Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 233 When gods fight, novices suffer!

"Next, let's welcome the players in the second game together——"

"He is the former challenger, Go-Gadoru-Ba, who possesses absolute power!"

The host's words echoed through the "Riding Arena" again, and a wall of gray-white water ripples emerged, and a figure walked out of it, standing opposite Lu Ziye.

The main body is made of black armor, which looks similar to the carapace of an insect. Its head has the iconic horned fairy tentacles. Just standing there has won the cheers of many players in the "Riding Arena".

"My dear, it's Chen Xing. I feel stable!"

"No, Mr. Chen Xing is a well-known strong man. It is said that he once faced off against the final BOSS of the A-level Knight Realm without losing!"

"Your news is out of date. The latest news is that Mr. Chen Xing gained new powers in the last knight's realm and his strength has improved again."

"Hiss! Then this battle can be said to be the collision of the strongest combat forces between the weirdo area and the knight area?!"

"It's hard to say what the strongest combat power is, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the two of them can be said to be fighting on behalf of both regions."

The people cheering on the steps were mostly weirdos, and Lu Ziye heard all these remarks.

"The players coming from the weird area. It feels like a malicious sniper." Lu Ziye couldn't help but look at the opponent, the power in his eyes was activated at the same time, and he began to read the opponent's information.

[Chen Xing, 27 years old, male, player-Gurongi]

[Grade determination: B+ level ~ A- level]

[Monster Power: Go-Gadoru-Ba (G·Gadoru·Ba) - Kuuga (empty self) system]

[The player who originally became a knight received the jet-black "Kidru" given as an official reward. After long-term fusion with it, he became a Gurungi of the one-horned fairy species. Under the erosion of this power, despite the darkness in his heart, It was gradually amplified, but still restrained itself from killing innocent people]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm thirty-one times, tested Knight's Realm seven times, and challenged Knight's Realm five times have fighting skills honed in actual combat, and their basic combat power is already far superior to that of most knights]

[Characteristics: Form changes]

[Rigid Body: The whole body's defense is greatly improved. Even if it receives a fatal attack, it can be transferred to the whole body and released. Using a great sword as a weapon]

[Shooting body: All senses are greatly enhanced, it has a crossbow-like weapon, and its attack power is enough to cause a large-scale explosion]

[Junmin Body: The explosive power of jumping has been greatly improved, and it has extremely keen combat intuition, able to seize the flaws in a moment. Using a horned halberd as a weapon]

[Special form: Electric shock body - a special form strengthened after absorbing a sufficient amount of electric energy. The chest turns golden and the whole body is shiny. It can use all form abilities at the same time. Its weapons also become high-level electric energy versions, and its electric shock The kick has the destructive power to destroy several kilometers in an instant]

[Binded props: J Soul - can absorb the power from the surrounding nature at any time, keeping it in full strength at any time (Note: Frequent damage will cause the J Soul's natural power to be unable to be supplied in time)]

[Item held: Faiz Edge (Faiz Blade).]

After reading the information, Lu Ziye looked at the opponent in surprise. This player named Chen Xing was indeed powerful. It was the first time that his power had given floating strength, and it was the first time that he had seen the opponent in the buffer. A-level player!

But Ran Ge said before that there has never been a player promoted to A level. Players who contacted the audience said that Chen Xing was a new force that appeared in the last realm of knights. From this point of view, it should be that they opened the A-level promotion conditions and gave all players the possibility of promotion.

"I know you, the founder of the "Siberian Titanosaurus Crush Asteroids with Bare Hands", you are also the one who opened up the possibility of being promoted to A-level. "Chen Xing's rich voice sounded, and it sounded like he was saying hello.

". Very strong." With just these words, Lu Ziye could sense the strength of the other party's mentality.

Under normal circumstances, a player will complain about the team name, or briefly say the team name, but never say the full name calmly like Chen Xing.

Not only is the opponent's mentality extremely strong, but his purpose is also very strong.

At this time, Chen Xing's body sank slightly, and the conversation changed: "But, I have a reason to be the only winner, so don't blame me for defeating you here."

The moment he finished speaking, traces of arcs of electricity appeared on Chen Xing's body, and golden arcs of electricity wrapped around his body in the blink of an eye.

The originally red eyes gradually turned golden in the golden arc, and the armor on his body also turned golden.


The arc of the golden snake danced wildly, as if forming an arc boundary in the central area.

The energy stirred up from it spread out to the surroundings, and the first targets to hit were the players on the stairs behind them. The moment the players on the stairs were enveloped by the arc, their hair stood on end, and arcs erupted from their bodies.

The arc crackled and struck these players instantly, leaving only traces of scorched black marks.

"Quick! Leave quickly!!"

"What kind of fight between gods and goddesses will bring disaster to the noobs?"

"Wobo, your immortal "riding arena" ticket will be refunded! "

"Butt! Oh my butt!!!!"

The players on the first three steps were immediately panicked and fled backwards away from the arc.

Lu Ziye's side was also enveloped by arcs at this time. Under the arc, arcs appeared on the armor on Lu Ziye's body, crackling and hitting the armor at the same time.

"Oh, it's numb." But no matter how the arc struck, there was no trace on Lu Ziye's armor. He felt more like a massage, with an indescribable sense of pleasure.

When the exciting arc completely dissipated, Chen Xing's figure was fully revealed. He had already entered the state of electric shock body, and his body was even wrapped with traces of arc, making him look like he was controlling thunder and lightning at this moment.

"Why do I feel like I've been faked by him?" Lu Ziye saw that the eyes of the players around him were all focused on Chen Xing, as if he was the protagonist.

In contrast, his side had no momentum at all, and the arcs dancing on the armor seemed to be affected by the opponent.

"That won't work, I have to come too!"

Lu Ziye clenched his fists. All the limelight had been taken away, so what else was he playing?

Men always have a desire to compare in strange places


I saw a silver light shining on Lu Ziye's side, and strong energy suddenly burst out from his body. This energy turned into red and blue flames in an instant, and the movement like Chen Xing switching forms suddenly surged out towards the surroundings.

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