Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 262 Touching the stone slab means death? !

As the scene continued to change, Lu Ziye's eyes also paid attention to the changes in everything around him.

As long as Kenzaki Yizhen appeared, it would be the time for him to stop the activation of the "New Timeline" ability.

But at the moment when he observed the surroundings, the backward scene was slightly distorted, and this distortion made Lu Ziye feel a little strange.

"Is the official going to end?" The distorted scene made Lu Ziye tense instantly. Once the official intervened, their battle plan would be declared shattered.

However, as the scene became more distorted, no virtual screen popped up or any figure appeared.

".Don't touch the stone slab, don't touch it, you will die."

The intermittent voice suddenly sounded, which made Lu Ziye stunned. It was obvious that someone was reminding him something.

"Who are you?!" Lu Ziye shouted immediately, "Why can't I touch the stone slab!?"

But the voice echoed here, but no other sound sounded, as if the intermittent voice had never appeared.

At this moment, Lu Ziye caught a familiar figure in his peripheral vision, it was Kenzaki Ichima he was looking for!


Then, the golden particles released from his right hand dissipated, and the brilliant clock dial behind him also disappeared, and the transformed state was also lifted.

At this moment, Lu Ziye was already on a street, and Kenzaki Ichima was in a hurry in front of him.

Lu Ziye did not chase him immediately, but asked Evolto in his mind. After entering the Knight Realm, he shared the picture in his vision with Evolto. If he was not hallucinating, then Evolto would definitely hear that voice.

"Did you hear the voice that reminded me just now?" Lu Ziye waited for Evolto's response.

To be honest, the voice was very low, and no player he knew had such a voice, so who was reminding him?

It couldn't be that he was really hallucinating.

[I heard it, and told you not to touch the stone slab. ]

Evolto's voice sounded immediately, directly breaking Lu Ziye's doubts.

"It's not hallucination. Do you have any impression of that voice?" Lu Ziye wanted to get useful information from Evolto.

[No. It's completely unfamiliar. What I care about more is that the opponent's power can interfere with you when you use the power of time. The opponent should have the same ability, or a stronger power than you. This is not a good thing. ]

Evolto's tone is still casual, but in his words of reminder, he helped him point out the extraordinaryness of the opponent.

"Well, I understand this." Lu Ziye exhaled lightly. This matter is somewhat weird.

But now he doesn't have more time to entangle this. Now saving Kenzaki Kazuma is the main thing. Then he entered the high-speed and rushed in the direction where Kenzaki Kazuma left.

Soon, Kenzaki Kazuma appeared in Lu Ziye's field of vision. The other party was riding a motorcycle and seemed to be rushing somewhere.


And as Lu Ziye stopped, he stood in front of Kenzaki Kazuma, forcing him to stop the motorcycle.

"Hey! Do you know what you are doing!?" Kenzaki Ichima took off his helmet and immediately shouted to Lu Ziye.

"Where are you going?" Lu Ziye didn't know the situation at the time, so he could only ask the person involved.

"Huh?" Kenzaki Ichima looked confused, but immediately reacted and shouted, "Yes, I'm going to save Aikawa Hajime, get out of my way!"

"You are really a irritable sword in the early stage." Although Lu Ziye said so, he stretched out his hand, "Since you want to save him, I can't let you go."

"Are you Un Dead?!" The moment he finished speaking, Kenzaki Ichima took out the Blay Buckle in his right hand.

"I'm not an undead beast, but I can't let you go." Lu Ziye naturally would not give in, and took out two full evolution bottles in his hand.

Kenzaki Kazuma was slightly stunned, and his eyes fell on the Evol driver on Lu Ziye's waist: "Are you also a Kamen Rider?"

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you can't save Aikawa Hajime." Lu Ziye stopped talking nonsense. Even if he wanted to break Kenzaki Kazuma's hands and feet, he must not let him get close to Aikawa Hajime.

"Cobra! Rider System! Revolution! Are you ready?"


"Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha! (Black Hole! Black Hole! Black Hole! Revolution! Fuhhahahahaha!)"

Lu Ziye didn't plan to hold back, so he went straight into the black hole form to deal with Kenzaki Kazuma.

"It's a knight system I haven't seen before." Kenzaki Kazuma frowned, and inserted the awakening card into the driver in his hand and wore it on his waist.


Accompanied by a light shout, Kenzaki Kazuma pulled the buckle.

"Turn Up!"

When the sound effect sounded, a card with a beetle printed on it appeared in front of Kenzaki Kazuma. When the shadow passed over his body, silver-white armor appeared on his body.

The overall armor is silver-white, with a spade-shaped relief on the abdomen, and a beetle-shaped head. With the black combat uniform, it is the most classic black-and-white knight image.

"No matter who you are or what your purpose is, I will rush to Hajime's side!" After getting off the motorcycle, Kenzaki Kazuma pulled out the awakening device from the sword bag on his side.

"If you can do it, come over." After saying that, Lu Ziye raised his right hand and hooked his finger at him.

Seeing this, Kenzaki Kazuma no longer hesitated and ran directly towards Lu Ziye. The moment he arrived in front of him, the awakening device in his hand was also slashed down.


With a dull collision sound, Lu Ziye raised his right hand, put his outstretched index finger in front of him, and the blade of the awakening device was held by his index finger.

"You?" Such a development made Kenzaki Kazuma wonder.

"If you want to get through here, you have to defeat me." After saying that, Lu Ziye retracted his index finger and swung it back, hitting Kenzaki Kazuma's chest.


Kenzaki Kazuma was hit in the chest, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably, falling to the ground and rolling for several rounds before stopping.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who was lying on the ground, turned over and wanted to stand up, but the pain from his chest made it impossible for him to stand up.

"I understand your feelings of wanting to save Aikawa Hajime, but you can't go." While Lu Ziye was speaking, he walked towards Kenzaki Kazuma step by step. In order to avoid other accidents, he had to take Kenzaki Kazuma away from here.

Boom! !

But when Lu Ziye just took a step, a surge of green energy came from behind him. The green energy was extremely fast and came behind Lu Ziye in an instant.

After Lu Ziye glanced at Kenzaki Kazuma, he immediately turned around and swung his right hand, releasing black hole energy from his right hand, absorbing all the surging green energy.

"Now you understand, I have no ill will towards you." When the green energy stopped, Lu Ziye turned his head and looked at Kenzaki Kazuma.

However, there was no figure at the place where Kenzaki Kazuma was originally.

Only a silver-white figure in the distance was flying at a very fast speed, heading towards the place where the green energy was surging.

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