Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 50 Women only affect the speed of transformation!

Lu Ziye walked out of the battle field with a depressed look on his face, and was greeted by Xia You who was waiting for him outside the field.

"Lao Lu! You are so angry. What's wrong?" Xia You noticed that Lu Ziye was in a bad mood and asked quickly.

"No, it was just that he was attacked." Lu Ziye shook his head, his emotions quickly dissipated, "What did you mean by being popular?"

"That's the girl you are facing. They said she has won eleven games in a row." Xia Youyue said, the smile on her face getting stronger. "She has tricked many players before, and there are a lot of complaints against her." "

"What does this have to do with me being popular?" Lu Ziye didn't care whether he was popular or not.

"It's a big deal. Let's put it this way. You earned 10,000 cell coins in just one game." Xia You smiled wildly.

You know, before he came to participate in the "matching match", let alone 10,000 cell coins, after playing three games, he only had less than 2,000 cell coins.

"So many?!" Lu Ziye was shocked.

If you continue to earn like this, wouldn't it be more cost-effective than entering the realm of knights?

In the future, I will enter the realm of knights and do some crazy shopping. It will be so cool to just push it!

"Quick, quick, arrange the second game!" Now, Lu Ziye just wants to earn cell coins.

"It's been arranged." Xia You grinned.

"By the way, put my cell coins on it too." After saying that, Lu Ziye immediately took out the trading card.

"No, the source of the cell coins will be checked when placing bets. Participants are prohibited from placing bets." Xia You sighed. If it could be done, he would have asked Lu Ziye to pay for the cell coins.

"What a pity. How often does the Knight's Realm take place?" After thinking about it, Lu Ziye asked.

Mainly, he attended twice in one day and never had a chance to understand.

Furthermore, he wanted to take advantage of this spare time to earn more cell coins in the "matching battle".

"Normally, there will be five days for players to rest and reorganize." Xia You explained immediately.

"Five days. That's plenty of time." Hearing this, Lu Ziye immediately felt relieved.

[Participant Lu Ziye is asked to go to the battle field, your second "matching battle" is about to begin]

The virtual screen suddenly popped up, and Lu Ziye became energetic instantly.

"I'm going to the second game."

Waving his hand, Lu Ziye turned around and walked into the entrance.

"I'll go publicize it for you!!!" Xia You took action at the same time.

The more viewers they have, the more they can earn. He Jing can definitely be used as a promotional slogan!

Here, Lu Ziye entered the battle field again.

The virtual screen in front of him popped up again, listing the battle information.

[The 13th E-level battle field is ready]

[Player Lu Ziye VS Jiang Wei]

[Current number of viewers: seventy-eight]

After reading the battle information, the figure at the entrance opposite appeared.

Under Lu Ziye's gaze, a player named Jiang Wei walked out.

But there seemed to be strong hostility in the way Jiang Wei looked at him.

"You are the one who bullied my Jingjing, right?" Jiang Wei looked at Lu Ziye and showed a playful smile, "I have to rush to take care of Jingjing, so I will end the battle soon."

"." The other party said so, so Lu Ziye naturally understood what was going on.

But he didn't expect that this special meow would have a follow-up plot.

Immediately, Lu Ziye focused his eyes slightly and began to check Jiang Wei's information.

[Jiang Wei, male, 26 years old, player]

[Grade judgment: E+ grade]

[Knight System: Scissors (Blade)-Ryuki Series (Dragon Rider)]

[The knight with "Volcano Crab" as the contracted beast is good at jointly attacking with the contracted beast]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm eight times have an arrogant personality and have a lot of cleverness. They rely on their cleverness to survive in Knight's Realm many times]

[Item held: Trick Vent (Illusion Advent) - after use, five clones will be transformed]

[Copy Vent (Copy Advent) - After use, you can copy the weapon of the knight in front of you]

[Muscular (Muscular) - a consumable prop, which can strengthen the strength of the whole body after being obtained, lasting three minutes]

[Mirror: Small mirrors available everywhere]

"Kamen Rider Live Two Episodes" The moment he saw the information, Lu Ziye blurted it out on the spot.

Fortunately, he was a little farther away from Jiang Wei and did not let him hear.

A countdown appeared over the battlefield.


Jiang Wei gave a soft drink and threw out the small mirror and card box in his hand.

The card cassette was first caught in his hand, and he glanced at the small mirror while taking it.

The V-Buckle (V-Buckle) appears in the small mirror to load the waist, and the cassette is inserted into it.

The gray knight's shadow overlapped Jiang Wei's body and turned into real armor.

It is dominated by crab-like orange armor, while silver armor covers its arms and calves.

The most eye-catching thing is the sharp-edged summoner shaped like scissors on Jiang Wei's left arm.

"How many times have you practiced the transformation movements?"

To be fair, Lu Ziye had seen many players transform, and this was the first time he saw Jiang Wei transform like this.

"Only five or six. No, why should I tell you!" Jiang Wei snorted coldly, but his heart was filled with joy.

His transformation took two or three days just to design, and a full two weeks to get used to it without making mistakes!

".How stingy."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ziye glanced at the countdown with four seconds left and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Wei.

When Jiang Wei saw Lu Ziye rushing towards him, he was momentarily stunned.

"Wake Up! Cross-Z Dragon!"

"Are you ready?"

A burst of sound effects brought Jiang Wei back to his senses.

But the distance between the two was not far, and Lu Ziye was already in front of him at this time.

"Henshin!" A smirk appeared on Lu Ziye's lips, and the countdown in the sky reached zero.

The high-speed factory of the Build driver suddenly unfolded, sending the unprepared Jiang Wei flying backwards!

"Wake Up Burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!"

As the sound effects sounded, Jiang Wei fell to the ground.

"You actually used the countdown to attack me!!"

While Jiang Wei shouted angrily, he pulled out an advent card from the card box with his right hand.

Then he turned on the blade summoner and prepared to deal some serious blows to Lu Ziye.

"Beat Closer! (Music Terminator)"


Before Jiang Wei could put the advent card into the summoner, the sound terminator in Lu Ziye's hand landed on his left arm.

Since his left arm was hit, the advent card was naturally not put into the summoning machine.

"You!" As soon as Jiang Wei spoke, he saw a foot gradually enlarging in his field of vision!

boom! !

Jiang Wei, who suffered a frontal impact, fell backwards and fell to the ground.

Lu Ziye did not miss this opportunity and directly reached out to draw cards on the spot.

"Oh, the contracted beast is coming. Oh, the attack is coming."

I saw that Lu Ziye's hand speed was extremely fast, and five cards were directly drawn out and held in his hand.

"If you don't follow martial ethics, I will give up."

At this time, Jiang Wei came back to his senses, but he also understood that he had no chance of winning.

All the Advent cards in the card box were taken away by Lu Ziye, so he could use muscle to fight with him.

The opponent will definitely find a way to delay it for three minutes. Once the three minutes have passed, he will no longer be able to fight.

Under Lu Ziye's gaze, Jiang Wei pulled out the card box and immediately released the transformation.

Seeing Jiang Wei admit defeat, Lu Ziye reached out to him: "Brother, listen to me, women will only affect the speed of your transformation!"

"But she bought me the Illusion Advent Card." Holding Lu Ziye's hand, Jiang Wei stood up.

"Goodbye!!" With the speed of light, Lu Ziye withdrew his hand and turned around to leave.

He has nothing to say to people who rely on rich women, unless...he gets a fix!

A little late. . .

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