Shuttle of the city

Chapter 1493 Cave Chinese Day

Ye Zichuan after thinking about three, finally decided to register.

If you don't register, it is clear that these two will not let him go.

Even if he kills two, it will only make things a bigger, and it will definitely have a stronger on the Shengxue Mountain.

This is not what Ye Zichuan wants to see.

I can only pray now, this registration will not be a monitoring.

He doesn't want this happening.


Really unlucky!

I calm five epiralies, he thought that his own fashion, did not expect the mildew just accumulated, and now broke out again.

"How to register?" Ye Zichng looked at the two people asked.

Blue Hazheng Ling took out a piece of jade: "As long as you leave a soul imprint."

Soul imprint?

The leaves of the leaves flashed, and his eyebrows began to shine.

He did not show his own Yuanshen, because the monk is very special, it is completely different from the soul of others.

Ye Zichuan didn't want to leave any of the clue.

The eyebrow flew out of a light and then falling on the top of jade.

Ye Zichuan did not leave his own strength, but from the middle of the gods, it won't see anything else.

Blue has a spirit, confirming that the top of the jade has left the soul imprint, which is satisfied with the jade.

"Since you are not willing to go to Shengxue Mountain, let's don't have this." Blue Hazheng is holding boxing, attitude is still friendly.

Ye Zichuan has opened: "Can you ask a question? Why do you want a broken universe, after all, it really doesn't use it."

"And I stayed in five derivatives, if not you, I may still stay for a long time."

Two primitive life look at each other, and then the blue hair is smiling: "I don't know if I don't know what it is. This is the command that is above. It is necessary to take it as much as possible in the world and space of the original space. It is said that There are big use above. "

"Is there a lot?" Ye Zhi's eyes flashed.

Then he looked up: "I have no problem, but I have to find a new home now."

He is a sigh of sigh.

The opposite original branched smile laughed, and the sensory of Ye Zichuan has risen.

"If you are willing, you can use the Snow Snow Mountain as a new home, believe me, there will be no disappointment."

"It's been used to it. If you have a chance, you will go to visit, now I will leave." Ye Zichuan hugged them, and turned to disappear.

If he is the indigenous life here, I really want to go to Sheng Snow Mountain.

But now he is completely mixed undercover, and it is possible to expose it, he doesn't want to find it.

Looking at Ye Zichuan completely disappeared, the blue happening talented: "This person should be very strong, and a singleer."

"Yes, there is a space law in this manner, and you can put everything in, but you didn't collect him. At the very least, it is also a strong master of the top-level peak."

"Such a strong person does not know how much in the original space, so we can get a lot of rewards."

"It is getting harder and harder now, and after a while, I am afraid that someone can't find it."

"Who said no? Go."

For so many years, many hidden monators were discovered.

Some people have joined Sheng Snow Mountain, but there is also a considerable part of the choice to continue, and some people are not satisfied with registration, and they have been stared, and conflicts with Sheng Snow Mountain.

Under such a context, the rest of the soul is deeper after hearing the news.

The original space is boundless, and it is really not easy to find it under the premise of intentional hiding.

This makes their work more and more difficult, I want to find a new primitive life, really tantamount to the sea, it is completely luck.

After the two left, Ye Zhuan also came to the other side.

He is constantly flying along a direction, stopping after leaving millions of miles.

This is not far from the place where he leaves. This distance is placed throughout the original space, almost can't say it.

Ye Zikuan has created a celestial body with Dafa Forces, and then began to re-all, and a space is coming here, and there is a very big rune that is filled with greatness, all being entered into the celestial body.

The celestial body gradually shrinks, and finally became a bead, and Ye Zhuan was heavy in the upper reincarnation method and junction, and then he also drilled in.

His body has a breath in the spray, gradually spreading to the entire cave, and the Dongfu gradually changed. Finally, in the end of the vast mist, it disappeared here.

"Continue to practice."

Ye Zichuan took out a violet gas. After a while, he will always refine the purple gas and improve his life level.

More than a thousand is like, I believe sufficient to make him a huge transformation.

The heart gradually converges, and Ye Zichuan cleaves all his thoughts, so that the Lingtai is clear, slowly enter the state of practice.

Time is slow, he is immersed in cultivation, realizing the vast energy contained in the purple gas, also in terms of the original rules in the analysis, how to influence the physical fitness of life, so that life is transforming.

Hong Meng is very stable, very stable, will not have severe changes, will not explode what.

It seems to be just a pure energy, original and pounds, can affect a change in life from the deepest level.

"Stable energy ..."

Ye Zhou looked at the purple gas gradually disappeared in his own body, and it seems that what I thought.

In too virtual space, are those spots that are not very stable?

But the world's spot, it is obviously different, some differences.

Ye Zichuan also thought of the scene of Xuan Tianzun, there was a sun behind the other side, and the sun can make countless purple gas in the real world.

That sun, can be said to be the essence of Ziqi in too vain.

Ye Zichuan recalled the details and composition of the sun, compared with the purple gas in their own body, and analyzed the differences and differences between them.

In the middle of the cave, the world has been milled.

In the blink of an eye, the universe from Leaf Sichuan and the time of three derivatives have passed.

If it is just refining the purple gas, it will not cost such a long time.

But Ye Zichuan is also watching changes in their body when refining the purple gas.

After paying attention to the increase in the flesh, he combined with the genetic password left by Heqiu, a little resolved the mystery, it used to use itself, which caused this process very long.

Therefore, he spent so long this time.

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