Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 259 Senior Ju! Why did you just watch at first?

The appearance of Uejo Mutsuki made Lu Ziye a little surprised, but he learned a lot of information from his information.

The existence of the Human Base Research Institute is not strange. The most peculiar thing about him is that Uejo Mutsuki actually inherited the will of Kenzaki Kazuma. You know, in the original series, Uejo Mutsuki's personality is really unpleasant, and the repeated plot makes him not like him at all.

"Do you know me?" Uejo Mutsuki saw Lu Ziye staring at him and asked.

"No, it just reminds me of an old friend." Lu Ziye came back to his senses in an instant and found a reason to perfunctorily pass it over.

But Xia You's expression on the side was strange. After a little thought, he said: "The old friend you mentioned is singing and dancing"

"Hey hey hey! This is not allowed!" Before Xia You could say it, Lu Ziye hurriedly grabbed his arm to stop him from saying it.

"Although I don't really understand what you are talking about, follow me first." Uejo Mutsuki glanced at the two people, then turned around and led the way for them.

"Old Lu, I've been down there before. I never thought that so many people could survive in such a world." Xia You whispered, with a look of emotion on his face.

Lu Ziye didn't say anything. As he and Shangcheng Muyue continued to go deeper and deeper, and after turning various corners, a little light finally appeared in front of them.

"It's in front. You go first. I'm going to deal with the route." Shangcheng Muyue led the two to the entrance of the cave and stopped.

After Shangcheng Muyue left, Xia You followed and said, "I asked him, he went to change and replace the route to come in, in case there are black cockroaches coming in to explore here."

"You kid is very good at making friends." Lu Ziye was surprised. Xia You knew such things when he just came here. He really has some social attributes in it.

"Well, it's not worth mentioning." Xia You's face was full of pride, and he also took the lead to walk to the entrance of the cave.

Lu Ziye followed his footsteps and walked forward. When he stood at the entrance of the cave, the scenery came into his eyes.

Outside the cave entrance, there is a very wide area. Several crystals emit faint light spots above, and brick houses are built below. The movement of people can make people feel a bit of liveliness. Just by looking, there are tens of thousands of people living in this underground world.

But the people living here have gloomy faces, and there is an inexplicable atmosphere of depression.

"Looking at them reminds me of the human resistance army before." Lu Ziye sighed a little.

"Yes, they are all struggling to survive in a bad world. Even if there is little hope, they have not given up living." Xia You nodded. How could he forget that his encounter with Lao Lu was also in the Knight Realm.

Hearing this, Lu Ziye turned his head and looked up and down at Xia You: "Who took over your body when you came down?"

"I learned from what Ran Ge said." Xia You smiled, and the original seriousness disappeared instantly.

"It has to be you." Lu Ziye shook his head slightly. He actually felt that Xia You had grown up for a moment.

The two left the cave entrance and walked deeper, but before they took a few steps, a fierce quarrel was heard in front of them.

"We will never allow her to enter our place!"

"That's right! Undead beasts, get out, it's you who made us what we are now!"

"Undead beasts should all die, you are cruel and evil creatures!"

"No, she is not the kind of undead beast you think."

The weak voice of defense was soon drowned in the roar, just like a small stone thrown into the lake, which can only cause insignificant ripples.

Lu Ziye couldn't help but look at Xia You, and then the two ran to the place of quarrel at the same time.

When the two arrived, they saw a group of people holding knives, and An Yu and others in the middle were surrounded.

Not only that, Lu Ziye found two familiar faces in the crowd, which were Hirose Shiori and Shirai Kotaro in the plot.

And Hirose Shiori was holding some kind of instrument in his hand, and the instrument was making a dripping sound. It must be this instrument that discovered the identity of An Yu Undead Beast.

"What should we do, Old Lu?" Seeing the chaotic situation, Xia You first grabbed Lu Ziye's hand to prevent them from adding to the chaotic situation.

"What can we do? Of course, we should go to rescue them." Lu Ziye pulled his hand out of Xia You's hand and walked straight to where An Yu and others were.

But when he walked over, Lu Ziye noticed a man a little further away, who seemed to be waiting for something.

"Everyone, please listen to me. This is my companion. Although she..."

"Let's all disperse. We BOARD (Human Base Research Institute) are in charge here."

Before Lu Ziye finished speaking, another voice overwhelmed his voice, and the people who heard this immediately put away the knives in their hands and quickly dispersed, as if there was no previous quarrel.

".Hey, you really know how to pick the time." Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the person who spoke.

The person who spoke was a very familiar person, and he was also a man who contributed a lot of famous memes to Blade (sword) - Ju Sakuya!

"Why did you just watch at the beginning, Ju Senior?!" The moment he saw Ju Sakuya, Lu Ziye questioned.

After hearing this, Ju Shuoya paused for a moment, turned his head slightly and looked at Lu Ziye, his eyes flickered with a hint of memories, but soon disappeared and his stern face returned.

"You guys follow me." After leaving behind the cold words, Ju Shuoya walked alone in front.

"Senior Ju? Old Lu, have you been to this plot line before?" Xia You approached Lu Ziye, very curious.

"No, I just glanced at it when I was looking at various intelligence before." Lu Ziye walked towards An Yu and others, "He is the person from the Human Base Research Institute we are looking for. Let's follow him and see."

"Old Lu, the albino cockroaches sent back news that they have found another "Joker", but there are many black cockroaches. They were torn to pieces just by getting a little closer." An Yu informed Lu Ziye of the information he got.

"Okay, I know." Lu Ziye was not surprised by this situation, "Just pay more attention to finding the sealing slate."

The black cockroaches summoned by Joker were originally meant to eliminate all creatures, so it is reasonable to tear the albino cockroaches to pieces.

What they have to do now is to get as much information as possible from Ju Sakuya. Whether it is the sealing slate or the awakening card held by "Joker", it is very important information.

"Okay, I'll pay more attention." An Yu nodded, his eyes fell on Ju Shuoye in front of him, "To be honest, I think that person is a bit strange."

"He is like that, very suspicious." Lu Ziye explained briefly, and then asked everyone to follow Ju Shuoye.

Ju Shuo also narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he heard the footsteps of everyone following, the corners of his mouth were raised inexplicably

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