Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 32 Then call me daddy!

"What, did you trigger the hidden branch?" Xia You quickly changed the subject.

"Let me start by saying that we compete peacefully for hidden tasks. The final result depends on each individual." Lu Ziye didn't waste any words and expressed his intention directly.

"No problem." Xia You agreed without even thinking.

The two reached a consensus and set off to leave the central station, preparing to find the next target.

But when Lu Ziye walked out, he glanced at the crowd he rescued from the corner of his eye, especially briefly stopping at Zheng Zhi.

"What's wrong, Lao Lu?" Xia You noticed Lu Ziye's brief pause.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something." Lu Ziye came back to his senses and shook his head to deal with it.

"Three kilometers to the southeast, there are sounds of fighting."

At this time, the sensory antenna on Xia You's head lit up slightly, receiving the information.

"Huh?" Xia You tilted her head when she didn't get a response.

However, they found that Lu Ziye's figure was nowhere to be seen, except for a puff of dust and smoke raised by running not far away.

"Fuck! Lao Lu, you piece of shit, wait for me!!"

"Do you think I look like a fool? I'm still waiting for you, dreaming!"

"Where's the promised fair competition!?"

"Sorry, I was talking about peaceful competition."

"That's too much! You even plot against your teammates!"

"How can you say it's a calculation? You reacted too slowly."

The sound of the two talking nonsense gradually faded away, and calm gradually returned to the camp.

After calming down, everyone lying in the central station opened their eyes and stood up.

Except for the truth, the eyes of these people who stood up were all dull, as if they had no thoughts of their own.

"It's such a pity that this kind of prop is used in this kind of place."

As Truth finished speaking, everyone except her gradually disappeared.

Her clenched right hand slowly opened, revealing a torn awakening card, with the words Ten of Diamonds and Illusion Coming clearly printed on the awakening card.

And as the figure of Truth flashed, the two card fragments in his hand suddenly turned into powder and flew away.

Sonoda Mari's appearance then changed, becoming that of a man.

Immediately afterwards, the man walked into the hut next to the central camp, held the unconscious truth on his body, and walked out of the camp in a big way.

When the man reached the camp gate, his steps suddenly stopped.

"By the way. I almost forgot about this."

The man took out the envelope from his bag, waved and threw the envelope into the air. After waving again, he walked away.

Only the envelope nailed to the camp gate is left dangling.

at the same time.

Lu Ziye and Xia You have already arrived at their destination.

At the destination, a figure outlined by glowing red lines stood in the center, especially the semicircular compound eyes, and around him were several Leo cavalry riding motorcycles.

"You guys are so annoying and you don't fight."

The figure in the center finished speaking and waved his right hand very naturally.

With such actions and the iconic red photon blood, Lu Ziye recognized this person at a glance.

The theme element of Kamen Rider Faiz is shark. The overall streamlined shape and the matte texture of shark skin make the overall armor look particularly coordinated. The design of the shark fins on the tentacles and the fangs on the mouth add to the sense of biology.

"Lao Lu, his knight system is so cool!" Even Xia You couldn't help but sigh.

"As long as you like Faiz, we are good brothers." After hearing Xia You's praise, Lu Ziye said with a thumbs up.

Faiz's appearance and appearance can be said to be among the best among the entire Heisei Knights.

"We weren't good brothers before?" Xia You asked in shock.

Lu Ziye changed the subject: "It's almost time, let's go back."

"Ah? We're not looking for players from the opposite camp anymore?" Xia You was confused on the spot, what was the purpose of going back suddenly.

"They were gone a long time ago and what you see now was a deliberate design on their part."

With that said, Lu Ziye was already walking towards the camp.

"No, why didn't I understand?" Xia You quickly caught up with Lu Ziye and asked.

"Let me explain it to you simply. First of all, for players from the opposite camp, the task is to score points, but the target of the task is not us, but other human beings." Lu Ziye said this, but was interrupted by Xia You extending his hand.

"The more I listen, the more confused I become. It's impossible for you to say that their target is humans." Xia You couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought about it.

"Then let me ask you, do you think it's reasonable for others not to come out to take a look at the huge commotion at the central station?" Lu Ziye asked back and also came to the camp's residence.

Under Xia You's shocked eyes, he opened the door directly.

"Here, look at this." Lu Ziye motioned to look at the packaging bag on the ground.

"Is this a sea cucumber?" Xia You picked up the packaging bag and confirmed the contents.

"Imagine that you, as a human here, are struggling to survive every day, but you accidentally slept well tonight, and when you woke up in the morning, you accidentally found sea cucumbers on the ground. What would you do?" Lu Ziye looked at the sleeping people in the room.

If he and Xia You didn't wake up despite talking so loudly, then someone must have tampered with her.

"You must have eaten sea cucumbers!" Xia You gave the answer directly without thinking.

"Then congratulations, you will become Aoife Enoch." With that, Lu Ziye took the sea cucumber from Xia You's hand.

In the prequel to The Lost Paradise, Intelligent Brain Company developed a special blue rose that would transform humans into Orphenoch if it came into contact with it. The sea cucumbers that appeared here were naturally the same species.

"Lao Lu, was your profession before coming here as a fortune teller?"

Xia Youren was dumbfounded. He couldn't figure out how Lu Ziye knew.

"You have a very rich imagination. In fact, I didn't notice it at first. It wasn't until I moved the people in the central garrison during the battle that I discovered that they were all clones formed by props. The truth is that the players from the opposite camp have become."

"Coupled with the fact that the others were surprisingly quiet, I thought they were targeting humans. In addition, their goal is to take away the truth." With that said, Lu Ziye closed the door and walked to the next house.

The discovery was, of course, thanks to his powerful information.

"Brother, why are you so calm when the truth is taken away? She is the core of the human resistance army!" Seeing Lu Ziye's calm actions, Xia You became anxious first.

The core members of the human resistance army were taken away and transformed into Aoife Enoch. The remaining resistance forces may switch to Aoife Enoch, and the difficulty of their final mission will also rise sharply!

Lu Ziye went to the next house, opened the door, took away the packaging bag containing sea cucumbers, and then closed the door.

"I just want him to take him away." Lu Ziye stuffed the sea cucumber into Xia You's hand and continued: "If she hadn't been taken away, the Faiz I saw just now wouldn't have gone to the Aofei Enoch Stadium."

"You mean that knight will be our help!" Xia You's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes~ And it's not just a support, it can be said to be the main force. According to our level, he should be B level, right?"

As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, he saw Xia You hugging his leg.

"Lao Lu, from now on I will follow you!!"

"Then you call me daddy."


". Where is your dignity?"


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