Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 99 You are too hot-tempered!


I saw Shi Dongsouyi and Kiryu Zhantu swinging their right fists at the same time, hitting each other's chest in a staggered manner.

But under the impact of this blow, Kiryu Zhantu retreated involuntarily, and even stopped after five or six steps.

"How could...?" Kiryu Zhantu was briefly stunned.

Obviously they are all Build (Creation Cavalry), and they use the best combination. In addition, the rabbit tank combination he uses is the combination he is most familiar with. There shouldn't be such a big difference in power.

This situation will only occur unless the risk level gap between him and the store manager is not small.

"What's wrong, War Rabbit? Is this the only strength you have?" Shi Dongsun waved his right hand, and the high-speed factory constructed the Flying Eagle Gatlinger in his hands.

But Kiryu Zhantu's chest kept rising and falling, and he couldn't say anything.

Such a war rabbit made me, the ten thousand-foot-long dragon watching from behind, also notice that something was wrong.

Just as he was about to speak, a familiar sound effect sounded!

"Dragon! Lock! Best Match! (Dragon! Lock! Best Match!)"

"Are you ready? Sealed Fantasy star! KeyDragon! Yeah! (Are you ready? Sealed Fantasy star! Dragon lock form! Yeah!)"

Along with the sound echoing in the factory, Build in the form of dragon lock stood at the entrance of the factory.

And he is the dragon lock form transformed by Lu Ziye.

The reason why he chose to intervene at this time was because he knew that the current Kiryu War Rabbit had no way to defeat Ishito Soichi.

The original plot line is here, Kiryu Zhantu has already made bubble rabbit tanks. But without the bottles of Bubble Rabbit Tank, he would only have to be pressed and rubbed on the ground by Shi Dongsu, and he might even have all the full bottles taken away.

"Dragon and lock?" After seeing this, Kiryu Zhantu immediately turned to look at Wanzhang Ryuuga.

That seems to be asking, why was your Longman bottle taken away?

Wan Zhang Long shook his head repeatedly, and at the same time showed the Long Man bottle in his hand to show that it was in his hand.

"What's going on now? It's weird to have three Builds!" Wan Zhanglong Gao secretly complained.

"It's you again, you're so annoying." After saying this, Shi Dongsun raised the Flying Eagle Gatlinger in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Da da da--!

The Flying Eagle Gatlinger spit out tongues of fire, and countless bullets poured towards Lu Ziye in an instant.

Lu Ziye raised the key of restraint and management on his left arm in front of him to block the flying bullets.

Arriving in front of Shi Dongsuyi despite the pouring of bullets, Long Xi's right fist condensed energy, wrapped around his right fist and blasted towards Shi Dongsuyi.

However, Shi Dongsu launched his flying eagle armed wings behind him and instantly floated into the air, allowing Lu Ziye to miss his attack and at the same time widen the distance.

"What I hate most is that other people can fly!" Lu Ziye couldn't relate to the topic of flying.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved out the Key of Restraint and Management, and several chains shot out from it, covering the stone in mid-air.

But Shi Dongsuyi's figure swayed and he easily dodged the chain attack.

"This voice... is the person on the rooftop!" Kiryu Zhantu came to his senses and recognized Lu Ziye.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Help me shoot him down." Hearing this, Lu Ziye said quickly.

At this time, the stone in mid-air began to rotate the Eagle Gatlinger's magazine.


The sound effect of the Flying Eagle Gatlinger sounded, and Kiryu Sento immediately took off the two full bottles on the drive and replaced them with two new full bottles.

"Gorilla! Diamond! Best Match! (Gorilla! Diamond! Best Match!)"

The moment the sound effect sounded, Kiryu Zhantu came to Lu Ziye.

"Are you ready? Build Up! Shining Destroyer! Gorilla Mond! Yeah! (Are you ready? Build Upgrade! Shining Destroyer! Gorilla Diamond Form! Yeah!)"

"100Full Bullet! (full of bullets!)"

With Shi Dongsouyi as the center, a special field spread out, instantly covering Lu Ziye and Kiryu Zhantu.

Immediately afterwards, the Flying Eagle Gatlinger spit out tongues of fire, and countless bullets turned into flying eagles and flew toward the two of them.

Kiryu Zhantu, who was standing in front of Lu Ziye, stretched out his left hand, and a huge diamond appeared under the energy of his left hand.

Dang Dang Dang.!

A steady stream of blows resounded, and sparks flew from the other side of the diamond, completely blocking Shi Dongsu's attack.

"The best combination is indeed very strong, just come here! War Rabbit!!" Shi Dongsu was not angry when he saw that the attack was blocked. It can even be said that he was even more excited.

The moment the Eagle Gatlinger's attack stopped, the huge diamond in front of Kiryu Sento disappeared, but his left hand followed by creating countless small diamonds, which hovered around him.

"Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah! (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!)"

When the driver sounded, Kiryu Sento waved his right fist with trembling hands.

In an instant, countless small diamonds flew out and flew towards the stone in mid-air.

As soon as Shi Dongsu saw this, the flying eagle weapons behind him flapped, and his figure kept shaking, moving at high speed above the factory. However, Diamond's quantity and speed were extremely fast. Under Kiryu Zhantu's constant punches, Diamond finally touched the wings of the Flying Eagle Arms.

The flying eagle's armed wings were hit, and Shi Dongsu fell from the air in an instant.


As it fell, a burst of smoke and dust suddenly rose in the factory, while Shi Dongsunyi was lying on the ground without any movement.

"The orangutan is pretty good." After sighing, Lu Ziye walked slowly to Shi Dongsun.

The power on the dragon side of his right hand gathered together to form a dazzling energy ball in his hand.

"Can you let me come?" Kiryu Zhantu came behind Lu Ziye at some point and said coldly.

Then, Kiryu Zhantu raised his big fist on the side of the gorilla and smashed it at Shi Dongsou who was lying down.

But the next moment, the fist stopped at Shi Dongsu's chest and did not hit it completely.

"How could I possibly do this?" At this moment, Kiryu Zhantu's mind was filled with memories of Shi Dongsoichi.

The person in front of him gave him a home to go back to and made him feel the warmth of family. It was because of his words that he became the Build he is now!

"Huh!" At this moment, a soft hum sounded, and Shi Dongsun suddenly stood up, with the Flying Eagle Gatlinger pressing against the Build drive.

Da da da.!

Under countless sparks, Kiryu Zhantu retreated, his body flashing with orange arcs.

The arc flashed, and the Build armor instantly turned into countless light points and dissipated, and Kiryu Sentu fell to his knees.

Lu Ziye was already prepared. The moment he stepped forward, he released the chains from the key of restraint and management and trapped the wings of the flying eagle.

"You're too hot!" Before he could finish his words, Lu Ziye's right fist hit the side of Shi Dongsu's waist.

Continuous kidney-exploding punches were thrown at him, knocking Shi Dongsuyi back until he was leaning against the wall.

At this time, Kiryu Zhantu struggled to stand up and looked at Shi Dongsuyi who was being held down by Lu Ziye, the corners of his eyes gradually turned red.

"I can't do it." Tears fell from Kiryu Zhantu's eyes, "It's you who made me what I am now. It's because of you that I can live as one person. It's you who saved me!!"

Betrayed by the person he trusted the most, Kiryu Zhantu could no longer bear the grievance in his heart.

"Then it's up to me! I'll replace Sento!" Wanzhang Ryuuga stood beside Kiryu Sento and grabbed the Build drive from him.

"Wanzhang." Looking at the Wanzhang Ryuuga in front of him, Kiryu Zhantu felt a new warmth in his heart.

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