Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 217 New props completed! The eve of the decisive battle!

At this moment, Lu Ziye's whole body was enveloped in energy, and even gradually emitted a little silver light.

Guided by the silver light, his eyes fell on the magician's ring on his left hand, where the silver light was particularly rich.

".Don't tell me?" Without any hesitation, Lu Ziye opened the magician's ring and took out the Longman bottle that had been with him the longest.

Under the shroud of silver light, the Long Man Bottle gradually transformed from blue to silver!

"It's really a silver dragon bottle." Holding the silver dragon bottle in his hand, Lu Zizi felt a little strange in his ambition.

Although his compatibility with Long Man Bottle is quite high, no matter what, the one with the highest compatibility with Long Man Bottle is always Wan Zhang Long Ga. So if Wan Zhang Long Ga also reaches the danger level of 7.0, will Silver Dragon Bottle also appear? ?

If I can get two silver dragon bottles, I wonder if they can be used together.

Just when Lu Ziye was still immersed in his thoughts, the Infinite Galaxy bottle placed on the table in Nasita Coffee Shop suddenly showed a little crimson light. However, there was no one in Nasita Coffee Shop at this time. Naturally, No one noticed this.

【Now is not the time to be in a daze, Killbus is coming.! 】

Evolto's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, instantly pulling Lu Ziye out of his drifting thoughts.

When Lu Ziye heard the sound, his eyes refocused and he saw Killbus coming towards him!

Facing the incoming Killbus, Lu Ziye immediately combined the smoke gun and smoke sword in his hands. The moment the smoke rifle combination was completed, he inserted the silver dragon bottle in his hand into the card slot.

"Silver Dragon! (Silver Dragon)"

As the sound effect sounded, the shadow of the silver-white dragon appeared on the card slot, and Lu Ziye took a virtual look at Killbus before pulling the trigger.

"Steam Attack! Silver Dragon! (Steam Attack! Silver Dragon!)"

I saw the transformed smoke rifle fire a bullet, but when the bullet flew out, it was entangled with silver-white energy, and instantly turned into a silver-white dragon. The silver-white dragon opened its huge mouth, and blue and white smoke rose from its mouth. of inflammation.

An attack similar to the previous tank evolution bottle had already made Killbus alert. Faced with the silver-white dragon approaching rapidly, he immediately turned the handle.

"Ready go! Killbus Spider Finish! (Ready go! Killbus Spider Finish!)"

At the same time as the sound effect sounded, four spider legs stretched out from behind Killbus. The spider legs stretched forward and attacked the silver-white dragon from four directions.

However, the moment the four spider legs touched the silver-white dragon, they were smashed by the silver-white dragon. As countless crimson spider leg fragments flew, the silver-white dragon roared and attacked Killbus from behind again!


Killbus was also shocked by the instant defeat, but he immediately opened his hands and responded.

I saw streaks of crimson energy released from his hands, and the energy condensed into several barrier-like states in front of him.

The next moment, the silver-white dragon collided with these crimson barriers, blooming with intense silver-white light.

The silvery-white light blooming in the center instantly filled the entire area, as if the only silver-white light existed in this area!


What followed was a loud explosion. After the silvery-white light faded, it was filled with blue-white flames. Killbus, who was being burned continuously, released more intense dark red energy all over his body before the blue-white light faded. The white inflammation is expelled.

The armor on his body at this moment, under the burning of the blue and white flames, showed a slightly charred color, and even flickered with some blue and white arcs.

"A mere human actually hurt me!" Killbus moved his eyes, but when he scanned everywhere around him, he couldn't find Lu Ziye.

The black hole that was originally enveloped turned into little bits of light and dissipated at this moment, and even the surrounding scenery returned to the outside of Pandora's Tower.

"Hmph!" Killbus hummed, understanding that Lu Ziye had already left here, "Forget it, the test is just finished."

As soon as he finished speaking, Killbus jumped up without even entering Pandora's Tower.

Meanwhile, in the Nasita Coffee Shop.

Lu Ziye was lying on the ground, and the black hole-shaped armor on his body had long been lifted.

"It's really dangerous. I almost couldn't hold on." Lu Ziye's chest kept rising and falling, his physical strength was completely drained, and now he couldn't move a finger.

After releasing the final attack, he felt the feeling of being evacuated from his body. If Evolto hadn't briefly changed consciousness, he might not even be able to expand the wormhole.

"Danger level 7.0 is finally completed." After Lu Ziye took a breath, he had some strength and turned to look at the table, where the Infinite Galaxy bottle was still placed.

After this battle, he finally met the basic activation conditions for the new props. Coupled with this understanding of Killbus's strength, he has more confidence in defeating the opponent!

If the opponent fights with all his strength, his true strength should be the genius black hole with a danger level of 7.0 plus the increased strength of Pandora's Tower.

To be honest, it was much stronger than he imagined, but now with the new item of Infinite Galaxy Bottle, coupled with the increase of Pandora's Tower, regardless of unexpected situations, he can definitely beat Killbus.

With his thoughts at this point, Lu Ziye could no longer hold back his fighting eyelids, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Hey, hey, that's obviously mine!"

"What's yours is mine, what's yours is mine."

The noise in his ears made Lu Ziye suddenly open his eyes. When he got up, he found that he was sleeping on the bed in the secret base. The noisy sound came from the coffee shop above.

"You're finally awake." Just as Lu Ziye was about to get up, Kiryu Zhantu's voice came from the side.

"How long have I rested?" Lu Ziye's eyes fell in the direction of Kiryu Zhantu and found that he was typing on the keyboard in front of the computer. Next to him was Grease Perfect Kingdom, which was connected to various lines. It seemed that Doing debugging.

"Twenty-five hours." Kiryu Zhantu responded without stopping his movements for a moment.

"It seems that I pushed a little too hard this time." Lu Ziye couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it didn't last too long.


Kiryu Zhantu pressed the final Enter key with a smile on his face: "The time is just right, all the props are ready."

Then under Lu Ziye's gaze, he took out Cross-Z Magma Knuckle, Prime Rogue FullBottle and Blizzard Knuckle one after another.

"Blizzard gloves...?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but be startled when he saw the ice blue blizzard gloves.

He didn't tell Kiryu Sento about the Blizzard Gloves. How were they developed?

"This is for Xia You." Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Kiryu Zhantu's face, "He heard that we all had new props, so he offered to help us cook. I hope I can help. He also makes a prop."

"This kid" Lu Ziye couldn't help but smile, it was indeed Xia You's style.

However, at this moment, the originally noisy coffee shop suddenly became quiet, and there was an urgent knock on the door of the secret base.

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