Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 208 EvolBuild! Sublime change!

Before Killbus could speak, the crimson bottle in Lu Ziye's hand lit up.

Then, under his gaze, several Pandora's boxes were generated, and with Lu Ziye's actions, they were all thrown at Killbus' feet.

"There are many more, don't be polite to me." What Lu Ziye used was the comic book full bottle ability in the crimson full bottle. It can not only scan the material structure, but also materialize its paintings, which is a complete one-to-one reproduction. its appearance.

But he was complaining in his heart about how much Killbus liked Kakizaki Satoshi's appearance. This was not the timeline of the new world, but his appearance still mimicked him.

"Then let me find out the real Pandora's Box from you."

As he finished speaking, Killbus took steps that he would not recognize as a relative, and gradually approached Lu Ziye.

At the same time, he took out the Killbus Spider in his hand, stuffed the full bottle into it and put it into the drive on his waist.

"KillbuSpider! Are You Ready? (QilbuSpider! Are you ready?)"

The moment the sound effect sounds, the high-speed factory in the drive unfolds and turns into two dark red spider web-like structures at the front and rear.


Low and irritating words sounded, and the two spider web-like structures at the front and back suddenly shrouded and twisted. In the vortex-like energy cover, six spider limbs extended from behind, and then gathered together on the Qilubas spider device.

"Spider! Spider! Killbus Spider! (Spider! Spider! Killbus Spider!)"

As the final sound effects fell, Killbus had completed his transformation.

The whole body is mainly dark red, and the armor on the body is based on spider elements. The head is shaped like extremely ferocious compound eyes and spider mouthparts. The chest is shaped like a spider head and legs. The shoulder armor is shaped like a spider. It has two elements: spider web and lower limbs.

Such completely dark red armor seems to highlight the name and identity of Killbus, the blood king!

"People are cool and armor is also cool." Lu Ziye complained silently, and his eyes fell on the crimson bottle in his hand. Fortunately, he had made preparations earlier, otherwise it would be difficult to face Killbus in the form of a black hole.

[EvolBuild FullBottle (evolution creation full bottle): Fill the bottle with sixty special abilities, which can be combined with any power it contains. When the sixty abilities are combined, unexpected power will be born]

[Note: This full bottle is in an incomplete state, and some of the ingredients cannot be mixed effectively, so players can release the full bottle state and replace the ingredients at any time]

The information that appeared in his eyes made him sigh that it was a pity.

To be honest, the full bottle in his hand was not the best state he had dreamed of, but time was tight, so he could only use the abilities of other bottles to fill them up, and then he had sixty abilities, and then he was in this state. .

The only thing that concerned him was the unexpected power in the description.

But Lu Ziye didn't think too much about the current situation. Seeing Killbus getting closer, he immediately pressed the full bottle in his hand.

"Rising! (Sublimation)"

The moment the sound effect sounded, Lu Ziye put it into the Evol drive, and there was a black hole trigger already inserted on it.

As the handle of the Evol driver turns, the center of the crimson full bottle also blooms with red and blue light.

"EvolBuild! Are you ready? (Evolution Chuangqi! Are you ready?)"


As Lu Ziye shouted softly, a black and white platform suddenly unfolded under his feet, and as the platform unfolded, complex facilities rose up, and sixty full bottles in the same form as the genius began to be loaded.

The difference was that there were two rotating golden haloes above and below it. At the moment when the sixty-full bottles were loaded, the two haloes surrounded Lu Ziye and enveloped him. Armor similar to the genius but not exactly the same emerged.

"Black Hole! Black Hole! Rising Revolution! EvolBuild! Fuhhahhahhahha! (Black Hole! Black Hole! Sublimation Change! Evolution Creation Rider! Huhahahahaha!)"

The moment the golden circle of light stopped spinning, black energy suddenly rippled out in all directions. The ripples of energy covered the surrounding crowd and moved them hundreds of meters away in an instant.

【This power is really good! 】

Even Evolto in "Between All Things" felt a completely different power at this moment, and even sighed because of this power.

As the person involved, Lu Ziye had another novel experience. Different from the black hole form, he could feel the combination of the power of the black hole and the full bottle. There was even almost unlimited energy waiting for him to squander it!

However, Killbus did not stop after seeing such a scene, but instead accelerated his pace.

"It's really good. You can definitely become a good energy!"

In just a blink of an eye, Killbus was in front of Lu Ziye, and his right fist suddenly swung out.

Facing the oncoming fist, Lu Ziye did not hesitate at all and also swung his right fist to meet the opponent.

Bang - boom! !

The moment the two right fists collided, the air was stirred up into ripples, and the dark red and black energy spread out, causing explosions out of thin air.

However, the two parties in the center were not affected by this. Instead, they made other actions at the same time.

Lu Ziye retracted his right fist, followed by swinging his left fist sideways, and landed directly on the right side of Killbus' jaw. On the other hand, Killbus suddenly turned his body upside down. When his legs swung down, he put his right hand on the ground and struck the inside of Lu Ziye's calf with his left fist.


The landing of both feet was blocked by Lu Ziye's left fist, and he raised his foot to step down, colliding with Killbus' left fist to stop his attack.

The collision between the two again triggered a surge of energy between the two. The surge of energy detonated the surrounding space, and large flames bloomed, burning blazingly around the two of them.

"That's the kind of energy! I just need that kind of energy!!" Killbus was extremely excited. He waved his right hand on the ground and turned his body back again.

Just when these words fell, Lu Ziye had already turned the driver handle.

"Evol Side! (Evolution Side)"

The moment the sound effect sounded, black energy gathered in Lu Ziye's right fist, and as it exploded, it turned into several black holes.

Bang - boom! ! !

Several black holes unfolded and bombarded Killbus' body out of thin air. Before he could even react, his body flew backwards.

Bang bang bang bang bang-!

The sound of countless explosions resounded on Killbus's body as he flew backwards. Sparks flew everywhere, and countless electric arcs began to appear on his armor. It was as if Killbus's armor had reached its limit under this blow.

But as Killbus landed, the arc on the armor disappeared, and he turned over and stood up.

"What a pity, your power is of no use to me!" Killbus shouted softly, and with a wave of his right hand, he condensed the Drill Crusher.

As the Drill Crusher swung down, a dark red slashing wave shot out from it and headed straight for Lu Ziye's location.

"It's useless, it's just temporary." Facing the incoming dark red slash wave, Lu Ziye just waved his right hand to meet it.


Under Lu Ziye's attack, the dark red slash wave was shattered like glass and scattered into energy into the air.

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