After the head waiter left, Ye Jiuyue silently held the menu and let it stand on the table. He was about to speak but faltered as he looked at Shen Weixing. 

Shen Weixing frowned. “Just say whatever you want to say.”

Ye Jiuyue hesitated again, then quietly asked, “What are you doing?”

“What do you mean what am I doing?” Shen Weixing said, not understanding. “Eating, duh.”

Ye Jiuyue thought about it, then said, “Don’t introduce me to others like that.” 

“What?” Shen Weixing thought about it, before asking, “The thing about placing first?” 

Ye Jiuyue nodded. 

“What’s wrong?” Shen Weixing really didn’t know where the problem lay, flashing this achievement out would make people green with envy. To give you a sense of perspective, there were a few million people in one exam, and there was only this single first-place position.

He felt like it was incredible too, with such strange and out of left field brain processes, Ye Jiuyue could get first place. He supposed that a lifetime’s worth of IQ had been used up in this exam.

He actually didn’t like people talking about it, Ye Jiuyue really was fussy. 

Shen Weixing fantasized for a moment that he had gotten first place in the national exam. No need to say anymore, he would buy the trending topic spot for half a year. On his Baidu page, he would have this in the biggest font, highlighted in red, and his future gravestone would have it engraved.

Ye Jiuyue slowly said, “Half a year has already gone by, in another half a year there’ll be a new one, don’t keep bringing it up, it’s awkward.”

“What’s awkward about that? You’re so fussy.” Shen Weixing thought, being mocked by people saying that you haven’t even graduated high school yet are using a book to act cool is what’s actually awkward, okay. If it were you reading that book, there would definitely be no one who’d say you’re acting cool.

But he didn’t insist on talking about this issue, and only asked, “Then how should I introduce you?” 

After he finished speaking, Shen Weixing suddenly had a ‘light bulb went off’ moment, and looked at Ye Jiuyue in realization.

This scheming □□, he wants me to introduce him as my boyfriend! Tut tut.

Don’t even think about it, it’s impossible. Ha. Ha.

Shen Weixing smugly looked at Ye Jiuyue. 

Ye Jiuyue didn’t understand what his suddenly smug expression meant, only said, troubled, “Actually, you don’t need to introduce me.”

Shen Weixing’s heart tightened. He thought, it’s here, it’s here, Ye Jiuyue probably wants to reveal his emotions, he doesn’t want a status and doesn’t want any money all he wants is me! If you had even a tiny bit of self-perception, then you wouldn’t say anything, don’t embarrass yourself!   

Shen Weixing was nervous for a short while, but saw that after Ye Jiuyue finished saying that, he looked down and started going through the menu. Feeling a little unhappy, he nitpicked and asked, “We’ve already finished ordering, what’re you looking at it for now? Will you be able to finish if we order so much?”

Ye Jiuyue raised his head and looked at him, then slowly said, “You can get it as take-out.”

“……” Shen Weixing was going to be angered to death by him again, “If we bring it back then heat it up again, it won’t taste good anymore.”

Ye Jiuyue nodded. “Oh.”

Dunno what your ‘Oh’ means! Shen Weixing took in a few deep breaths and was too put out to pay him any more attention so he went on his phone, head lowered. 

One of Shen Weixing’s chat groups had already exploded with messages, of course, it was the fault of that head waiter just now.

Wen Dong: oh my god, ahahahahahahahahahahahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhackhackhack bosses I’m requesting for you guys to first promise that you won’t deduct my bonus, then I’ll say what I just saw! 

Boss A: Don’t even think about it, using your phone during work hours, you’re losing your bonus.

Boss B: I’ve got more stock shares than him, Dong Dong, don’t listen to him, say it.

Dbrr J:  Po atf gfrajegjca vlvc’a mbeca bc wf, jcv pera gfilfv bc atf akb jybnf, atfc la kbeiv’nf mibrfv ibcu jub. Wljb Qfchl, sbe olgra rjs ktja sbe tjnf ab rjs, ktfatfg sbeg ybcer lr vfvemafv bg sbe gfmflnf j gfv qjmxfa vfqfcvr bc ktja sbe tjnf ab rjs.

Wen Dong: Shen Ge brought that hidden treasure of his over to the restaurant! 

Boss C: Continue.

Wen Dong: Shen Ge’s going to make me die of laughter hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahuhuhuhuhuhu he’s completely like a crazy dude, you guys didn’t see it, when he told me that that was the national exam’s first place, filled with pride, showing off hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahuhuhuhhuhuhuhuhu that kid was even covering his face!

Boss A: Bad review, Wei Xing’s already said a million times that that kid’s the national exam’s first place, if you scroll back to yesterday’s chat history, there’s still some there. My nephew’s going into high school and even like this he can lead the topic onto his Zhuang Yuan’s high school, my nephew is a fucking British citizen born and raised in England! How would he be able to go to your Zhuang Yuan’s high school?!

Boss C: Transfer schools, duh, Ge. There’s still that possibility. 

Boss A: I’ll transfer you.

Wen Dong: The important part is at the time, Shen Ge’s expression was so frigging funny hahahahahahahaha it was filled with pride and the need to show off!!

Boss B: Aren’t the things he says in the group chat normally filled with pride and the need to show off?

Wen Dong: Afterwards, he pointed to the foreign languages on the menu and said, completely flaunting things, that his Zhuang Yuan could understand all of them, Hahahahahahahahaha the Zhuang Yuan covered his face! I’m going to die of laughter! Hahahahahahaha I’m afraid that the Zhuang Yuan will feel he’s too embarrassing and dump him later! 

Boss B: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Boss E: I’m very sternly scolding you guys, academics are Weixing’s sore point, don’t be like this, you guys. He’s going to flip out on you guys later  

Boss F: Don’t drive a wedge between us, you know that we don’t mean it like that. But I’m still hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaing a little hahahahahahahaha

Wen Dong: And then, after they finished ordering food, I asked what they wanted to drink, then Shen Ge said sea salt cream cheese bubble tea, with extra sea salt hahahahahahahaha it made me think of the soap opera dramas that my mom watches hahahahahahahaha going to a five-star restaurant and ordering bubble tea and stinky tofu! 

Boss A: hahahahahahaha

Boss B: hahahahahahaha

Boss C: hahahahahahaha

Boss E: hahahahahahahaha I’m not going to try and save him any face anymore 

Boss F: He’s done for, he’s done for, Weixing’s done for. Virgins losing their virginity really are something, I’ve said that holding it in for too long makes it easy to have something go wrong, @Wen Dong, at least teach your Shen Ge some moves, I can’t bear to see him like this, you teach him, okay?

Shen Weixing: [our stamp of friendship is nullified.jpg]

Boss A: hahahahahahaha

Boss B: hahahahahahaha 

Boss C: hahahahahahaha

Boss E: hahahahahahaha

Boss F: hahahahahahaha

Wen Dong: hahahahahahaha 

Shen Weixing : All of you, shut up. 

Shen Weixing: @Wen Dong, bring the dishes!

Wen Dong: I’ll go get the chef to hurry.

Boss C: @Wen Dong, go and give your Shen Ge special effects, the fees are on me. 

Wen Dong: Alright.

Shen Weixing: Don’t.

Shen Weixing: He’s just my sugar baby, you guys are thinking way too much.

Shen Weixing: But I’ve discovered that he’s really fallen in love with me, right now I’m very troubled about how I’m going to break it off with him. University students are easily rash and reckless, I’m afraid there’ll be trouble, you guys need to seriously help me analyze things. 

Boss D: hahahahahahaha

Shen Weixing: Scram (ノ`Д)ノ

Boss D: I was just in a meeting, I was just Haha-ing at the stuff before!

Wen Dong: Shen Ge, I’ll scram as soon as I’m done speaking. I’ve just gotten someone to go buy your sea salt cream cheese bubble tea, oh~no~it’s his sea salt cream cheese bubble tea~and bumped into Xia Qiu’s assistant. I forgot to tell you something just now, Xia Qiu reserved a table for lunch, and is going to come here to eat. 

Shen Weixing: What’s he doing coming over here? Doesn’t he have scenes to film today?

Wen Dong: Well, I don’t know about that, but the filming set isn’t far from here, so he often comes here to eat.

Boss A: There’s a good show to see, not talking anymore, I’m going to fly over there right now.

Boss C: Not saying anymore, I’m already out the door. 

Boss F: I’m already in the car.

Boss D: I can’t find my driver’s license, so I can’t go. You guys remember to make the live broadcast clearer, thanks.

Boss D: [Password red packet: wtmxs]

[Your red packet has been claimed by Boss A: wtmxs] 

[Your red packet has been claimed by Boss B: wtmxs]

[Your red packet has been claimed by Boss C: wtmxs]

[Your red packet has been claimed by Boss E: wtmxs]

[Your red packet has been claimed by Boss F: wtmxs] 

[Your red packet has been claimed by Wen Dong: wtmxs]

[Your red packet has been claimed by Shen Weixing: wtmxs]

Shen Weixing: Get lost (ノ`Д)ノ

【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】

Boss C: Come here.

Boss A: I’ve been wanting to ask for a while now, have you guys thought about what would happen if Weixing finds out about this group chat? 

Boss C: What can he do?

Boss A: It’s true that he can’t do much, but have you guys taken his feelings into consideration?

Boss C: Haven’t taken them into consideration, don’t care.

Boss A: That’s right too. Then let’s continue, what are you going to say? 

Boss C: @Wen Dong, remember to report on the news as it happens.

Wen Dong: I’ve gotta go and work now, bosses.

Boss D: We won’t dock your bonus.

Boss D: [red packet-exclusively for Dong Dong] 

[Your red packet has already been claimed by Boss A]

Boss A: Habit, habit.

Boss A: [Red Packet-exclusively for Wen Dong, whoever takes it is an idiot]

Wen Dong:…… 

Wen Dong: Should I accept it or would it be better not to? 

[Your red packet has already been claimed by Wen Dong]

Wen Dong: Nevermind, in this world, having money is enough, what else would you want!

Wen Dong: I’ll report back whenever possible. 

Boss A: At opportune moments, help that little lovebird.

Boss C: The way you say that is so disgusting, ugh. His name is very nice, Jiuyue, how poetic.

Boss D: Have you guys really not noticed the connection between Jiuyue and Qiu?

Boss F: Shut up, you. 

Boss A: Their relationship is just the type where I bet that Xia Qiu will definitely make a fuss.

Boss D: I’m betting that Xia Qiu won’t slip up for now, do you think that he’s a newbie at this?

Boss A: A hundred thousand.

Boss D: It seems that your recent financial state truely is pretty horrid huh, did something actually go wrong with that land of yours? 

Boss A: Scram

Boss D: I want your Ferrari 

Boss A: Then I want that award plaque of yours.

Boss D: Okay. 

Boss F: I bet that after today’s meeting, Xia Qiu’s going to be bullied by someone, and then Weixing is going to be a hero and save the beauty. I bet it on that one house of mine that faces the sea.

Wen Dong: I can’t keep up, Bosses! Why do you all always play so big?! I can still keep up when it’s just a hundred thousand! I don’t have anymore. 

Boss B: A bunch of idiots. @Wen Dong don’t mind them, remember to help Weixing, right now you’re the only one that hasn’t said anything bad about Xia Qiu in front of Weixing, he only trusts you.

Wen Dong:…… 

Boss F: That’s right @Wen Dong

Wen Dong: OK.

Boss A: By the way, Wen Dong, tell us what this Jiuyue is really like? Why do I just not believe it? With Weixing’s luck, what if he just likes Xia Qiu’s type and gets a Xia Qiu 2.0.

Wen Dong: Can’t see anything at the moment, he’s a pretty simple young man, doesn’t talk much. 

Boss C: How does he look in person?

Wen Dong: From a completely objective point of view, it’s still Xia Qiu who has better looks. Jiuyue is that type that looks very obedient and nice, and seems like the goody-two-shoes type.

Boss A: Xia Qiu looks very goody-goody too though.

Wen Dong: I actually can’t refute anything, I’m shallow, I haven’t seen as many thousands of boat sails as you bosses have. 

Boss A: Haha, you’ve seen an aircraft carrier.

Wen Dong:^^|

Wen Dong: [our stamp of friendship is nullified.jpg]

Wen Dong: I have to get back to work now. 

Boss D: Sigh, Weixing’s a good kid all around, he’s just not the sharpest in terms of EQ.

Boss A: Right?

Boss G: Every time I look at this group chat, I get an impulse to withdraw my share in the stocks, it gives me the feeling that this restaurant will be finished sooner or later. 

Rinrin: First look at the Boss group, SWX’s friends (pronounced as Dads)

Lastin: Boss G is my favorite, she is literally a silent g, giving the g’s in gnat and gnome a run for their money

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