Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 196 I heard his voice but didn’t see him!

In the front are Kiryu Sento and Wanzhang Ryuuga riding motorcycles, while in the back is Lu Ziye driving the second-generation Cetron to carry the monkey across the sea.

"Hey, hey, are you that rich?!" Saruwatari Kazumi's surprised voice came from beside him.

As a large farmer in Beidu, it was not that he couldn't afford a sports car. But he clearly remembered that Lu Ziye was still sharing a motorcycle with Kiryu Zhantu and the others before, so how come the sports cars were all driven in the blink of an eye?

"I'll take what others don't want." Lu Ziye shrugged and lay down comfortably on the seat.

Arudu Yihai: "???"

"Are you kidding? How can someone not want a sports car?" Sarutotari Kazumi just listened. He didn't believe that anyone would not want a sports car.

"Really, no one wants it." Lu Ziye was surprised. No one believes the truth these days.

Think about the next generation Cetron, if he hadn't pocketed it, no one would have cared about this sports car at that time.

"Hey! Your hands! Your hands are off the steering wheel!" Saruto Yihai suddenly discovered that Lu Ziye's hands had left the steering wheel, and his voice was trembling when he spoke.

"Don't worry, it's fully automatic, right Cetron?" Lu Ziye said immediately when he saw Sarudu Yikai's panic.

Then, a mechanical electronic voice sounded in the car: "Yes."

"!!!" Hearing the electronic sound, Saruwatari Kazumi looked surprised, and then quickly took out his wallet, "Do you still have this sports car? I want to order one too!"

Saruwatari Kazumi, who maintained his posture, gradually became more indulgent, and even had a bit of a madman in it.

"When I have this sports car, I can invite Mi Tan for a ride, and we can even ride in the car. Hehehehe, ahem, no matter what, it's time to burn the heart and prepare for enlightenment. This is another level of relationship with Mi Tan. Chance!"

All the thoughts coming from Saruto Ichikai's mouth were heard by Lu Ziye next to him.

"As expected of Brother Hai, this taste is so right." Lu Ziye couldn't help but sigh, Yuan Duyihai really thought about the stone moving Meikong at any time.


At this moment, the next generation Cetron slowly stopped, and the scene in front of him changed from the road at the beginning to a trail.

On the other side of the trail, it was the Xidu army led by the Washio brothers, and they were advancing towards them.

Seeing that Sarudu Yihai next to him was still immersed in fantasy, Lu Ziye immediately patted him on the shoulder: "Ah Hai, the fantasy time is almost over, we have reached the road to heaven."

After hearing this, Saruwatari Ichikai was so excited that he suddenly came back to his senses: "Why does my heart sound so loud?"

"You said it all." After saying this, Lu Ziye opened the car door and walked out.

On the other side is an endless army of defenders, and here is a group of only four people.

"Hey, Kamen Riders from Toto. No, there is another Kamen Rider from Hokuto. We will defeat you." Washio Rai with white gears spoke first.

"Whoever defeats him can't say for certain!" Wanzhanglong I would not hold back, so I immediately shouted softly.

"You're just talking nonsense." Washio Kaze finished speaking, slowly raised his right hand, and gave an attack command to the defender behind him.

As the order was issued, a large number of defenders rushed out in an instant and charged towards the four people on Lu Ziye's side.

"We must not let them enter the Eastern Capital!" Kiryu War Rabbit exhaled slowly, inserting the Shake Rabbit bottle in his hand into the driver that had been worn on his waist.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it!" Wan Zhanglong waved his hand to catch the falling Croziosaurus. He can no longer use the squeeze driver. War Rabbit is still working on the props to adapt to the newly filled bottles. .

"I'll open the way!" Saruwatari Kazumi said as he turned the robot squeeze gel bottle in his hand.

"Red Speedy jumper! Rabbit Rabbit! YABEII! HAEEI~! (Red Speedy Jumper! Rabbit Rabbit! Super dangerous! Super fast!)"

"Wake up burning! Get CROSS-Z DRAGON! Yeah! (Awakening burning! Get the power of the Terminator Dragon! Yeah!)"

"RobotJelly! Crushed! Flowed! Overflowing! Robot in Grease! Buraa!"

As the three transformation sound effects sounded, the three Kamen Riders, led by Saruwatari Ichikai, rushed towards the oncoming army of defenders.

The three of them were like tigers rushing into the herd, especially with the cooperation of Sarudu Yikai and Wanzhang Ryuuga. No defender could catch the fists of the two. The sound of explosions sounded one after another, and no defender could stop them. The steps of the three people moving forward.

"Burn the fire in your heart! Defeat your body!!"

"Now I am invincible!"

Both Sarudu Yihai and Wanzhang Longga drank lightly, venting their surging emotions.

Lu Ziye, who stayed in place, did not move. His eyes fell on the three of them, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

"This is the charm of Kamen Rider!"

After Lu Ziye finished speaking, he took steps forward. With the cooperation of the three people, no defender could come over at all, so his steps were very relaxed and comfortable.

As for the reason why he didn't take action, it was because he was more concerned about the players mentioned in the third year of high school.

He needed to find out why those players participated in the war in the Western Capital, whether it was for side missions or for other reasons.

If he takes action now, in order to save energy, he will most likely use high speed to overturn these defenders instantly. Players who may have mixed in will not come forward again. In order to ensure the appearance of players, he refrained from joining in. Among the three members of Zhan Rabbit.

However, at this moment, a sound effect sounded on the road.

"Final Vent! (Final arrival)"

Their voice was heard, but their figure was nowhere to be seen. Even the movements of Kiryu Zhantu and others were stunned. Their long-term combat experience told them that the opponent must be up to something.

Just when the three of them were on guard, a white figure suddenly rushed out from the bushes on the side.

The white figure was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Wanzhang Longga, and its tyrannical force threw him to the ground on the spot!


Sparks flew everywhere, and the white figure dragged Wanzhang Longwo to the ground and swooped away into the distance.

"Damn it. Sneak Attack Tiger!" The moment the white figure appeared, Lu Ziye from behind could clearly see the other person's appearance.

And when Wan Zhanglong was being dragged out, another white figure was standing at the end of the drag, with a tiger-claw-like weapon in his hand that was even more eye-catching.

It was armor with silvery white and blue stripes, and the weapons on the hands were tiger claws. At this moment, they were already raised to launch a final blow at the Ten Thousand Zhanglong Dragon that was dragging me over!

"Kamen Rider from Toto? Nothing more than that!"

The knight took a posture and shouted softly. At the same time, the tiger claw on his right hand suddenly fell towards the approaching Ten Thousand Zhang Longga.

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