Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 36 Please, you are super weak now!

"Return? I took it based on my strength, so it's mine!" Lu Ziye chuckled, showing off his cheeky attitude.

"It's not easy for everyone. In this way, if you return the knight system to me, I promise not to attack you again and let you survive until the end!" Faced with such a situation, Zhang Xin made an extremely tempting offer.

"Don't attack me anymore and survive until the end?" As he said that, Lu Ziye looked around the venue.

There were tens of thousands of Aoife Enoch in the venue, and in terms of the number of players, Zhang Xin's side was superior to them.

"As long as you agree, this will be given to you as an additional condition." Seeing Lu Ziye's move, Zhang Xin immediately increased the conditions and waved a card.

Seeing the card being thrown towards him, Lu Ziye caught it.

When I glanced at it from the corner of my eye, I saw that the card was the arrival card of the raging wild boar's contracted beast.

After Lu Ziye accepted this advent card, the wild boar's movements stopped.

"Your conditions are indeed good." Lu Ziye put away the Contract Beast Arrival Card and suddenly changed the subject: "But, I refuse!"

"What...?" Zhang Xin suspected that he heard wrongly.

With such a good offer, Lu Ziye had no reason to refuse.

"Please, you are super weak now." After saying this, Lu Ziye stepped towards Zhang Xin.

"Lu Ziye! You really deserve to die!!!"

Zhang Xin's face turned red from suppressing his anger, and his roar resounded throughout the entire venue.

"Yo? Hong Wen is so hot!" Lu Ziye's footsteps did not stop at all.

The next moment, the unique lines of Aoife Enoch appeared on Zhang Xin's face, and his body glowed with white light.

Under the white light, Zhang Xin instantly transformed into the form of the swordfish Aoife Enoch.

The swordfish Aoife Enoch has a body covered in an armor-like shell, and its protruding head is particularly eye-catching.

"Clock Up! (Time Up)"

"Freezing! (Freeze)"

At the same time as the time-upgrading sound effect sounded, Zhang Xin also consumed the frozen energy badge.

Click - click! !

In Zhang Xin's field of vision, the air suddenly dropped, and countless ice crystals appeared in the air.

But when his gaze couldn't keep up with Lu Ziye's speed, so did the activated freeze. Countless ice crystals cracked, but they couldn't stop the approaching blue shadow.

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"


Lu Ziye suddenly appeared, very close to Zhang Xin, and the card in his right hand was pressed against Zhang Xin's chest.

"How could you have this!" The shadow on the ground transformed into Zhang Xin's human form, but at this moment his pupils shrank as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"The native species Aoife Enoch is a rare material."

As Lu Ziye finished speaking, Zhang Xin's body twisted and spun, and the card in Lu Ziye's hand disappeared into the white light.

"I will definitely reply." Zhang Xin's voice gradually disappeared and turned into the image on the card.

"Don't worry, you can't come back." Under the mask, Lu Ziye grinned from the corner of his mouth to his ears.

He knew too well the value of Enoch's native species. According to the information he knew, the only native species that had been clearly confirmed were Ganqiao, Kiba, and Yuuka.

Therefore, as a native species, Zhang Xin knows its gold content very well. If he hands it over to Tan Li Dou, he will definitely be able to exchange it for good props.

Moreover, in view of Zhang Xin’s desire to kill him and his attitude towards human beings, even if the prop cannot be replaced, it must be made into a usable prop, but cannot be released to continue to harm others.

"Oh, I forgot to collect the props for Zhang Xin." Looking at the contract card in his hand, Lu Ziye suddenly realized.

However, he immediately put the idea behind him and asked Tan Li Dou to help him take it out when he got back.

"Lao Lu! Stop trying so hard! Help!!" Xia You spoke loudly, and his voice was full of exhaustion.

"Damn it~ I'm in a hurry~ I'm here!" After first verbally supporting Xia You, Lu Ziye then made sure to put the card in place.


Xia You caught a glimpse of Lu Ziye's movements out of the corner of his eye, and without paying attention, he was photographed on the spot by the enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch.


Xia You flew out like a kite with a broken string, passed through a perfect parabola, and landed in front of Lu Ziye.

"I came here faster than you!" Xia You stood up and said angrily.

"Help, help, help now!" Lu Ziye held the raging wild boar arrival card in his hand, "The raging wild boar will attack the enamelled rhinoceros Aoife Enoch with all its strength!"

After giving the order, the raging wild boar immediately restarted, plowed the ground twice with its feet, and immediately rushed towards the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch.

Like a raging wild boar heavily equipped with tanks, the sharp corners of its chest fired out light bullets simultaneously on the way.

Bang bang bang.!

All the light bullets shot hit Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, and bursts of sparks broke out.

But it didn't end there. With enough sprint distance, the wild boar crashed directly into its front feet.


The rubber floor made a harsh sound under friction, which was the result of the wild boar knocking and displacing the Elastodon Offei Enoch.

"Lao Lu, this weirdo is so fierce!" Even Xia You couldn't help but sigh.

"That's not true, it is your helper." Lu Ziye waved his hand and continued: "Go ahead, it's your decision Xia You!"

"Oh oh oh!" Xia You didn't doubt that he was there and went straight to the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch.

But on the way, he always felt something was wrong that he couldn't explain.

Lu Ziye nodded with satisfaction when he saw Xia You facing off against the Elastodon Offeienoch again.

Turning his eyes to the rest of the venue, whether it was Qian Qiao or the Kiba trio, they were all in a stalemate, and no one had a greater advantage.

"Only the Beast Dopant is Class D, the others are Class E."

As for the player's information, Lu Ziye could see everything with his glance.

He quickly made a judgment and chose to support the Kiba trio in the battle, where there were four players. For him, whether it is to fish in troubled waters to grab a head or to preserve his physical strength, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Kiba, I'll come." Just as he was about to rush to a new battle, Lu Ziye caught a familiar figure in his wide field of vision.


Lu Ziye jumped to the side, leaving a series of craters on the ground.

"Let's continue the last game." The white figure slowly descended, and stretched out his thumb on his right hand to draw across his neck, "This time, I will personally send you to hell."

"Why, after your injury has healed, do you think you can do it again?" Lu Ziye looked at the Emperor in front of him and asked softly.

"In the final analysis, you are just a human being." The Emperor snorted coldly, and the flying attacker behind him fell off.

The two rotating rods on the propeller were immediately pulled out and inserted into the Emperor's energy chip.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are talking as if you were not human before." Lu Ziye sneered at such remarks.

"Your mouth is really annoying." After saying this, the Emperor suddenly started running.

Lu Ziye reacted at the same time, first ran to the right, picked up the double blades that had been dropped before, and then turned to face the Emperor of Heaven!

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