Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 220 Pandora’s Tower is completed! !

"Could it be said?" The power of authority in Lu Ziye's eyes was turned on again.

According to the information, one of the props held by Shinobi Katsuragi contains a Lost Bottle, which is the Hammer Lost Bottle that has not yet been purified!

Without any hesitation, he put the Pandora's Box in his hand and went directly to high speed. The figure left afterimages in the air and appeared in the middle of the two people about to collide in an instant.

boom--! !

Whether it was Katsuragi Shinobi's fist or Himuro Hantoku's fist, they were all caught by Lu Ziye's hands.

Himuro Hantoku, who was slightly behind, stopped preparing to attack when he saw Lu Ziye trying to stop him.

"Why are you stopping me? He is stopping us!" Seeing that his fist was blocked, Saruwatari Kazumi asked in confusion.

However, Lu Ziye did not respond to Saruto Ikkai, but turned to look at Shinobi Katsuragi: "Teacher Katsuragi, you plan to use your body to purify the remaining Hammer Lost Bottle, right?"

When he met Katsuragi Shinobi before, he noticed the hammer lost bottle that had not been purified. In addition, Xia Yu hid the item in his stomach a long time ago and it was considered a possession state, so he thought of this possibility.

During the period of being coerced by Killbus, they saw that it was more powerful than Evolto. In addition, the previous two black hole forms could be said to have been defeated by Killbus. Naturally, they would think that they could not defeat Killbus, and the idea of ​​​​intensifying the fusion of parallel worlds would be unreasonable. normal.

"Have you discovered it?" Shinobi Katsuragi admitted directly without hiding it, "Whether it's Evolto or Killbus, for me, the only way to truly protect human beings is a phenomenon that transcends the laws of physics—— New world!”

"I understand your thinking, but we already have the possibility of defeating Killbus."

Before Lu Ziye could finish his words, countless blue genetic factors poured out and headed towards Shinobu Katsuragi's body.


The moment the blue genetic factor was about to come into contact with Katsuragi Shinobu, black hole energy surged out of Lu Ziye's hand. The black hole energy covered Katsuragi Shinobi's body, and some of the blue genetic factor that came into contact with the black hole energy was also swallowed up in an instant.

The blue genetic factor immediately evacuated quickly, regrouped behind, and transformed into the form of Killbus.

At the same time, Lu Ziye also grasped Katsuragi Shinobu's fist and pulled it behind him.

"What a pity, I still got it." Killbus raised his right hand, and the hammer bottle was in his hand.

"Killbus, even if I give it to you, you won't be able to use it." Lu Ziye didn't care. The Hammer Lost Bottles have not been purified. Even if you include the full bottles owned by Katsuragi Shinobu, there are only five of them.

And he also has five Lost Bottles in his hands. It is simply impossible for Killbus to get the true power of the Lost Bottles.

".You underestimate the power of our vampire clan!"

The next moment, Killbus waved his hand and threw up the five Lost Bottles. Under the flash of blue light on his body, he apparently integrated the five Lost Bottles into his body.

"What Evolto can't do doesn't mean I can't do it. I'm the king of the blood clan!"

When the words fell, Killbus was suspended in mid-air, and a circle of energy surged from his body. The energy spread to all directions, and in an instant, the ground was torn apart, and cracks appeared.

Although this scene exceeded Lu Ziye's expectations, it was still within control. As long as he could defeat Killbus, he could even directly obtain all the purified Lost Bottles!

"Teacher Katsuragi, let me borrow it for a little while." After saying this, Lu Ziye pulled out the two full bottles in the Katsuragi Shinobu Drive.

Pandora's Box appeared in his hand, along with other panels filled with full bottles.

"You" Killbus' voice suddenly dropped when he saw Pandora's Box appear, "That's something from our vampire family!"

Lu Ziye ignored Killbus's words, inserted the full bottle of Pirates and Trains in his hand into the two empty card slots, and completely embedded it into Pandora's Box with a wave of his hand.


Suddenly, the entire Pandora's Tower was shaking violently, and all the sky walls began to move and splice together.

With Lu Ziye as the center, the second floor of Pandora's Magic Tower rose, and the third panel was also placed into the magic box.

the third floor! The fourth floor! The fifth floor!

Until the final sixth floor is raised, Pandora's Tower is completely constructed at this moment!

Everyone was at the top of the sixth floor, and the Pandora's Box in front of Lu Ziye was suspended in mid-air. All the ingredients in the full bottle were evacuated at this moment and disappeared into light spots, and a black device flew out from it.

Lu Ziye caught the black device and looked in his hand: "Evol-Trigger Killbus, now your chance of winning is even lower!"

The black hole trigger in his hand was still sealed, but with a slight exertion by Lu Ziye, the black hole energy suddenly poured into it, and the petrified surface faded away in an instant, revealing its true appearance.

When Killbus saw this scene, he immediately took out the dangerous trigger and spider device: "Today is the end of you!"

In those low words, one could feel the anger that Killbus was trying to suppress. After all, all his things were now in the hands of others, and anyone else would be angry.

But Lu Ziye brought the three people behind him back to Kiryu Zhantu's side, and handed over the black hole trigger in his hand.

"Try to see if you can use its power." Lu Ziye was not sure whether the Build Drive could be used, but if it could be used, coupled with the power of the Genius Bottle, they would have two forces to fight against Killbus head-on.

"." Kiryu Zhantu frowned, glanced at the Katsuragi ninja, and took the black hole trigger.

"Don't look, your father has always been on our side. He was just hiding for the sake of his plan." Seeing Kiryu Zhantu's expression, Lu Ziye probably guessed what he was thinking.

If you don't explain clearly and feel confused, it will be a big taboo for the battle situation!

"I know!" Kiryu Zhantu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pressed the start button of the black hole trigger.

"Over the Evolution! (Beyond Evolution!)"

The black hole trigger lights up and the iconic sound effect sounds.

"Great! All Yeah! (Outstanding! Almighty!)"

"Genius! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Are you ready? (Genius! Yeah! Yeah! Are you ready?)"


"Black Hole! The perfect energy bottle warrior! Build Genius! Fuhahahahahahh! (Black Hole! The perfect energy bottle warrior! The genius form of the Genius! Huhahahaha!)"

The arrogant laughter subsided. With the combination of the genius and the black hole trigger, the genius form still maintained its original posture, but two white skirts were added around the waist, which was completely opposite to Lu Ziye's previous black hole genius.

"Good fellow, is this the genuine black hole genius?" The appearance of such a form made Lu Ziye confused.

However, he felt that it was a bit weird to call him a black hole genius. How about calling him a sky-black form?

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