Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 235 Here comes an infinite gold-eating beast!

"Block the black hole ability!!"

"Block the black hole ability!!"

As the shouts in the "Riding Arena" became more intense, it seemed as if they would not give up until the black hole's ability was blocked.

Lu Ziye in the central area glanced at the players on the stairs and prohibited him from using the black hole ability. The impact on him must be great. It is not an exaggeration to say that his combat power has dropped by 50%.

And he also recorded the faces and information of those who yelled the most fiercely in the small notebook in his mind.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly stood up, took a sharp breath and shouted: "What are you barking at? You are so dissatisfied that you should also get the black hole ability! If you can't do it yourself, drag others into the water, and you have to Don’t want to face it!”

"Is it difficult for you to be a good person? Just tell me if it's difficult, and I'll teach you how to be a good junior!"

The moment the words fell, the entire "Riding Arena" suddenly became quiet, and every player stared angrily at Xia You who stood up.

"I approve of your attack power!" Lu Ziye in the center gave a thumbs up to Xia You who stood up.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the host of "Riding Arena" rang out: "Regarding the issue of banning the player's black hole ability, after discussion in "Riding Arena", it was decided not to ban the player's ability. This ability is a special ability rewarded through the last round of "Wheel Battle" The props are coming, please be careful with your words and actions next time. "

The host's words are undoubtedly informing the players of the results, and at the same time warning some players about their remarks.

"Then, let us invite our third opponent--"

As the supporter's voice fell, the wall of gray-white water ripples reappeared, only for a while, but no figure came out.

"It seems that our "wheel battle" has no opponents to challenge us."

"This "wheel battle" is over, and the winner is Lu Ziye! "

As the announcement fell, a virtual screen appeared in the central area.

"Victory! (Victory)"

At the same time as the symbol of victory was displayed, a ray of light gathered and turned into a magenta box and fell towards Lu Zino.

The big magenta plastic box fell, and Lu Ziye caught it immediately and couldn't wait to open the box. The previous "Wheel Battle" gave him a black hole trigger, so what special props can he get this time?

"It should be the Chuangyue bottle this time!"

When the plastic box above was opened, a purple prop was revealed.

"This is..." The moment he saw the props, Lu Ziye couldn't help but be stunned.

This path is in the shape of an ax as a whole, with a purple translucent material as the ax blade, and a similarly purple translucent cylindrical container below. There are Tyrannosaurus mouth-shaped armors on the upper and lower ends of the ax blade.

Lu Ziye was very familiar with this axe-shaped weapon. It was the exclusive weapon of Kamen Rider OOO-PuToTyra Combo (Oz-Dinosaur Combo)!

"I knocked. It was a signal ax before, and now it's the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus. I have a fate with the axe?" Lu Ziye held the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus and took it out of the box. "That's not right. Shouldn't the corresponding rewards be given? A knight’s prop?”

Regarding this reward, it is obviously from another knight system. Could it be that the Build system is the best?

That’s why the rewards of “Wagon Battle” are not given to the corresponding knight props, but to enhance combat power in terms of weapons.

This Holy Emblem Violent Biting Dragon is a living gold-eating beast, or the kind of infinite gold-eating beast!

Just when Lu Ziye was distressed, the power in his eyes was activated, and the message of the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus appeared.

[Medagabryu (Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus): Official advanced version, transformable axe-shaped weapon. It has two modes: ax mode and bazooka mode, which can withstand power beyond the limit. The biggest feature is that it consumes the cell coins loaded into it and draws out its high energy in a short time]

[Special function: sealed state]

[Note: Three dragon core coins are required to instantly unlock its full ability]

"It's really not surprising at all." Lu Ziye's heart did not waver as the message required unblocking.

The black hole trigger also needed to be unsealed before, and he was already used to it, but the need for three dragon-type core coins gave him a headache. Now he has never heard of any dragon-type core coins.

Then, Lu Ziye put away the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus and came to the stairs to join Xia You and others.

Seeing Lu Ziye approaching, Xia You was the first to greet him: "Old Lu, show me your reward quickly!"

"This time it's a weapon. It's a bit stingy to be honest." As he said this, Lu Ziye took out the holy emblem Tyrannosaurus and handed it to Xia You. "I don't know if it has something to do with the number of people challenging it."

"The ax looks pretty good. Does it have any special mechanism?" Xia You asked after taking the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus to inspect it.

"I don't know, it takes three dragon-type core coins to liberate." Lu Ziye also told the truth, and at the same time, he was looking to see if Xia You and others could get some information about the dragon-type core coins.

"Dragon-type core coins. I know that the core coins are props in the OOO plot line, but I have never heard of dragon-type core coins." An Yu said, revealing the information she knew.

"I know the dragon core coin. There is one at the boss of "Fantasy Unparalleled". Ran Ge said quickly.

"Okay, I'll go there then." Lu Ziye nodded. It happened that he also had other ideas and wanted to communicate with Tan Lidou.

At this time, a virtual screen popped up in front of Xia You, and he stood up and walked down: "Hey, I'm participating in the "Wheel Battle", I'm going! "

"Be careful. Based on your extremely offensive speech just now, there are probably many people who want to kill you." Seeing Xia You get up, the third grader in high school quickly reminded him.

"Hehe. That was my intention!" Xia You turned around and showed a mean smile, "Isn't this what Lao Lu did before? I copied his operation a little bit!"

When Xia You's figure entered the central area, the remaining four people couldn't help but look at each other.

"Has Xia You been stimulated by something?"

"Probably not. I think it's more like I've got my brain back."

"Don't you have the wrong focus? It should be whether he can resist this problem!?"

"To be honest, I think Xia You's words were much harsher than those of Lao Lu. It wouldn't be a big problem if he challenged each one one by one. I'm afraid that he would learn from Lao Lu's fifty-fifty operation. In that case, it might really happen. Hanging"

The four of them exchanged ideas and looked at Xia You in the central area.

"Let us welcome the second challenger of "Wheel Battle" - Xia You! "

"He is the second fusion of nebula gas. He and the previous challenger belong to the "Siberian Titanosaurus crushes asteroids with bare hands" team. Let us wait and see what kind of surprises he will bring us! ! "

As the host's words echoed throughout the "Riding Arena", countless players stood up one after another.

"He's the one who scolded us, right? If we don't teach him a lesson, I'll write the character "王" upside down!!"

"Add me in, it's so irritating!"

"Since he was the one who cursed first, don't blame us for deliberately sniping at him!"

"I can't wait to see the picture of that deflated calf rolling on the ground, Jie Jie Jie"

"Dude, you smile like a weirdo"

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