Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 237 Becoming a God? The Power of the Arm Rings!

The new information popped up, which really surprised Lu Ziye.

It seems that the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus is not like the black hole trigger, which needs to be completely unsealed before it can be used. It can be used with only one core coin, and this ability is quite good and very practical, even in unexpected situations. It will be quite useful in sneak attacks.

"Do you want to go back to the "Riding Arena" to see what's going on with Xia You? "Seeing that Lu Ziye's mood had stabilized, Ran Ge asked.

"I wonder if Yuu can hold on?" Lu Ziye sighed, and smoothly put the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus back into the magician's ring.

"Based on Amazon's characteristics, you won't lose so quickly, and you will definitely get beaten." Ran Ge analyzed the situation objectively.

"If he really loses, I will laugh at him severely!" Lu Ziye hummed, and then walked towards the direction of the "Riding Arena".

The two laughed and talked about getting closer and closer to the "Riding Arena".

Just as the two entered the "Riding Arena", the host's voice also sounded.

"Let us congratulate the winner of this "wheel battle" - Xia You! ! ! ! "

The moment the words rang out, Lu Ziye and Ran Ge couldn't help but look at each other, and their feet immediately accelerated towards the stairs.

When they came to the stairs, they saw Xia You walking towards this side.

It's just a little different from what they imagined when they returned home in triumph.

Xia You's body was covered with various wounds. The wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the most serious one was the gap that completely penetrated her abdomen. It was the kind of hole that could see the scenery behind it from the front. .

"Fuck...!" This scene made Lu Ziye curse immediately.

"Why is it so serious?" Ran Ge was also stunned, obviously not expecting Xia You's injury to be so serious.

"It's a small matter." Xia You said, sitting on the steps holding the gap in her abdomen, "The 'Wheel Battle' is indeed more difficult than I thought. I really don't know how you guys had it so easy. "

Xia You who said this deliberately showed a relaxed look on his face, as if the injured person was not him.

"Have you written down the player who hurt you?" Upon seeing this, Lu Ziye sat beside him, took out the EvolBuild bottle in his hand, and released the healing power of the forbidden apple in it to help him speed up his recovery from the injury.

"Don't forget that the guy who opened his mouth to me was all broken into pieces." Xia You chuckled, and what he said was even more impactful.

"Indeed, that player has suffered a lot." The junior high school student next to him nodded and agreed.

"That's good," Lu Ziye muttered. Originally, he said he had a chance to help Xia You get revenge, but after hearing what the two said, it was obvious that he didn't need to.

"How are the rewards you got? It would be a big loss if they don't match!" An Yu then asked.

She and her senior high school students had watched the whole thing, and the intense scenes were so frightening to both of them that if they had to describe it, the best way to describe it would be to use the word "blood and flesh flying everywhere."

"It's a good thing." After saying this, Xia You turned his left hand and an armband suddenly appeared.

The entire armband is copper-colored and has a very strange shape, with an indescribable sense of mystery in it.

The moment Lu Ziye saw the armband, the power in his eyes also activated.

[Gaga Armband: Hidden in the super energy of the ancient Inca civilization, it can enhance the knight's ability in all aspects and gradually improve the human body's ability. It can be combined with the "Chiji Armband" to become the key to unlocking the secrets of the ancient Inca civilization. Those who hold the double-armed rings will receive super energy that cannot be shaken by any force. According to legend, those who hold the double-armed rings will become gods]

[Special function: sealed state]

[Note: The Sun Stone is required to fully activate this armband, and it also needs to be recognized by the armband]

"Yu, do you have any thoughts on this armband?" When the information emerged, Lu Ziye also asked.

"I don't have any ideas at all. I won't tell you if I don't need it. I don't even have any hints. It's like a lump of iron." Speaking of this, Xia You would be depressed. If it weren't for the look that matched his Jiji armband. , he was probably praised on the spot.

"I have some clues. I need to find something called the "Sun Stone" to activate its power. It is the same as the Jiji Armband. "Lu Ziye didn't hide anything, he just said it in one breath.

As for the "Sun Stone", he had a slight impression in his memory. He remembered that it was a secret treasure of the ancient Inca Empire and was used on Amazon's motorcycle Jungler in the play. However, in the description of the information, the combination of these two armbands can make it a god. I am afraid that this "Sun Stone" is not that easy to obtain.

""Stone of the Sun".? I'll keep an eye out. "Xia You curled her lips and wrote down the name of this prop.

While the two were talking, the healing energy released by Lu Ziye and Xia You's own recovery power had completely sealed the hole in her abdomen, and the newly grown tender flesh could also be seen.

"You really know everything. I doubt you are an encyclopedia!" After seeing Lu Ziye stop moving, An Yu couldn't help but complain.

"Be bold, get rid of any doubts, and call me Knight Encyclopedia!" Lu Ziye raised his chin proudly.

When An Yu heard Lu Ziye's words, he immediately rolled his eyes and asked, "Isn't it because the intelligence network is better than them?"

"How about the "wheel war" on your side? It should start soon, right? "Ignoring An Yu's rolling eyes, Lu Ziye followed up and asked the two of them.

"No, we both started the "wheel battle" when we were promoted to B-level. We can only wait until we are promoted to A-level. "The senior high school student shrugged and explained.

"What about Ran Ge? If you don't participate in the "Wagon Battle", we will go back. "Lu Ziye then turned his attention to Ran Ge.

Ran Ge has now been promoted to Class A and meets the conditions for participating in "Wheel Battle".

Ran Ge shook his head: "No, I plan to get familiar with my strength before I can bite off more than I can chew."

"Then let's go back. Let's have a good rest in the remaining two days and wait for the official update." Lu Ziye stood up and stretched. It's good to have a holiday occasionally. After experiencing the realm of A+ level knights, everyone should also Relaxed.

"Good update. The new knight plot line is open. I'm really looking forward to it!" Xia You continued, with a little light shining in his eyes.

"Don't look forward to it. Let's take good care of your injury first." Lu Ziye said, deliberately reaching out and poking the tender flesh that had just grown out.

"Hey, no, no, no, no, this is my new meat, it's super sensitive, okay?"

"Someone said it feels good, everyone should try it!"

"Really? I'll try!"

"An Yu, don't come over."

"Hiss—! What the hell, Lao Gao, did you sneak attack on me?!"

"Aren't your hobbies a little weird, Yazhidie?"

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