Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 254 God of Desire! New Game Guide!

In the thick black fog, two dark green hands emerged, holding the upper and lower armors, and slowly pushed towards the center.


With the sound of a blade slashing, scarlet light shone from the black fog, and the emerald green light dispersed the black fog, revealing the black armor inside.


When the last sound effect fell, Lu Ziye's exclusive weapon, Bujin! (Martial Blade) appeared in his clenched hands.

"Wow, the experience is completely different." Lu Ziye was amazed by the sharpness brought by the armor on his body.

The armor on his body is basically black, with a small amount of emerald green as an embellishment. The eyes are covered with a layer of eye mask, which adds a lot of mystery to it. With a black cloak behind him, the overall look is more like a black general.


Lu Ziye then pulled the sword out of the scabbard, a slight silver cold light reflected on his face, filled with a sense of solemnity.

After pulling out the sword, he casually threw the scabbard to the ground, took out the Spider Phone and held it in his hand. The names on the leaderboard were disappearing one after another, except Xu Jingyi's points were rising rapidly.

Until only the names of Xia You and Xu Jingyi were left, Lu Ziye squeezed his hand slightly and crushed the Spider Phone.

He was now very sure that Xu Jingyi was the dark witch rider at the factory at that time, so Xia You, who encountered him, would most likely not be his opponent.

Then, Lu Ziye pushed the Blade of the God of War on the driver

The sword in his hand suddenly emitted a green light, and Lu Ziye, holding the sword, turned it, drawing a blood-red full moon behind him. Under the blood moon, he pushed the buckle of the Blade of the God of War again.

"Bujin Sword Strike!"

As the sound effects sounded, the blade of the sword was filled with emerald green energy, and the lingering black air added to its horror.

Just when Lu Ziye had completed all his preparations, the scenery around him was twisted and pulled, and the surrounding environment had changed from the alley to the street.

In front of him was the dark wizard who met him in the factory, and he was wearing the twin command armor.

As soon as the opponent appeared, the sword in his hand slashed down!

Bang-bang! !

The sword surrounded by black air slashed on his shoulder on the spot, causing the dark wizard who was standing there to kneel on one knee, and the ground where he knelt was instantly cracked and splashed with countless gravel.

"This knife is for my partner Lao Gao." When the words fell, Lu Ziye pulled the sword in his hand out from his shoulder.

Bursts of flames erupted from his shoulder, causing the dark wizard to tumble to the ground.

Before the other party could get up, Lu Ziye swung the sword in his hand again, directly hitting the cannon on his back.

Zi - Bang! !

The cannon was cut by the sword, just like tofu, and the explosion caused by it made the Dark Witch Knight roll several times again.

"Is your new rule aimed at me?!" The Dark Witch Knight lying on the ground said.

"Is it true? I think there must be a lot of supporters of yours. In order to make you win, they will be willing to invest in you, so such rules are mainly to restrict them." Lu Ziye explained while walking towards the Dark Witch Knight lying on the ground.

"You are very smart, but. Disaster, I want to add rules!" The Dark Witch Knight turned over and shouted softly.

The moment he heard this, Lu Ziye also shouted: "God Golden Fox, I also want to add rules!"

It was only for a while, but there was no movement. The only sound was the wind whistling between the two of them.

"What's going on?" There was no response, leaving the Dark Witch Knight puzzled.

"It seems that the Godly Golden Fox will not respond to you." Although Lu Ziye did not understand what happened, as of now, the other party could not add new rules, and the final battle would not have any impact.

He also silently complained in his heart. No wonder humans no longer believed in the Godly Golden Fox after a thousand years. With such efficiency, it was hard for people to believe it.

Originally, he planned to let the Godly Golden Fox add the rule of "all evil demons' buckles are changed to thruster buckles" in the final battle, and use several thruster buckles to kill the opponent. Now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

"Damn it. Even so, victory will belong to me!" The Dark Witch Knight cursed angrily, and took out the thruster buckle in his hand.

But Lu Ziye's hand speed was very fast and he continuously pulled the buckle of the God of War's Blade.

"Bujin Sword Victory!"

As the sound effect sounded, Lu Ziye placed the sword on his shoulder, and his whole body was covered by black fog. Under the majestic black fog, the scarlet compound eyes flashed.


The Dark Witch Knight had already inserted the thruster into the drive on the other side, but Lu Ziye swung the sword in his hand.

A full-moon-shaped slashing blade shot out from the sword, and the slashing blade landed directly on the drive of the Dark Witch Knight, knocking the thruster buckle out on the spot.

At this point, Lu Ziye had no intention of stopping, and swung the sword again, and another full-moon-shaped slashing blade flew out and hit the Dark Witch Knight's chest.

Bang-boom! !

The Dark Witch Knight, who was bombarded, flew backwards and stopped only after hitting the wall behind him.

At this time, Lu Ziye came in front of him, and the sword in his hand was inserted into the ground, and his right foot stepped on his driver.

"I hope there will be no more Martial God Blade in your future world." After saying this, Lu Ziye pulled the Martial God Blade buckle.

"Bujin Sword Victory!"

The sound effect resounded, and the Dark Witch Knight lying on the ground did not even have the strength to raise his hand. The armor on his body was flashing with arcs, on the verge of disintegration.

Lu Ziye slightly exerted force on his right foot, and the foot stepping on the Dark Witch Knight's driver burst out with thick black gas, followed by the burst of emerald green energy, which continuously impacted it towards the ground.

Boom boom!

In the deafening roar, the armor on the Dark Witch Knight's body turned into light spots and disappeared, and the driver on his waist was broken into several pieces.

"Lose! (Defeat)"

As Xu Jingyi disappeared, a black and white figure came to Lu Ziye's side.

"Congratulations! You have become the God of Desire of the first "DGP Competition"! "A clear female voice sounded, and Lu Ziye couldn't help but look sideways.

The person who appeared beside him was none other than the game guide in Geats (polar fox) - Tsumuri!

Tsumuri seemed to sense Lu Ziye's doubts, and a little smile appeared on her face as she explained: "Please allow me to introduce myself, I am the new game guide Tsumuri."

(ps: I have been busy with work until very late recently and only have time to write. I apologize to all readers here. I will add more chapters as soon as I am a little free!)

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