeball in the palm of his right hand, and it covered his face at an extremely fast speed.

"Ouch...!" The moment Lu Ziye caught this scene with his peripheral vision, his facial features almost twisted together.

But his movements were not affected in any way. With a slight sideways movement, he avoided Wu Tianyuan's covering right hand.

But Wu Tianyuan did not end the attack. The moment his right hand failed, the slender tail behind him was completely released, and the six-meter-long tail suddenly stabbed Lu Ziye's lower abdomen.


Just when the tail was about to be stabbed, Lu Ziye reached out and held the tip of its tail to stop it from going any further.

"Fuck, it's so disgusting." The moment he held the tail, Lu Ziye felt a sticky feeling in his hand, which was Drast's unique viscous liquid.

Just as Lu Ziye finished speaking, Wu Tianyuan's right shoulder lit up again, and the faint light swept around him like infrared rays. The moment two pale rays of light swept over Lu Ziye's body, blue light was released.

Just when the blue light was released, Lu Ziye instantly entered high speed and came to the position beside Wu Tianyuan.

When the pale light swept across, he captured this place without being swept by it. The moment the blue light stopped, Lu Ziye suddenly waved his hand and penetrated directly into Wu Tianyuan's shoulder, tightly holding the laser cannon device that emits blue light.

Just as Lu Ziye pulled, Wu Tianyuan's hand suddenly grasped his wrist.

"Your body belongs to me." After saying this, Wu Tianyuan's body bloomed with a white light.

When the white light bloomed, Lu Ziye knew clearly that the other party was using the ability to absorb. In this article, ZO was absorbed by Dras's move.

Knowing this, of course he would not insert his hand into his shoulder without any preparation.

Just as the white light became stronger and stronger, Lu Ziye held the laser cannon in his hand and released the black hole energy. The release of the black hole energy condensed into a small black hole in an instant. The appearance of the small black hole instantly swallowed up the laser cannon device, followed by the right shoulder where Wu Tianyuan's laser cannon was located!

"Huh?" Wu Tianyuan noticed this and did not make any move. Instead, the white light became more powerful, and his own body was emitting a faint blue light.

"Suck it, you suck it. Let me see which one is faster, you or the black hole." Seeing that Wu Tianyuan didn't make any move, Lu Ziye released the black hole energy again, causing the small black hole to instantly expand in size.

Feeling the gravity of the black hole intensifying, the white light on Wu Tianyuan immediately dissipated, and he slashed with his left hand, cutting off the right half of his chest!

The moment it was cut off, Wu Tianyuan quickly retreated, and in just the blink of an eye, he retreated dozens of meters away from Lu Ziye.

"You are so cruel to yourself." The small black hole in Lu Ziye's hand was seen surging, and his severed body was completely swallowed into it.

With a slight squeeze, the small black hole in his hand turned into dots of starlight and dissipated. Lu Ziye then came to the front of Wu Tianyuan at high speed, and raised his right fist to hit his face!

Bang - bang bang bang! !

His right fist landed firmly on Wu Tianyuan's face, and he was sent flying backwards in an instant. The already broken place was once again hit. Wu Tianyuan, who was flying upside down, hit several broken walls before falling down slowly. Flying trend.

Lu Ziye, who was on the same spot, clenched his fist slightly: "Tsk, there is no real feeling of defeat."

On the other hand, looking at the place where Wu Tianyuan flew upside down, the opponent suddenly stood up from the ruins. Just as Lu Ziye said, his face did not have any damage.

"Ready go! Black Hole Finish! (Ready go! Black Hole Finish!)"

The moment Wu Tianyuan stood up, Lu Ziye had already turned the driver's handle and jumped towards the opponent's location.

Wu Tianyuan raised his head slightly, various analyzed data flashed in his eyes. When the nictitating membrane covered it, his body turned into liquid and headed towards the chrysalis in the ruins below.

"Ciao~ (Goodbye)"

As the final sound effect sounded, Lu Ziye cooperated with the use of high speed and instantly reached the place where Wu Tianyuan left.

Boom - boom! ! !

The ruins that Lu Ziye stepped on were detonated instantly, and the ensuing explosions and flames filled the area in an instant. The energy completely hit the explosion at one point, making the energy detonation extremely exaggerated, even from a distance. You can also see the pillar of fire shooting straight into the sky from here!

When the pillar of fire faded, Lu Ziye stood on a piece of scorched earth, with a deep pit nearly a hundred meters in diameter beneath his feet.

".Or did you escape?" Looking at the scorched earth around him, Lu Ziye did not see any wreckage.

Just as he shook his head in disappointment, a slight flash of light caught his attention.

"I'm telling you, there's no way it's possible to escape so easily!" Picking up the glowing object, Lu Ziye's mouth was grinning from ear to ear under the mask.

The prop in his hand at this moment was the Musashi Soul held by Wu Tianyuan!

At this moment, Evolto's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Hey, boy, haven't you ever thought about why he ran away? 】

"Of course I've thought about it, if he wants to run away even though he still has power but it's useless, he must be unable to deal with my black hole." Lu Ziye snorted and said very proudly.

[What is your black hole? That's my black hole! My black hole! ! ! 】

Evolto's tone was extremely exciting, and Lu Ziye could even imagine him jumping "among all things".

"What's yours? If I'm using it, then it's mine!" Lu Ziye said coquettishly, leaving no thought for Evolto.

【snort! I won’t argue with you. When your kid suffers, don’t come to me! ! 】

Evolto, who was humming softly, suddenly fell silent, as if he was still hiding something.

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