Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 48 Are you so chic and serious?

"Only E+." Lu Ziye was a little disappointed when he heard what Tan Lidou said.

But he knew in his heart that if the dangerous trigger was improved, it would definitely reach the D level.

Just think about it, Xia You has already reached a D+ level, why is he still playing in the mud with an E level.

As if he could hear that Lu Ziye was a little disappointed, Tan Lidou said coldly: "Ninety-six percent of the current basic knights' output levels are at E level, and very few can reach E+ level."

After the words fell, Tan Lidou hit the last key on the keyboard.

"Done." Tan Lidou stood up and pulled out the game cartridge.

The pattern on the game cartridge seems to be printed with Kamen Rider Cross-Z (Kamen Rider Cross-Z), with the image of Cross-Z's knight.

Under Lu Ziye's gaze, Tan Lidou stood up and walked to the small room next to him, took out a suitcase from a pile and opened it.

This action was completely unavoidable, and in the suitcase, there were two rows of game cartridges, and his Crozier game cartridge was placed in the last vacant space.


Lu Ziye saw all this in his eyes and said nothing.

But now he suspects that Tan Li Dou is most likely making a new chronicle cassette.

I'm afraid this new Chronicles game cartridge will be quite awesome!

"If you've seen enough, let's go." Tan Lidou glanced at Lu Ziye and took the lead to walk towards the shop in the front yard.

Lu Ziye pulled off the Crozier, and the armor on his body suddenly turned into light particles and dissipated.

Following Tan Lidou back to the front shop, Xia You returned to the obedient sitting posture from the beginning.

"Lao Lu, I just want to say, can we leave? Here." Seeing Lu Ziye coming out, Xia You immediately approached him, but in the end, she didn't say the words.

Lu Ziye had this in mind and immediately said, "Okay, it's all over."

Hearing this, Xia You immediately relaxed a lot.

"The two props will be picked up in five days." Seeing that Lu Ziye was about to leave, Tan Lidou said something.

"Okay!" Hearing this, Lu Ziye showed a smile on his face.

He is worthy of being officially recognized as a god. His efficiency is simply unbelievable.

Soon, the two left Huanmeng Wushuang.

"Lao Lu, let's go, I'll take you to be cool!" After leaving Huanmeng Wushuang, Xia You suddenly revealed his true nature.

"Are you so cool and serious?" Lu Ziye felt that there was something else in this coolness.

"It seems like something ran over my face." Xia You felt more and more uncomfortable.

"It's not important, let's get down to business. Do you know of a place where I can practice my skills?"

Lu Ziye quickly changed the topic. If he continued talking, there would be a big problem.

Regarding training, he really needs to become more familiar with the new knight system.

Just in case the difficulty of the next Knight’s Realm is high, it’s definitely a good idea to prepare in advance.

Xia You thought for a moment and then said, "Do you want to be safe or make a profit?"

"It must be profitable!" Lu Ziye responded directly without even thinking about it.

You can earn something while practicing your skills. Do you still need to consider such a good thing?

"We have to go deeper into the junction area, where there is a special facility called the "Fighting Arena." "Speaking of this, Xia You turned around and changed the route, "The fighting arena is a mixture of knights and weirdos from both sides of the area, and it is fun for both sides to fight each other. "

"There are two ways to play in the fighting arena. The first one is called "matching battle." Whether you are a knight or a weirdo, you can randomly match opponents of the same level, and the rest of the people will win cell coins by placing bets. The winning participant can get the spot 10% of the prize pool. "

"The second type is a little more complicated. It's called "wheel battle." For example, if you go to participate, the person in charge will arrange your opponents according to your strength, and they will continue to fight until you fail or give up. Of course, you can also fight until the opponent can no longer fight. . This kind of gameplay has great rewards. If you can win, the Douqiu Arena will even come up with special props as a reward. "

Xia You's explanation was simple and clear, and Lu Ziye digested it quickly.

"What special props are you talking about?"

This unfamiliar vocabulary made Lu Ziye very curious.

"To put it simply, it is a unique item. Once obtained, it will be bound. Whether it is the knight's realm or the reward, it will never be available again." Xia You said this with a look of longing in his eyes.

"Binding props." When Lu Ziye heard this word, he immediately thought of the binding props he saw on Ran Ge's message.

However, knight systems such as the Ring of Change and the Tuning Fork and Tuning Angle of Transformation are unlikely to be acquired.

"Although the rewards are good, let's forget about the "wheel battle". So far, only eight players have succeeded. "As he said that, Xia You showed a look of recollection, "One of them was when I came here. It was a big boss named Ran Ge. He defeated nearly a hundred players of the same level with one person. It was the most terrifying thing. The best thing is that she was not touched by any opponent until she won! "

“.It’s really a rat biting a cow’s butt—a rat is really awesome.”

Lu Ziye didn't expect that Ran Ge, who was so easy to talk to, would be so cruel.

From this point of view, the armored sound blade held by Ran Ge is most likely a special prop from the fighting arena.

But think about it, even if Ran Ge inherits the title of Hibiki, it is impossible to take away the armored sound blade.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the entrance of the "fighting arena" they mentioned.

The "Colosseum" occupies a large area and is similar in appearance to the Roman Colosseum. It is a circular arena.

However, on the top of the building, the screen was playing various exciting battle scenes.

Before the two entered, they heard thunderous cheers from inside!

"How do you feel?" Xia You pouted, as if to ask for credit.

"Not bad, how do I participate?" Lu Ziye was already a little eager to try.

Such facilities are simply too suitable for him.

Not only can you use power to read the opponent's information, but you can also increase the danger level through fighting. It is an excellent place to practice and improve your strength.

By the way, you can also earn some cell coins, which is a good thing for him!

"Follow me." Xia You entered the fighting arena with ease.

After entering, you went through a flight of stairs to the top terraced stands, where you can see the scene in the center below.

At this time, in the central battle field, there were two figures constantly colliding and intersecting, and every collision could make the audience in the stands cheer.

And the audience in the stands, both humans and monsters, all had excitement on their faces.

Following Xia You's steps, they soon came to a window, behind which sat a female staff member.

Xia You first went forward to talk, and then gave five cell coins.

"Old Lu, press your hand here to read the information, and you can arrange to participate immediately." Xia You said and stepped aside.

Lu Ziye glanced at the screen at the window, which was similar to the device in the bank at the beginning, and could directly read the player's information.

Without saying any more nonsense, he stretched out his hand and pressed it.

[Player - Lu Ziye, registration completed]

["Match Battle" registration completed]

[Start logging in to personal information.]

[Level judgment: E+ level]

[Knight system: Cross-Z (Cross) - Build (Build) system]

[Gatack (Gartack) - Kabuto (Kabuto) system]

[Notes for participants: 1. Only a single knight system can be used in each battle, switching the knight system will be considered a violation]

[2. Do not intentionally injure the opponent's life in battle, otherwise it will be considered a violation]

[3. Any props can be used in battle, but the props cannot exceed the participant's level]

[4. If one party actively cancels the transformation or shows a human posture, it will be considered a defeat]

[5. Participants cannot plunder the opponent's props or knight system]

About the update. Because the author has books elsewhere, there are few updates recently, but I will be able to concentrate on this soon, please rest assured.

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