Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 56 The hunted knight?

Lu Ziye, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by a strong shaking. Before he could open his eyes, he heard Xia You's voice.

"Lao Lu! Lao Lu! Don't sleep!"

Xia You's voice was extremely urgent, as if something terrible had happened.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ziye narrowed his eyes and sat up.

"The first phase of the mission shows that there are only twelve players left!" Xia You said quickly when she saw Lu Ziye waking up.

"Ah?" Upon hearing this, Lu Ziye's original sleepiness disappeared for the most part.

After having this idea, a virtual screen of the mission suddenly popped up in front of him.

[Complete the first stage mission: Eliminate the remaining Kamen Riders until there are eight (current number of remaining Riders: twelve)]

The original description in this column disappeared and was replaced by the number of remaining knights.

As Xia You said, there are only twelve people left.

"Someone is hunting knights?" At this moment, Lu Ziye had this thought.

"The hunting knights should be very strong, right?" Xia You also frowned after hearing Lu Ziye's analysis.

"It's hard to say. It's possible that there was a large-scale melee."

Lu Zi's ambition is more inclined to the first type. Although large-scale melee is possible, it is difficult to achieve a large number of attrition.

Only with the emergence of a strong knight can a large number of people be reduced in a short period of time.

If something like this happened, they had to take action.

"Let's go." After saying this, Lu Ziye stood up.

"Okay." As soon as Xia You finished speaking, harsh white noise sounded in their ears.

The appearance of white noise indicates that the mirror monster is near them.

The next moment, the two saw a dark shadow flashing on the glass in the room.


I saw a red dart flying out of the glass and flying straight towards the two of them.

Both of them reacted extremely quickly and fell to the ground almost at the same time.

Bang bang bang——!

The red dart landed on the wall of the hotel, leaving a deep mark on the wall in an instant.

But the red dart turned around and sank into the glass again.

"Lao Lu, I can't bear it!" Xia You stood up immediately and stood in front of the glass.

"Be careful, I don't think it's that simple." Seeing Xia You's actions, Lu Ziye said immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm very resilient." As she spoke, Xia You's waist had an Amazon drive printed on it.


When shouting the password, Xia You took a few steps back.

He wouldn't forget the experience of breaking glass so quickly. After all, the boomerang back then was much more 'painful' than the boomerang now.


"There's someone behind me!"

The moment Xia You transformed into a flame wave and exploded, Lu Ziye's yelling could be heard.

".Hold on, I forgot about this." Xia You said and jumped into the glass in front of her.

Lu Ziye, who was behind him, sighed heavily after hitting the ignited quilt cover with a pillow.

“The transformation of Amazons takes too much effort on the surrounding environment.”

But after Lu Ziye dealt with the other flames, he also came to the glass.

After taking out Crozier, his drive was also printed in the glass.


Then Croziosaurus put it into the drive, and three gray shadows overlapped its body, completing its transformation.

Jump into the glass, and just like before, drive the Flyer through the extra-dimensional space and come to the mirror world.

boom! boom! !

Lu Ziye, who had just landed, immediately saw the red monster fighting Xia You.

"This is the red beetle?"

As if to confirm Lu Ziye's thoughts, the message appeared in his eyes.

[Terabiter (Red Earth Beetle), Mirror Monster]

[Grade Judgment: D-Grade]

[Beetle-type bipedal walking mirror monster, characterized by its red color and a pair of extremely long tentacles. The back is equipped with a terracotta boomerang, which can be used as a blade attack when held, and can also be thrown as a means of long-range attack. Very strong fighting ability. 】

[Individuals who act alone and like to kill their prey slowly]

The reason why he could recognize this mirror monster at a glance was because Lu Ziye was deeply impressed by it.

Just as the information said, the fighting ability of the Red Earth Beetle is extremely strong. When fighting against the two knights, the Dragon Rider and the Night Rider, both of them can be suppressed.

One can imagine how powerful the fighting ability of this red earth beetle is.

"Lao Lu, don't do anything, let me do it!" Xia You also noticed Lu Ziye entering at this time and shouted immediately.

Hearing this, Lu Ziye stopped in his original steps and did not intend to intervene in the battle between the two.

At this moment, the red-earth beetle suddenly swung the red-earth boomerang towards Xia You, and was about to hit Xia You's chest.

But just a few centimeters away from her chest, Xia You grabbed the boomerang.

"You're the one doing the sneak attack, right?!"

The moment he finished speaking, Xia You whipped out his whip leg, hitting the Red Earth Beetle's side on the spot.

The Red Earth Beetle was in pain and took a few steps backwards. But this action made Xia You decisively move forward to pursue it.

I saw Xia You step forward in two steps, and the blade of his right hand slashed directly through the neck of the Red Earth Beetle!

The moment the arm blade brushed against him, sparks suddenly appeared on his body.

Not only that, Xia You recovered his right hand and pulled the back of the beetle's head, and while bringing its head down, he raised his left knee.

boom! ! !

The Red Earth Beetle's face immediately came into close contact with Xia You's knees, making a dull sound.

After this blow, the Red Earth Beetle seemed to realize something was wrong, took a few steps back, turned around and started to escape.

But Xia You didn't intend to let the opponent escape like this, so he immediately grabbed the right handle and pumped hard!


Along with the sound of sticky water, a black iron-colored spear suddenly appeared in Xia You's hand.

The spear was even stained with a little bit of blood red, but it was mostly a strange transparent liquid.

"Hey" Lu Ziye couldn't help but grin when he saw this scene.

Amazons' weapons are hardened by extracting large amounts of cells from their bodies.

But with such a large number of cells being removed, he felt a bit of phantom pain just standing there and watching.

Immediately afterwards, Xia You flicked the spear of Amazons in his hand and changed it to hold it in the middle.


When Xia You threw it, the liquid on the spear of Amazons fell and flew out like a cannonball.

The flying spear of the Amazons caught up with the Red Earth Beetle in almost the blink of an eye, and even pierced it from behind on the spot!

Boom! ! !

The moment it was penetrated, the Red Earth Beetle exploded and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"It hurts, it hurts."

And Xia You here shouted out the moment the battle ended.

".I really thought you didn't feel any pain when you were like that." Lu Ziye stepped forward and patted his shoulder to comfort him.

Bang bang bang.!

At this moment, inexplicable applause sounded.

"What a wonderful battle." The words rang out, and a figure gradually emerged in the two people's field of vision. "Your strength is considered good among the knights I hunted."

"But it's such a pity. The mirror monster I control is pretty good." Although the figure was sighing, his eyes were constantly looking at Lu Ziye and Xia You.

"How many knights have you hunted?" Lu Ziye held down Xia You who was about to take action and asked.

At the same time, he was also sizing up the figure in front of him.

The figure is covered in almost completely black armor, with only a strip of blue armor connecting it from the shoulders to the driver.

The features of its head are even more eye-catching, with sky blue armor that looks like a hairstyle that has been blown to the side.

But such characteristics are easily reminiscent of the tail of a rapidly falling meteor!

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