Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 38 What a tiger and wolf talk!

"Xia You, take out the Caesar driver too!" Lu Ziye shouted.

Now is not the time to hide and tuck in, no need to use all your strength, everyone has to explain here.

"You're showing off your ugliness!" Hearing this, Xia You raised his right hand and stabbed it in the stomach without any hesitation.


Scarlet blood spurted all over the place. Amid the shocked eyes of others, Xia You took out the Caesar drive from his stomach.

"This little brother really has a special pocket." The human shadow of Haitang on the ground looked horrified.

"You decide who will use it." Taking the Caesar drive from Xia You, Lu Ziye handed it to the Kiba trio.

Tick ​​tock!

The bag containing Caesar's drive was even dripping with blood.

".I'll do it, Yuehua, you use Tiandi." Haitang gave Yuihua the Tiandi drive and mustered up the courage to take the Caesar drive.

"Haitang, can you do it?" Kiba asked with concern when he saw Haitang's complex expression.

"It should be okay." Haitang said this without any confidence.

When Lu Ziye saw that the trio was assigned, he stopped paying attention and instead focused his attention on Xia You.

"Yu, it's not good for your senses when you keep digging in your stomach. Consider putting a zipper on it?" Lu Ziye suggested sincerely.

".What kind of tiger and wolf words are you talking about? You really think I am Doraemon!" After a little imagination, Xia You himself felt that wearing a zipper was weird.

But if you really install a zipper, it seems to be a lot more convenient.?

"Hahaha, you are really stupid, you don't really think you can survive, do you?"

The scornful words echoed in the venue, and the person who spoke was none other than Xu Yinong, who had been captured before.

At this moment, he was sitting leisurely in the stands, looking down at everyone.

Beside him were other players from the Enoch camp, all sitting in the stands, seemingly not ready to leave.

However, no one cared about Xu Yinong's ridicule, or even ignored it directly.


"Complete! (Complete)"

As three soft drinks sounded, three lights lit up at the same time.

Under the light, the trio completed the transformation at the same time.

This scene was seen by Lu Ziye. It can be said that all the Faiz knights were gathered together. It was a pity that Delta gave birth to two sons who were slightly less handsome.

Ao Fei Enoch and others were getting closer and closer, and Lu Ziye shouted softly: "Fuck them!"

In an instant, Xia You, Haitang and the raging wild boar were the first to rush out of the team and face Aoife Enoch in front.

Kiba and Yuka followed closely behind, each holding an earth-shattering sword and a spinning stick in their hands, and faced Ofei Enoch on both sides.

Qianqiao removed the energy chip from the mobile phone and replaced it with the startup chip on the accelerometer.

"Complete! (Complete)"

I saw the armor on Faiz's chest unfolding backwards, revealing the central mechanical core and also falling on his shoulders.

The original red photon blood faded and turned into silver photon blood with higher output, and the compound eyes also changed from orange to red.

Lu Ziye and Qian Qiao looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Start Up! (Start timing)"

"Clock Up! (Time Up)"

Two figures rushed out almost at the same time, running towards Aoife Enoch who was attacking from behind.

Lu Ziye slashed through the first Ofei Enoch with both blades in his hand, but from the corner of his eye, he saw that Qian Qiao had already knocked away the second Ofei Enoch.

"Playing Faiz depends on skill."

Even Lu Ziye was amazed when he saw the movement without any extraneous elements.

Immediately afterwards, skillfully remove the Faiz Pointer from the side buckle and assemble it to the right leg.

With such an action, Lu Ziye naturally knew what to do next.

"Rider Cutting! (Rider Cutting)"

"Crimson Smash! (Crimson Smash)"

At the same time as the sound effect, twelve red cone-shaped pointers fell on the head of Enoch.

In an instant, Lu Ziye increased his speed to the extreme, and the merged double blades in his hands cut through Aoife Enoch one after another.

And Qian Qiao's figure kept falling, passing through the red cone-shaped hands.

Boom boom boom!

Compared to Xia You and the others who were knocked down one by one, Lu Ziye and Qian Qiao were doing a lot of cleaning.

Under the rising of countless fireworks, the Orpheus Enochs on Lu Ziye's side fell in droves.

"This kind of harvesting ability is really enviable!!" Xia You roared, and the movement of the arm blade in his hand continued to speed up as he cut Aoife Enoch.

"ThreeTwoOneTime Out! (Three two one, timer expires)"

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

Two sound effects popped out, and the figures of Lu Ziye and Qian Qiao also appeared.

"Reformation! (Restore)"

Gan Qiao's accelerated form ended, and the breastplate on his shoulders returned to its original position.


Without giving the two of them any time to rest, Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, had already arrived.

I saw the Elastodon Rhinoceros Offei Enoch's head slightly stretched out, and countless sharp needles suddenly shot out from his nose. The direction of the sharp needles was exactly towards Lu Ziye and Qian Qiao.

Both of them reacted very quickly. The moment the sharp needles were shot out, they started running to avoid the first sharp needles that arrived. The dodged sharp needles continued to move forward, and Aoife Enoch suddenly fell behind them. body.

Puff puff puff puff——!

The sharp needle pierced the body of Ofei Enoch on the spot, and blue flames suddenly rose from several Ofei Enoch's bodies.

In the blue flames, these Aoife Enoch died in vain, even if they were unwilling, they would only end up turning into gravel.

At this time, Lu Ziye suddenly turned around, changing the direction of He Qianqiao's movement, and instead ran towards the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch, and the double blades in his hands slashed directly towards its feet!


"Why are you so hard?" Lu Ziye's double blades fell to the ground with an extremely dull golden sound.

This blow left his tiger's mouth in pain. On the other hand, the Elastodon Offei Enoch's foot only left a shallow white mark.

"I'll do it!" Gan Qiao shouted softly, putting the chip into the Faiz Shot (Faiz Camera) in his hand.

"Ready! (Ready) Exceed Charge! (Charging completed)"

Qian Qiao jumped up high and swung the camera in his hand towards the nasal cavity of the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch.


Under a dull sound, the enamelled rhinoceros Offei Enoch made no move. Instead, he shook his head and threw Qianqiao out.

Qian Qiao flew out on the spot, landed on the ground and rolled several times before absorbing the force.

[Esnodon Ophir Enoch-Passionate State, Apostle Regeneration Species]

[Level Judgment: C-Class Monster]

[The experimental creation of Zhinao Group, a powerful dog known as invincible. He has muscles that won’t tire even if he runs for three hours, and feet and skin that are harder than diamonds. It has six pairs of eyes, but its eyesight is very weak, only helping to increase the visual distance between it and the enemy, and it is extremely sensitive to sounds. The whole body sends out strong signals and has organs that maintain a state of passion at all times. Its large horn has the highest hardness like a super alloy. 】

[Due to the out-of-control monster born from the experiment, the Intelligent Brain Group was very distressed that it could not fully control it, and finally used it as an indiscriminate weapon of destruction for this event]

Lu Ziye was surprised when the "Out of Control Monster" message popped up.

He really didn't expect that the setting of Enoch, the enamelled rhinoceros, was so powerful.

A little late, sorry

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