【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】 

Wen Dong:  Shen Ge private messaged me, saying that you all have biases against Xia Qiu, and that I didn’t.

Wen Dong: ……But I do. 

Wen Dong: The first time I saw Xia Qiu I felt that there was something wrong with him. 

Hua Lin: Old taxi drivers really are old taxi drivers, I candidly accept defeat.

Wen Dong: Don’t joke about me.

Hua Lin: Chat with him, and then guide him into dumping Xia Qiu.

Boss B: We’re counting on you, Dong Ge!

Wen Dong:……

Boss B: If this thing goes well and Wei Xing comes to my company, then I’ll give you a big red packet @Wen Dong 

Boss B: It’s not just me saying this, but those little schemes of Xia Qiu, tut tut. He’s actually pretty clever, he knows his own importance, he can be the fifth or sixth most popular male star by staying with his current little company, but if he goes to another bigger company with more people then he’ll just be a little nobody. That’s why he won’t leave even if he’s dead, after all, as long as he doesn’t leave, that fool Wei Xing won’t leave either.

Boss B: Let’s stop talking about this, whenever we talk about this I get the urge to hit Wei Xing.

Boss F: Then I think that you should kick Lu Bei to the curb; one mountain can’t handle two tigers, even if there wasn’t Xia Qiu, Wei Xing would go to another company, not to yours.

Boss B: Scram. Do you know how much Lu Bei makes every year? If I kick him aside, will you provide for me? 

Boss B: And besides, I want to rely on Lu Bei to pull up my Wei Xing.

Boss F: Tut, you faithless man.

Boss B: Get lost. 

【Private Chat】

Shen Ge: Help me think up a way to dump Ye Jiuyue. 

Wen Dong: ?

Wen Dong: What are you saying, Shen Ge?

Wen Dong: I have some stuff to do, so I’ll be replying a little slow, Shen Ge, don’t be rash, tell me slowly.

Shen Ge: I feel like Ye Jiuyue’s fallen in love with me, like, extremely in love with me. 

Wen Dong:……

Wen Dong: That’s really good, that’s a good thing.

Shen Ge: But I’m his sugar daddy!

Wen Dong:…… 

Wen Dong: Real feelings can come from a sugar daddy-sugar baby relationship!

Vtfc Xf: Dea ws agef ibnf lr Wlj Hle!

【Ljnf kf lcmievfv  ab qijs abvjs, lr  vbcf obg abvjs sfa】

Qfc Gbcu: P gfjiis mjc’a vb la, VYV.

Qfc Gbcu: 【rmgffcrtba】 

Qfc Gbcu: Dbrrfr, ulnf rbwf reuufralbcr, P’ii pera gfqfja atfw bnfg atfgf.

Qfc Gbcu: Aera yfmjerf ws gfijalbcrtlq tlrabgs lr ibcu vbfrc’a wfjc atja P’nf fcmbecafgfv ygjlc qgbmfrrfr atf ilxfr bo Vtfc Xf yfobgf.

Boss B: Kwill Xia Qiu, so that he has no other choices.

Boss A: You first stall, let me think.  

【Private Chat】

Wen Dong: Shen Ge, just think about it, the one that you like right now is Ye Jiuyue, and so that means you don’t like Xia Qiu anymore!

Shen Ge: Impossible.

Wen Dong: Why is it impossible?

Shen Ge: I like Xia Qiu though. 

Wen Dong: Why do you have to like Xia Qiu?!

Shen Ge: ?

Wen Dong: No, what I mean is I don’t have a bias against Xia Qiu, I don’t have any bias against Xia Qiu, what I mean is, you already like Ye Jiuyue, that means that you’ve already moved on to another, liking someone else isn’t a matter of bad character, you and Xia Qiu were completely clean of any relationship, there’s no problem at all in changing and liking Ye Jiuyue, right?

Shen Ge: But the problem is that I still like Xia Qiu, that isn’t fair to Ye Jiuyue though.  

Wen Dong: So the main problem lies with if you really like Xia Qiu? Tell me, what do you like about him? 

Shen Ge: Everything.

Wen Dong: Then you tell me, what do you like about Ye Jiuyue?

Shen Ge: I don’t know, Ye Jiuyue is such a weirdo, that’s why I feel like it’s not quite right, I can’t pinpoint the reasons why I like him! 

Shen Ge: I feel like it might be that we’ve slept with each other too many times, and so I’ve started getting delusions.

Shen Ge: That’s why I’ve decided to calm down, that’s why I’m asking you how to break up with Ye Jiuyue. He really loves me right now, I don’t want to hurt him. At the start I properly told him that we wouldn’t be dealing with feelings, although he’s not keeping the promise, I still don’t want to make things too strained.

Shen Ge: You don’t know, when he doesn’t speak and doesn’t anger me, he’s actually a little cute.

Shen Ge: No, what I meant to say isn’t that he’s cute, what I mean is, the fact that this kid can’t control his feelings can’t be helped, after all, I’m older than him by quite a few years, I should still keep my morals even if it was playing around. Don’t misunderstand.  

Wen Dong:……

Wen Dong: How about this, Shen Ge, I have an idea, I’ll get you a few more people to sleep with, then you can see if you’ll experience the same delusions?

Shen Ge: What rotten idea is this?

Wen Dong: I’ll get someone clean, absolutely clean, a virgin, if you like university students, then I’ll find you a university student again. 

Shen Ge: How come you’re acting like a pimp?

Wen Dong::……

【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】

Wen Dong: You guys are going to lose me, I’m going to have a breakdown. 

Wen Dong: Otherwise you guys will lose Shen Ge, I’m going to strangle him to death.

Wen Dong: For the sake of survival, I’m fucking going for it, I’ve gotta get Shen Ge and Jiuyue together, otherwise I feel like Shen Ge will anger me to death sooner or later.

Wen Dong: Sorry Jiuyue, it’s either you or me.

Wen Dong: I’m sorry.  

Boss A:…… 

Boss B: What a good kid, yet he’s gone insane.

【Private Chat】

Shen Ge: I don’t want to.

Wen Dong: Then what do you plan to do? 

Shen Ge: I don’t know ah.

Wen Dong: Sigh, at first I didn’t want to say this. I’ve never told anyone before, but the reason I became the way I am now is because of a person.

Shen Ge: ?

Wen Dong: Back in the day, I lost someone and could never make up for it, that’s why I became self-defeating and let myself fall willingly. But, what of it? What you miss is gone. If time could turn back, I would definitely not have been so rash. So, Shen Ge, I’m advising you not to be rash, otherwise, you will be like me in the future: extremely regretful. 

Shen Ge: Who?

Wen Dong: Sigh. It’s a long story, it was many years ago, my situation was very much like yours right now. I thought that I liked my white moonlight, but actually, my white moonlight was just my delusion, the one that I really loved was actually someone else. However, I was rash in the moment, and actually abandoned the person that I actually, truly loved for a person that I had actually given up on long ago. Afterwards, I went to find him…but he was already someone else’s. 

Wen Dong: This was probably punishment, after that, I never found true love again. I feel like…my entire life can only pass on in this manner.

Wen Dong: That’s why, Shen Ge, don’t be rash. Even if you aren’t clear about your real thoughts yet, you should first slow down and think more on it before making any decisions. A lot of the time, once you make a decision it’s very hard to save the situation. 

【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】 

Wen Dong: I did my best.

Wen Dong: I haven’t written any essays in a long time.

For the time being, Shen Weixing grudgingly accepted Wen Dong’s suggestion: don’t make any moves, think about it more deeply.

Although he was very scornful over this suggestion in his mind: what is there to think about more deeply?! 

【Private chat】

Wen Dong: Shen Ge, at the very least, even if your true love is Xia Qiu, that doesn’t affect you being with Jiuyue.

Shen Ge: ?!

Wen Dong: Do you plan to confess to Xia Qiu? 

Shen Ge: It’s not like he likes me.  

Wen Dong: That’s right, Xia Qiu doesn’t like you, and you don’t want to forcibly turn him gay, it’s impossible for you and Xia Qiu to be together. That’s why it’s perfectly acceptable for you and Ye Jiuyue to be together, it doesn’t count as you wronging Xia Qiu. Xia Qiu won’t mind, he’ll congratulate you two. 

Shen Ge: Have you considered Ye Jiuyue’s feelings?

Wen Dong: Huh?

Shen Ge: I like Xia Qiu, but I go and be with Ye Jiuyue; am I tricking Ye Jiuyue by saying that I like him, or do I tell Ye Jiuyue that I like Xia Qiu but Xia Qiu doesn’t like me so I’ll be together with you while keeping Xia Qiu in my heart? How disgusting is that? 

Wen Dong: ……

Shen Ge: Fuck!

Shen Ge: Ye Jiuyue is so annoying! We said that we wouldn’t add feelings into the mix, he doesn’t have any contract fidelity. Fuck. 

Shen Ge: Annoying, let’s stop talking. 

Wen Dong:……

【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】 

Wen Dong: Bosses, I’m not fooling Shen Ge anymore.

Wen Dong: I can’t do this. 

Wen Dong: My mom’s telling me to go to bed. 

The author has something to say:

Wen Dong’s mom: I didn’t 

Rinrin: Next chapter we get a detailed look at ’s backstory~~

Rinrin: laugh while you can, because the next chapter is pain, very ow  

Ppeach: After all, Shen Ge is not that smart when it comes to love.

Preparing for the next chapter: tissue box *check*, ice cream *check*

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