Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 187: Great Harvest! On the Eve of Build Line!

Time flies, and leisure time always passes quickly, just like playing glue.

"You guys practice first, I'll go to "Huan Meng Wushuang". "Lu Ziye greeted Xia You and Gao Junior Three, then stood up to leave.

He gave the Faiz drive to Tan Lidou a few days ago, and today is the time he agreed to pick up the drive.

"Father, remember to bring me some curry rice when you come back!"

Bang bang bang——!

Before Xia You could finish her words, she was punched twice in succession by the senior high school student, and her body couldn't stop retreating.

"Lao Gao, you are so mean to me!" Xia You stopped and rubbed her belly that was hit by the bombardment.

"Who distracted you? You said you wanted me to train with you!" After the third grade of junior high school finished speaking, he immediately took out the abyss saw blade to increase Xia You's strength.

"If you say that, I won't be polite!" When Xia You saw this, he was no longer polite, and a Jiji armband appeared on his arm.

"You two, be careful, don't let this happen!" Seeing the two of them at odds, Lu Ziye couldn't help but remind him.

When the two heard this, the Abyss Saw Blade and Chiji Armband disappeared immediately, and they began to fight hand-to-hand.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye left with peace of mind.

But the moment he stepped out of Gaia's courtyard, there was a violent collision behind him.

"What two living dads, Gaia Courtyard will be defeated by you sooner or later." Sighing, Lu Ziye shook his head and headed to "Huanmeng Wushuang".

Under Lu Ziye's guidance, he soon arrived at the "Huanmeng Wushuang" store.

"Boss God, I'm here to pick up the goods!" Lu Ziye shouted as soon as he entered the store.

"You don't have to shout, I know you're coming." Tan Lidou had been waiting at the counter for a long time, and rolled his eyes at Lu Ziye who walked in.

"Hehe, definitely next time." Lu Ziye said casually, his eyes completely fixed on Tan Lidou's hand, waiting for the other party to take out the upgraded photon blood bottle.

"Take it." With that said, Tan Lidou took out the photon blood bottle from under the counter.

After the upgrade, the appearance of the photon blood bottle has changed a lot. Now it is light golden in color, and the outer material is dark red.

In Lu Ziye's eyes, the power of authority was also activated at the same time, showing detailed information.

[Photon Blood FullBottle (Photon Blood Full Bottle): manufactured by Tan Li Dou. After activating the components, photon blood will be incorporated into the armor, causing it to enter a physical acceleration state of 1,500 times, which can last for 25 seconds. In this state, the special special move "Blaster Smash" can be released ”. The cooling time is twenty-four hours, and forced use will shorten the lifespan]

["Blaster Smash (Explosion Smash): Lock the target with a golden-red electric diamond mark, inject super photon blood and detonate it when it hits, causing all matter within a kilometer in diameter to return to nothingness]

[Note: If used for more than forty seconds, your own armor will dissolve and cause photon blood burst]

After reading the information, Lu Ziye couldn't wait to take it in his hands. Compared with the previous information, although the change was not big intuitively, the improvement was real.

The original acceleration of 1,200 times has been increased to 1,500 times, and the duration has also been increased by five seconds. Don't underestimate these five seconds. With the acceleration of 1,500 times, it is enough for him to massacre the previous "wheel battle" Those players.

The most important change in power is the special nirvana. Before, only matter within a hundred meters was destroyed, but now matter within a kilometer is reduced to nothingness. They are two completely different concepts. It is said that the power has increased by several times. The class is not exaggerated!

"Most of the research has been completed, I'll give it back to you." Tan Lidou felt quite satisfied when he saw Lu Ziye couldn't put it down.

Then, Tan Lidou took out the diamonds, orangutans, and Shake Rabbit bottles.

"It's complete." Lu Ziye must put the two full bottles of diamonds and orangutans into the Pandora panel device. The diamond bottles can prevent physical damage and reflect energy, and are very practical.

The Gorilla Bottle is even more exaggerated. The enhancement of monster power and halving of physical damage are quite satisfactory, but its instant death effect is simply a weapon for overcoming enemies.

Furthermore, if the physical damage is halved and the damage of Heartbeat Crisis is halved, maybe you can get a complete damage avoidance.

But at this moment, Lu Ziye's movements suddenly stopped: "Wait a minute. You said the research is completed? Is the Cancer switch also completed?!"

"Of course, I paid the price of five lives to help you make it in advance." Tan Lidou immediately leaned back, holding a new full bottle in his right hand.

"Boss! You are my eternal god!!" Lu Ziye immediately took the newly filled bottle from Tan Lidou.

[Cancer FullBottle (Cancer Full Bottle): manufactured by Tan Li Dou. After use, while the whole body's defense is increased, three layers of invisible defense carapace are created, which can defend against three attacks beyond the limit of its own endurance. It can take out the soul circle of a creature and cut it off to put it into eternal sleep. 】

[Note: To take out the Soul Circle, it needs to be in contact with its object for more than ten seconds, and it must be lower than the user's strength]

"Holy shit. It's such a good thing!" In Lu Ziye's opinion, the ability of the Soul Circle is a bit useless, and it is an artifact that can be used to torture people.

But it can defend against three attacks that exceed the endurance limit, which is a god among gods. Think about it during a battle, if you inexplicably block the opponent's fatal blow and then suddenly counterattack, the opponent may not be able to react. It's not very satisfying!

"Are you going to that A+ level knight realm this time?" Suddenly, Tan Lidou spoke, making Lu Ziye look at him.

"Yeah." Lu Ziye nodded, "You actually care about this?"

To be honest, he was not completely sure about the Build line after the difficulty increased. Not to mention what kind of changes there were in Killbus (Qirubas). Furthermore, the plot line might not be what he knew. From all aspects, it was It will be his biggest challenge since joining the game!

"You are excellent as a partner, and I am very satisfied with the materials you brought me. Of course I don't want you to die." Tan Lidou said with a slight snort, which is why he was willing to sacrifice five lives to process the full-scale Cancer bottle reason.

"I won't die that easily. The worst I can do is hold on and get passed by the Knight Realm." Lu Ziye said as he put away the various full bottles on the counter.

"Hmph, you'd better do that." Tan Lidou waved his hand, turned around and returned to work.

"Boss, let's go." Seeing this, Lu Ziye packed up the bottles and left "Huanmeng Wushuang".

But after Lu Ziye left, Tan Lidou stopped what he was doing and glanced at the door.

"The game is finally starting to roll again."

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