Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 272: The Third Level of Power! The Star of the Demon King!

Chapter 272 The third level of power! "Demon King's Star"!

"I can do it with the power of a black hole." Lu Ziye clicked his tongue. Of course, he was still curious about the power of "emptiness." "It doesn't seem to be anything special."

"You think too simply. Nothing will appear in this space affected by "nihility". No one can affect its state except me. There is no matter, time, space, or curvature. It is true nothingness. . "After saying this, Anya's hand turned slightly, and the empty space in his hand disappeared.

".Sounds very powerful." Lu Ziye nodded seriously.

"To put it simply, after you are promoted to S level, you will have this kind of power, which is the maximum expression of your strongest knight's power. We call it the "ultimate". "Anya explained patiently.

"'Ultimate'. Whoever took it doesn't sound good at all. "Lu Ziye disliked this name quite a lot. It doesn't sound as good as Quan Neng. "By the way, are you the "administrator" who was officially punished this time? "

“The officials didn’t let any ‘administrators’ come. "An Ya's voice was extremely low, "The unknown factor involved is you. The official has determined that you will affect the future process, and has begun to implement a plan to destroy you. The first person to die in the realm of knights this time will be An. Chongqing. "

Lu Ziye was slightly startled when he heard this, and even felt a tingling sensation on his scalp: "No, didn't you say that I would die before?"

"That may be because the signal is not very good." An Ya gave the answer after thinking for a moment.

Under the mask, Lu Ziye couldn't help but roll his eyes. When he said this through Anya, he said that he had a feeling that the official was targeting him before. In this way, he really didn't feel wrong. There was nothing wrong with saying that it was Gou. .

Thinking of this, Lu Ziye immediately lay down on the ground: "It feels like it will be a dead end. Using the power gained from the "Knight Game" to deal with the "Knight Game" is a bit impossible no matter how you think about it."

"No, this game is so arrogant. Doesn't Feng Mo care about it?"

Speaking of this, Lu Ziye suddenly stood up. As he said, neither the old devil nor the little devil would let such a thing develop.

"One of the administrators I know in Feng Mo is called Alien Feng Mo, but his ability cannot be said to be strong, so he shouldn't be able to control him." After thinking for a while, An Ya gave his own thoughts.

"It turns out you are a local." Lu Ziye muttered and complained, "The plot line of Zio (The King of Time) is not open...?"

Anya didn't even think, he shook his head and replied: "I have never heard of such a plot line."

"I probably understand. The "Knight Game" is a good hand. The other realms of knights are probably connected to the real world of knights. Only the King of Time does not dare to move. The power we obtain is not only from the official source. , can also be obtained from these worlds." Lu Ziye vaguely felt that he had found something, but he still didn't quite understand the purpose of the knight game.

"Speaking of the plot line, you must be careful about the "Decade" plot line. After it is turned on, the "Negative World" will be opened. It is completely controlled by "Knight Game", and the player progress there is much higher than that of yours. , and they only have "malice"." An Ya took a long breath, seeming to think of some bad memories.

"I'll pay attention"

As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, Anya handed over the final white Pandora panel in his hand again.

"Don't refuse. I have been injecting "Demon Emperor" and "Nothingness" into it. You will be able to use it, and the fusion of multiple props may have some strange effects. Not only that, Anya took out a fist-sized crystal from his hand, "In addition, this stores a large amount of cell coins. You have the Equality of All Beings Axe, which will be used in the future." "

"Hehe. You can keep this for yourself. I have the God's Will card I won in the "DGP Competition". "With that said, Lu Ziye took out the God's Will card and showed it off.

"You have very naughty ideas." Having said this, An Ya stood up and said, "I don't have much time, and this may be the last time I help you."

The moment he finished speaking, An Ya raised his right hand slightly, and golden light gushed out from his right hand. The moment this energy appeared, Lu Ziye felt a sense of suffocation, as if if he moved, he would be instantly destroyed by this power, and even The kind that doesn't even have a chance to resist

The next moment, all this golden energy surged towards Lu Ziye and poured into his body.

As the golden energy poured in, a piece of information appeared in front of Lu Ziye's eyes.

[Power: The third stage of "Sen Luo Wan Xiang" is lifted]

["Third Level - Demon King's Star" - After activating this ability, all attacks will have an internal destruction effect, which will continue to increase as the attack hits the enemy, and the defense will also increase simultaneously. The effect lasts for three minute】

[Unlocking the special space - "Demon King's Domain": Expand the Demon King's domain for thousands of meters. In this domain, the enemy's physical strength and energy will be continuously reduced, and the reduced physical strength and energy can be transferred to yourself or your companions]

Lu Ziye couldn't help but be shocked by the information that appeared in his eyes. The effect of this special meow really felt like cheating!

Anya's movements also stopped at this moment. When his movements stopped, his figure gradually faded, as if he would disappear at any time.

"They just asked you to do it"

When the last words fell, Anya's figure had disappeared.

What disappeared with him was the dark green coat of arms in the sky. Everything in this world began to move again at this moment.

"Fuck. Old Lu crushed the energy with his bare hands. Didn't you see it?!"

"I saw it. Old Lu is finally serious."

Xia You and Gao Chusan were communicating in unison, as if they had no memory of what happened before.

"Did you modify your memory?" Lu Ziye felt sad for some reason.

That self who came from nowhere gave his all for his companions, but he couldn't even leave any memory of himself to Xia You and the others.


Joker's sudden roar made Lu Ziye's eyes fall on him.

"I'm in a bad mood now, so you're done." As the voice fell, Lu Ziye held the EvolBuild bottle in his left hand.

As the power was stimulated, a layer of golden lines spread over his body, and with the rising silver-white flames, the power of the two amplification effects had been activated.

"Demon Emperor Star". Open! "


With a light shout, the silver-white flames around Lu Ziye suddenly lit up with gold, and the silver-white and gold colors intertwined, as if releasing the strongest state at this moment.

Before Joker could make any move, Lu Ziye took a step forward and came in front of him, punching him from bottom to top, and even attacked his chin on the spot.


Accompanied by the appearance of several sonic shock waves, Joker was like being ejected, and turned into an extremely bright starlight and appeared in the sky.

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