Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 214 Infinite Galaxy Full Bottle! The ultimate power!

At this time, a wormhole opened in Nasita's coffee shop.

Immediately afterwards, a white figure jumped out and closed the wormhole in front of him the moment it came out.


The white figure jumped out, then knocked down the table behind it, leaving only Wan Zhanglong and Xia You in front of the table holding up their forks, with a few instant noodles hanging on them that they didn't have time to put into their mouths.

When the white figure looked at the two people, the scene was quite quiet for a while.

"Ah! My protein instant noodles!!"

".I haven't even had a bite yet!"

In an instant, Xia You and Wan Zhang Long Wo screamed, and the instant noodles scattered on the ground made them even more heartbroken.

"How about I make coffee for you?" After thinking for a while, Evolto said.

"Evolto? Who wants to drink your coffee? It tastes so bad!" Wan Zhanglong immediately reacted and refused on the spot.

"Coffee sounds good. Give me a cup." Xia You, who had never been persecuted before, asked for a cup out of curiosity.

"No, do you really dare to drink his coffee?" Wan Zhanglong and I were all stunned, but Xia You is so brave, "Believe me, that coffee is really not..."

Before Wanzhang Longga could finish his words, Evolto's figure swept past the counter like a whirlwind, then came to Xia You's side with a cup of coffee, and waved his hand to pull up the fallen table.

"This is my new inspiration, called "What is it like to have a partner?" "The coffee was placed in front of Xia You, and Evolto sat opposite Xia You at the same time.

"What a strange name." Xia You muttered, but still picked up the coffee.

But before Xia You could drink it, Lu Ziye's consciousness replaced Evolto.

The scene in front of Evolto instantly changed back to "between all things", and the sudden switch made him slightly stunned.

".You! Let me see his reaction after drinking it!" Evolto yelled into the void above unwillingly, "Anyway, I have increased your danger level by 0.2, and this is how you will be treated. Partner?"

There was no response for a while, except for the suspended image of Xia You drinking coffee.

"How do you feel?" Seeing Xia You drink the coffee, Lu Ziye asked immediately.

"Well, the taste is very strange. Try it again." Xia You frowned, then took another sip.

Lu Ziye: "???"

Lu Ziye was really stunned by Xia You's operation, and so was Wan Zhanglong next to me.

Under the shocked and puzzled looks of the two people, Xia You even put down the coffee in her hand after feeling it carefully.

"I'm sure, it doesn't taste good. It tastes really bad, but it's not so bad that I can't drink it." Xia You then made the simplest comment.

"Really or not? Has Evolto's technology improved?" Wan Zhanglong said with disbelief written all over his face, then he picked up the coffee and tried to take a sip, "It tastes no different from before!"

Wan Zhanglong's facial features were distorted after he finished speaking, and the familiar unpleasant taste made him extremely uncomfortable.

"...Scared me. I really thought I could drink the coffee." Lu Ziye couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wanzhang Longwo's reaction.

If the coffee is really drinkable, wouldn’t Evolto’s character collapse?

Fortunately, Xia You is just more receptive, so the coffee has nothing to do with its taste!

"Speaking of Lao Lu, where did you go just now? Tell me quietly, I will never tell them!" After saying that, Xia You deliberately got closer to Lu Ziye, and looked at the surroundings, as if he was really unhappy. Will let others know.

"It's not a big deal. I just want Evolto to have a fight with Killbus." Lu Ziye said it directly without hiding anything.

"Ah?" After hearing this, Xia You was stunned for a moment and lost control of her expression management on the spot, "No, why did you go to Killbus directly? You wouldn't have passed the customs quietly alone, right? No, we didn't receive any calls here. information"

"Don't worry, I just went to raise the danger level and test Killbus's strength." Speaking of this, Lu Ziye couldn't help but secretly sighed.

After the battle with Killbus, even in its current black hole form, it is unable to compete with him. In addition, Evolto, who has emotions, has exploded several times, and it will only be a short time before he is completely defeated.

Pandora's Tower also went around and found no whereabouts of Katsuragi Shinobu. Killbus should have hidden him in a more hidden place.

From this point of view, only after Kiryu Sentu has finished making the props can the real battle with Killbus begin!

Ta-ta-ta-bang! !

At this moment, the refrigerator door was pushed open suddenly, and everyone's eyes fell on the person who came out.


The person who walked out was none other than Kiryu Sento, and his voice resounded throughout the coffee shop.

Then he raised the prop in his hand under the gaze of everyone. The prop was still a large full bottle, but it looked red and blue.

"This is called - Mugen Galaxy FullBottle! (Infinite Galaxy Full Bottle)" When he finished speaking, Kiryu Zhantu also placed the full bottle on the table in front of everyone, "Isn't it awesome? Awesome! I am Genius!"

Under the familiar mantra, Kiryu Zhantu's hair flew up.

"Oh, it looks very good." Lu Ziye couldn't help but look at the new full bottle.

Compared with the full bottle of Muscle Galaxy, the original blue position is replaced by deep red, and the electroplated blue color is retained in the middle. Starlight can be vaguely seen in the bottle, as if there is a universe in it.

"Which of you made coffee?" Kiryu Zhantu's eyes fell on the coffee, and he picked it up to take a sip without thinking.

"War Rabbit! No! That's it"

It's a pity that before I could finish my words, Kiryu Zhantu had already put it into my mouth.


The coffee that had just entered his mouth instantly turned into water mist and sprayed out. Kiryu Zhantu's originally excited look turned dull, and his raised hair became silent.

Wanzhanglong I twitched the corner of my mouth and said half of the unfinished sentence: ".That's the coffee made by Evolto."

"Ahem, cough, tell me about this earlier next time!" Kiryu Zhantu coughed a few times, walked behind the counter and poured out all the coffee, "The power of that full bottle is far beyond my imagination, so it will be quite heavy on the body. load, be sure to use it with caution!”

Hearing Kiryu Zhantu's words, Lu Ziye couldn't help but turn on the power of authority and check the bottle full of information.

【Mugen Galaxy FullBottle! (Infinite Galaxy Full Bottle): Produced by the genius physicist Kiryu Sento. The ultimate full bottle, developed from sixty kinds of full bottles and Evolto genetic factor research data, has power beyond the galaxy, so it requires a strong will to fully activate its true power]

[Note: Hazard level 7.0 is the basic condition for starting the full bottle]

"What the hell. Danger level 7.0!?" Lu Ziye was shocked as soon as the information came out.

Danger level 7.0 is not only the basic condition for activation, but also requires strong will to stimulate its true power. It directly imposes two levels of restrictions. How terrifying is this full bottle of power?

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