Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 81 The official is coming to an end!

"Time Vent! (Time is coming)"

Under the sound of sound effects, invisible energy began to spread, and the first person affected was Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye's body began to move, from his original lying position to kneeling again, and then to standing up.

But when he was holding the winged spear on his abdomen, his movements suddenly stopped and there was no movement at all.

"Huh?" Odin's eyes fell on Lu Ziye, and he was keenly aware that there were other forces interfering with the coming of time.

And this power of time is not inferior to the coming of time.

Immediately afterwards, another power of time filled Lu Ziye's body. Under this power, the winged spearman fell off directly from his abdomen.


As the winged spearman landed, Odin suddenly came back to his senses.

The time energy that enveloped Lu Ziye was emitted at the same time, and began to collide with the power of time.

Although both have the power of time, the timelines they want to reach are different.

"Odin. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time." Lu Ziye's consciousness returned, and he could clearly feel two forces pulling on him.

The ticket contract card wants to take him to the time when he was slashed, but the time coming only goes back to the time when he is still alive.

Just like two anti-virus software running, two different programs scanned him at the same time. But if they all want to perform a function, conflicts will occur. This conflict will lead to various errors and even crashes.

At this moment, this is the situation.

Lu Ziye was resurrected by the power of the ticket, but the power of the arrival of time had no effect. The two different forces collided and reached a stalemate, maintaining this strange state of balance.

"What did you do?" Odin was puzzled. This was a situation he couldn't understand. It was clear that the advent of time was not fully activated, so Lu Ziye was resurrected by another force.

"You don't understand, do you? In fact, I don't quite understand either." Although Lu Ziye said this, he had already lifted up the full bottle of destroyer in his hand and swung it out.

"Scissors! (Scissors)"

"FullBottle Break! (Full Bottle Break)"

The steel bucket full bottle and the scissors memory were activated at the same time, and crimson energy began to emanate from Lu Ziye's body.

"Now is the beginning."

Before Lu Ziye finished speaking, a virtual screen popped up in front of his eyes.

[Congratulations on completing the final stage of the task, the rating will be integrated with the total rating]

[Players will be teleported out of this knight's realm in five minutes, please take your belongings with you]

Lu Ziye didn't even look away, because he knew that the activation of Time Coming meant the end of this time.

But before leaving completely, there is a small amount of time, and this is what he wants!

In this extremely short period of time, Lu Ziye must find a way to get the time to come and escape from here at the same time.

Once out, even Odin wouldn't be able to go to the buffer zone to mess with him, right?

The next moment, Lu Ziye waved the full bottle of destroyer in his hand, cutting traces in the space in front of him.

"You" Odin immediately spoke, trying to stop Lu Ziye's actions.

But the moment he spoke, Lu Ziye had already cut dozens of cracks. These cracks continued to expand and connect, turning into a collapsed space.

The sudden force of space instantly broke the balanced force of time in the collision between the two forces.


With an extremely crisp cracking sound, the space that had begun to collapse became even more fierce under the impact of two time energies. The crack space, which was originally less than half a meter, became two or three meters in size in the blink of an eye.

"This place is exactly what I thought." Under the mask, Lu Ziye's eyes shone with a strange light.

"It must stop." Odin seemed to have a premonition of something, and began to pull the golden summoner, trying to forcefully stop the coming of time.

But even Odin couldn't pull the golden summoning machine at this moment. From the golden summoning machine, the power of time is still pouring out.

At this moment, the space between the two collapsed and collapsed again, and continued to spread to the surroundings.

From the broken space, you can clearly see the red space inside, but the space inside is also shattering.

Whether it was the power of time on Lu Ziye's side or the power of time on Odin's side, they all fell into the broken space, resulting in the current complete collapse scene.

"Odin, I'm coming!" Lu Ziye finished his words and put the full bottle in his hand into the Shake Rabbit Tank bottle at the same time.

"Full Full Match Desu! (Shake the match)"

As the Full Bottle Destroyer handle was pulled, it immediately switched to cannon mode.

I saw Lu Ziye leaping up lightly, leaping across the broken space in front of him, and pulling the trigger of the full bottle destroyer.

"Full Full Match Break! (Shake and smash)"

The sound effect sounded, and a crimson energy cannon was instantly fired from the Full Bottle Destroyer, heading straight for Odin below.

The energy dissipated extremely quickly after the energy cannon was fired. It only flew less than one meter and shrunk several times.

Before the energy cannon could reach Odin, it had completely dissipated into the air.


The air was unusually quiet, and Lu Ziye felt quite embarrassed when he fell back to the ground. He didn't expect this to be the case.

In other words, he underestimated the current situation. Under the collision of three higher-level powers, his little energy cannon couldn't be integrated.

I saw that the crack in the space was getting bigger and bigger, even extending outside the room, and its expansion speed was still increasing.

"The current situation is beyond our control." Odin stood quietly like this, as if waiting for something.


Suddenly, a virtual screen popped up in front of Lu Ziye.

[Detected uncontrollable factors in the current Challenge Knight Realm]

[Official staff will immediately eliminate this uncontrollable factor, please wait patiently]

Scanning the information on the virtual screen, Lu Ziye couldn't help but be shocked. The battle he created this time seemed a bit big. The game officials were about to come to an end!


At this time, the space cracks made noise again, as if the inner space was broken, and a little bit of 'scenery' was revealed.

With just one glance, Lu Ziye saw a figure dressed in black. The man in black looked extremely handsome and had an unearthly feeling.

But the next moment, the air seemed to freeze, and everything came to a complete standstill at this moment.

‘Time to stop.? ’ At this moment, Lu Ziye could only move his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a figure enveloped in dark golden energy gradually emerged and landed in the room.

As the figure shrouded in dark gold stepped forward, Lu Ziye suddenly felt his heart contract.

Then, under the wave of the dark golden figure, the originally shattered power of space and time retreated and dissipated, as if nothing had happened.

As for Lu Ziye, his eyes were locked on the dark golden figure, and information was jumping out of his eyes crazily.

Yesterday I had a lot to do after I got home. I fell down from exhaustion and went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and quickly coded a chapter... I will make up for it as soon as I have time! I am so sorry! ! !

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