Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 245 New Rules! The Melee Zone is Launched!

Bang, bang, bang!

Accompanied by the sound of bombardment in the alley, one evil demon after another was blasted into the wall.

"The tenth one?" Lu Ziye's voice sounded immediately, but he didn't dwell on it too much.

He walked straight to the wall, picked up one magenta box after another, opened several boxes, and the dazzling array of upgraded buckles gave him great satisfaction.

"Oh, Magnum buckle. Tsk, hammer armed buckle, meteor hammer armed buckle" After a brief inventory of the shipment, Lu Ziye could only say that his luck seemed a little bad, but the shipment volume was no problem.

After putting all the buckles in his pocket, he nodded with satisfaction.

But the electronic eyes around him had different opinions.

"Why is this Lu Ziye always fighting with the "evil demons"? "

"I want to see more exciting scenes. It's too boring to always fight with the "evil demons"! ”

“That’s right, I want to see the battle between the knights!”

“I think fighting against the “evil demons” is pretty cool, and I even want the organizers to invest in stronger “evil demons.”

“You don’t understand at all, defeating evil monsters is what Kamen Rider is all about!!! "

Of course, as a participant of the game, Lu Ziye naturally could not hear the discussion of these sponsors.

At this moment, he was checking the points on the Spider Phone. After defeating these evil demons, the points reached 30 points, and the 50 points required to change the rules were getting closer and closer.


However, at this moment, a pop-up message popped up on the Spider Phone, which was a new rule!

[Player Qiao Wen spent 50 points to add a new rule]

[The new rules are as follows: players and evil demons will enter three melee areas respectively, and the melee time is five minutes. After the end, each player will enter two other different melee areas again until all three melee areas have participated once]

When the new rules appeared, the Spider Phone also entered a ten-second countdown, and Lu Ziye's screen showed "Second Melee Area".

".The players of this "DGP" are quite fierce. "Lu Ziye believes that his speed is not slow, but the fact that two players have added new rules in succession just shows that the other party has a faster and more efficient way.

And this new rule will undoubtedly speed up the progress of this game. Players who can come up with such rules must be confident in their own strength. After using Xu Jingyi's rules, they must get points more efficiently.

This player named Qiao Wen must have a good upgrade buckle in his hand, otherwise he would not dare to open such a risky three-round melee zone.

But if there is an exception, it is that Qiao Wen and Xu Jingyi have a deal, and the two are very likely to reach a temporary alliance.

In just ten seconds, Lu Ziye's mind was spinning rapidly, taking into account all the situations that could be thought of.

Ding Ding Ding——!

And the sudden reminder sound also interrupted Lu Ziye's thoughts, and the countdown on the Spider Phone returned to zero, obviously it was time to enter the "melee zone".

The scene in front of him was instantly distorted, and the distortion like a rotation made the scene return to normal after the rotation.

But this is normal, only in terms of vision, because at this moment Lu Ziye is on an open plain, and what he sees are all kinds of knights, and the evil demons with strange twisted bodies!

Above everyone, there is a huge virtual screen with a digital countdown.




"Ready Fight!"

When the sound rang out, the knights and evil demons on the plain became agitated, and attacked the nearest target in an instant.

Lu Ziye was no exception. The closest to him was a knight, with a Snipe (shooter) head of the Ex-aid knight, but with a Beat upgrade buckle on the upper body.

The opponent swung the beat axe in his hand and slashed at Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye immediately dodged sideways and kicked the opponent in the back, causing him to lose balance.

At the same time, he used the Zombie Destroyer in his hand to press against the opponent's back, pinning him to the ground and making him unable to move.

"Let's start a melee, then it's my turn next!" The moment he finished speaking, Lu Ziye stepped on the buckle of the Zombie Destroyer.


The buckle of the Zombie Destroyer was stepped on, and suddenly orange energy lingered on the chainsaw weapon.

The Zombie Destroyer, which was already pressed against the opponent's back, instantly sparked countless sparks.

In Lu Ziye's hand, he took out the booster buckle he had obtained earlier, pulled out the ninja buckle, and inserted it into it and turned it.

"SET! (Loading)"

"DUAL ON! ZOMBIE \u0026 BOOST! Ready? Fight. (Dual-core drive! Zombie \u0026 booster! Ready? Fight.)"

As the sound effect sounded, the red armor unique to the thruster appeared beside Lu Ziye, and at the moment of installation, it gushed out extremely fierce flames.


Snipe, who was suppressed on the ground, was immediately knocked out by the gushing flames.

After suffering two attacks, he did not lose the battle, but stood up tremblingly.

However, at the moment he stood up, the zombie destroyer slashed on his desire driver, and kept cutting at his core ID, bursting out with a sharp explosion.


As Lu Ziye swung, Snipe flew backwards immediately, rolled on the ground for several rounds, and his body turned into a red light spot and dissipated.

When eliminating the opponent, Lu Ziye did not stop, and the jet nozzle at his ankle spewed flames to propel his body, allowing him to catch the falling beat buckle.

His eyes also fell on the melee area between the evil demons and knights in front of him.

"Then I won't be polite!" Lu Ziye then operated the zombie buckle and the thruster buckle, and a fiery red figure ran towards him at a very fast speed.

"Boost Time!"


The loud sound instantly resounded throughout the melee area, and many eyes noticed the fiery red figure.

The fiery red figure had a cobra-like head, and several flames were ejected from the conspicuous jet tube behind it, and it came to Lu Ziye's side at an extremely exaggerated speed.

And Lu Ziye stood up directly on it, and under the urging of its thoughts, he immediately ran towards the central melee area.

Standing on the thruster vanguard, Lu Ziye immediately pulled the buckle of the zombie destroyer three times in a row.

"Poison Charge! Poison Charge! Poison Charge!"

The zombie destroyer was filled with purple energy, and its energy made the rotating chainsaw of the zombie destroyer look a circle bigger.

"Tactical Break!"

When the sound effect rang out, Lu Ziye swung the zombie destroyer in his hand, and a slashing wave of more than ten meters shot out, heading straight for the evil demons and knights in the melee zone.

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