Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 53 You are too green, I am afraid of infection!

The moment he entered the mirror world, Lu Ziye was automatically wrapped in the Ride Shooter.

The pilot who controls the flying shooter has the ability to travel through different dimensions of the real world and the mirror world.

Lu Ziye was driving the Flying Shooter, and the world around him seemed to be a kaleidoscope. In the stacked mirrors, he could see his infinite extension.

"It's hard to imagine how Kanzaki Shirou came up with this research."

In Lu Ziye's view, what Kanzaki Shirou has researched can even rival Tan Li Dou in some respects.

Especially the power of the Time's Coming card, it is difficult to find a countermeasure at this stage.

The kaleidoscope world quickly retreated, and an increasingly intense light appeared in front of it.

Not long after, Lu Ziye entered the light and completely entered the mirror world.


After stopping to control the flying shooter, the upper shield rose, and Lu Ziye stepped directly down.

"This is the mirror world." Lu Ziye looked at the surrounding scene.

In the mirror world, everything is the opposite of the real world. It is an empty and weird world.

boom! boom! boom! !

At this time, countless white figures alternated in the mirror world, surging on various buildings.

[Sheerghost (Sword-faced Ghost), Mirror Monster]

[Level Judgment: F-Class Monster]

[A bipedal walking mirror monster in the shape of a water hyacinth can spit out seeds from its mouth and implant them into the human body, causing the seeds to grow and germinate to produce silk threads. It can also spit out sticky threads from its mouth to entangle enemies or avoid attacks]

[Moves slowly, reproduces in extremely large numbers, and attacks in groups]

In Lu Ziye's eyes, the information about the sword-faced ghost appeared.

"The numbers are horrific."

Even after seeing the zerg swarm and tens of thousands of Enoch, Lu Ziye still sighed.

On the buildings alone, he saw no fewer than fifty or sixty sword-faced ghosts.

He knew very well that the number of these sword-faced ghosts was only the tip of the iceberg, and there were still tens of thousands of sword-faced ghosts that had not yet appeared.

At this moment, a sound effect sounded.

"Mighty! (Shock)"

Lu Ziye felt a strong sound breaking through the air behind him and subconsciously jumped to the side.

The moment he jumped away, a green light fell from his original position.

A spear fell under the green light, shattering the ground and leaving terrifying cracks!

"Tsk, are you a player? I'm sorry!"

The spear was pulled out of the ground, and the person holding it looked at Lu Ziye and said.

This man's armor is silver-gray, but the green armor with the letter 'A' on his chest is extremely eye-catching.

[An Xincheng, male, 27 years old, player]

[Grade Judgment: E-Grade]

[Knight System: Lance (Lance)-Blade (Sword) System]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm nine times have an extremely aggressive personality. Even if they are defeated every time, they never admit defeat]

[Props held: Eight of Plum Blossoms Awakening Card (Copy) - You can liberate the power by swiping the Awakening Device, generate poison, and poison the enemy while attacking]

[Eight of Hearts Awakening Card (Copy) - You can release the power by brushing the Awakening Device, and you can reflect the enemy's attack]

[Liquefaction (liquefaction) - a consumable prop that causes the body to enter a liquid state after use, making it immune to enemy attacks to a certain extent. It can also be used to enter small places or escape]

"Hey, if we are all players, let's work together to deal with the plot characters first!"

With that said, An Xincheng stretched out his hand and walked towards Lu Ziye, as if he wanted to cooperate with him.

"You are too green, I'm afraid of infection." Lu Ziye thought, and the high-speed factory pipes in the drive extended out.

"Beat Closer! (Music Terminator)"

Under the sound of the sound effect, Lu Ziye directly held the sound terminator and waved it down.


The Music Terminator landed right in front of An Xincheng's feet, leaving small cracks on the ground.

"It's really boring." An Xincheng withdrew his frozen hand in mid-air, turned around and rushed towards the nearest sword-faced ghost.

"What's boring, just follow your heart." Watching An Xincheng leave, Lu Ziye glanced at everyone in the battle.

In the mirror world now, apart from him and Xia You, only An Xincheng showed up, and no other players appeared.

"Want to wait and see what happens?" Lu Ziye glanced at other places, but found no other figures or unusual conditions.

Da da da.

"Hey, is your Knight system from the Build series?"

Accompanied by crisp footsteps, a figure gradually walked up from the stairs.

In Lu Ziye's field of vision, the first thing he saw was the dark green head, and then the dark green compound eyes.

Until he stood in front of Lu Ziye, he was able to see the entire face

The breastplate, gloves, and boots are all brown, the wind ring around the neck is yellow, and there is a red and silver 'Typhoon' belt around the waist.

[Yin Wen, male, 30 years old, player-transformer]

[Grade judgment: E grade]

[Knight System: Hopper Type Shocker Rider-THE NEXT Series (Locust Type Shocker Rider)]

[After the two superior combatants, the prototype Hopper (Locust), who were transformed by nano-robots, betrayed Shuka, they, as humans with the highest potential, were the main transformers in the second phase, and were born as Hopper's mass-produced knights]

[Players who have cleared Knight's Realm eleven times, as skilled players, can often gain considerable advantages in battles]

[Props held: Chainsaw AstroSwitch (Chainsaw AstroSwitch) - After pressing the switch, you will be equipped with a chain saw equipment. Its built-in engine can rotate the saw blade 15,000 times per minute. The saw blade uses a high-hardness alloy called astronomical potassium]

[Chainarrays AstroSwitch (Chainarrays AstroSwitch) - After pressing the switch, it will be equipped with a meteor hammer-like iron ball. The iron ball part weighs one hundred and twenty kilograms, and the spike part is made of a new alloy]

[Gatling AstroSwitch (Gatling AstroSwitch) - a six-barreled Gatling machine gun that can fire 2,400 rounds continuously in one minute]

[Specialized repair potion x5-The Next series knight’s special recovery potion can restore damaged functions in a short time]

"Here comes the Cyborg." This was the first time Lu Ziye met a Cyborg.

"I'm tired of being a human being, and I think I'd have no objection to taking away your knight system, right?"

After Yin Wen finished speaking, his whole body burst out instantly.

Lu Ziye, who had been on guard for a long time, immediately made a move to pull the music terminator in his hand.

"Hippare! (Pull)"

The meter on the Sound Terminator was charged to green, and Lu Ziye pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Smash Hit! (Smashing Impact)"

I saw blue flames rising from the Music Terminator to meet the charging Yin Wen's body.

The moment he was about to touch the finisher, Yin Wen suddenly turned sideways and took advantage of the situation to kick out his sweeping kick.

But Lu Ziye raised his foot and stepped on it, and in an instant he was against Yin Wen's sweeping leg. The sound terminator in his hand pulled back and turned at the same time, slashing towards Yin Wen's neck again.

In this situation, Yin Wen put his hands on the ground and rolled back to distance himself from Lu Ziye.


The flaming Music Terminator whizzed past Yin Wen's chest, cutting off a corner of the scarf.

"That's right. It seems that you are not the lucky person." Yin Wen said, reaching out to extinguish the embers on the scarf.

"Time Vent! (Time is coming)"

The sudden sound effect rang in everyone's ears.

At this moment, everyone's movements slowed down.

There was only one golden knight, constantly shuttling among the people until he stood in the center.

"Welcome the new Kamen Rider to the Mirror World."

"But there is only one knight who survives in the end. The only one who can fulfill any wish."

"Fight, keep fighting. Until the last person stands."

The voice belonging to Kanzaki Shirou echoed, and when the reverberated voice completely fell, the golden knight disappeared among the crowd.

It's a little late, sorry! I had my computer repaired today, so it was a bit late.

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