Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 62: Carry on to the end!

In the dilapidated and abandoned church, all the knights gathered here.

The plot characters headed by Shinji Kido sit slightly in the front, and the players sit in the back.

Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, waiting for the man in the trench coat to speak on the podium.

Suck, suck, suck

"The time limit has expired."

The man in the trench coat standing at the front slowly turned around and looked at everyone. And he is the instigator of all this - Kanzaki Shirou.

Suck, suck, suck

"The time limit has expired? What does this mean!" The first person to speak was Kitaoka Shuichi.

"The battle of knights will take place in three days"

Before Kanzaki Shirou finished speaking, the sound of sucking sounded again in the church.

At this moment, everyone looked at the two people who made the noise in the corner.

In the corner of the church, Lu Ziye and Xia You each had a piece of ramen in front of them.

As soon as the ramen was served on the table, they were led by Kanzaki Shirou to gather together. In order not to go hungry, the two of them brought ramen here.

"Lao Lu, I want to try your tonkotsu ramen." The attention of everyone did not affect Xia You's appetite.

"I refuse, eat your own." Lu Ziye held the ramen bowl in one hand, as if protecting his food.

"Stingy." Xia You muttered and focused on his bowl again.

Suck, suck, suck

The two of them chatted as if no one was around, filling the originally dusty church with the alluring smell of ramen.

This made the other knights look angry, as if to say, don't you consider the occasion appropriate?

"Are they too casual?"

"It doesn't matter. Players like this who don't know much about challenging the realm of knights will only have one ending."

"Come to tell me, I'm a little hungry too."

“If I had known, I would have brought my pork chop rice too.”

The players at the back were talking about Lu Ziye and Lu Ziye in twos and threes.


At this moment, the chair made a dragging sound, and a figure stood up and walked straight towards Lu Ziye and Xia You.

"Ramen is such a nostalgic taste."

After the words fell, the figure directly reached out to pick up Lu Ziye's ramen bowl.

Snapped! ! !

The clear sound of beatings echoed in the church. It was the sound made by Lu Ziye's hand as he waved the figure away.

"This is mine." Lu Ziye glanced away and landed on the familiar snakeskin jacket.

This man is the purest evil knight, Wei Asakura. There are countless famous scenes on it, such as the steel pipe coming, the defense coming, the meal coming and a series of coming scenes.

For him, Wei Asakura will encounter him sooner or later, and it doesn't matter what he offends.

"You, fight me." Asakura Wei put down his hand, his eyes became extremely hot.

He made no secret of the desire for battle in his eyes, which was the desire to defeat the man in front of him right now.

"You only have three days to fight, otherwise everything will disappear. It will be even more impossible for your wishes to come true." Kanzaki Shirou's unwavering words sounded again.

"You heard me, there are only three days left. If we don't fight, there will be no time!"

Wei Asakura slammed his hands on the table, shaking all the soup out of Lu Ziye's ramen bowl.

"Wait until I finish eating." Lu Ziye frowned slightly, glanced at Asakura Wei, and continued to murmur.

A smile appeared on Asakura Wei's face, and Lu Ziye's attitude made him feel more and more manic.

"Hey, I've never heard of such a thing." Kanzaki Shirou's words made Ren Akiyama's face change in front of him.

"I never thought that your battle was too protracted and the outcome could not be determined." Kanzaki Shirou's eyes fell on the players behind him, "There are eleven knights left now, let's fight quickly. "

"Eleven people. Where is the other person?" Qiu Shanlian looked back and asked.

"Sooner or later he will appear in front of you." Kanzaki Shirou did not intend to reveal it.

"Determine the outcome? I don't mind doing it now." Asakura Wei turned around and made his intention clear.

"Wait! Why are you doing this!" Shinji Kido couldn't sit still anymore and stepped to the front to question, "And you, what is your purpose for doing this? Why do we have to kill each other? !”

"There is no reason." Shirou Kanzaki's eyes fell on Shinji Kido, "As for the reason, this is a knight's war caused by your desire."

"Wouldn't it be great if we could stop the fight and focus on dealing with the monsters?" Shinji Kido immediately retorted.

"Are you a fool? If you do that, it will be meaningless for us to become knights!" Kirishima Miho was no longer silent.

"That's right, I don't intend to end the fight either." Akiyama Ren then expressed his attitude.

"Hahaha, that's right, just keep fighting until the last person standing." Everyone's attitude showed that the happiest person was Asakura Wei.

"Asakura Wei" Kirishima Miho stepped forward in two steps and came to Asakura Wei, showing hostility.

"Do you want to fight me?" Wei Asakura smiled even more, but his eyes followed Lu Ziye, "Wait until I warm up with her, then you can fight me."

Obviously, Asakura Wei had no intention of letting Lu Ziye go.

"I'll come find you after eating." Lu Ziye had no reason to refuse.

"Come on, let's start first." After receiving the reply, Asakura Wei tilted his head and called Kirishima Miho.

Immediately, the two walked towards a broken mirror in the church.

"Lao Lu, do you really want to fight that person?" Xia You asked, putting down the chopsticks in his hand.

In his opinion, Asakura Wei is not the kind of person who fights feverishly. He can see the naked murderous intention in the opponent's eyes.

"Sooner or later there will be a battle, and this one is the best." Lu Ziye knew the outcome of this battle very well.

"Then I'll help you and finish it as soon as possible." Seeing Lu Ziye say this, Xia You said no more.



As soon as the two voices fell, Wei Asakura and Miho Kirishima completed their transformations, and both of them were ready to enter the mirror world.

At this moment, Lu Ziye's eyes immediately fell on Asakura Wei.

[Wei Asakura, male, 25 years old, plot character]

[Grade judgment: D grade]

[Knight System: Ouja (King Snake)-Ryuki Series (Dragon Rider)]

[There are multiple contract cards, so ‘Metal Horned Rhinoceros’ and ‘Evil Diving Ray’ are added, and the weapons and skills of the two Kamen Riders can be used. In addition, the 'Fusion Advent' can combine the three-headed mirror monster to give birth to the 'Gene Exterminator'. But every monster in the contract must be fed, so the risk of maintaining the contract will be very high]

[Has a fighting ability that rivals that of a dragon knight. Coupled with its strong fighting spirit, ferocity, and aggressive personality, it can exert a fighting ability that surpasses that of most knights. It is good at attacking targets stubbornly. The reason why I want to keep fighting in my heart is to relieve my own pain]

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