Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 804: Because of contentment, and happiness!

After sharing the food, it is time for a lunch break!

Jing Qingxin and Gao Shen each held a treasure and had a lot of fun. Of course, it was the two brothers who were amused, and it was the Shen Xin couple who were amused!

Now, the deep-hearted couple has found another fun in life, and that is to tease their twin sons!

Enough of the fun, Jing Qingxin finished breastfeeding, the two babies were full, and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the warm embrace of their parents!

My two sons are settled! The two couples continued, their one-day labor wedding anniversary!

This wedding anniversary is so special! No candlelight dinners, no flower gifts, and no romantic surprises!

But both felt a real sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and... happiness!

On such days, the company of each other is the best gift!

Isn't it also a kind of romance to spend your own time doing something you like with the other person? !

There is no big meal, but there is someone you love sitting beside you, no matter what you eat, the taste is also delicious!

This is satisfaction! Because of contentment, and happiness!


In the afternoon, the couple, Jing Qingxin and Gao Shen, threw themselves into a flowerbed!

Jing Qingxin took big scissors and trimmed the flowers and vines, while Gao Shen was responsible for transplanting and expanding the newly grown tender seedlings!

Because, Jing Qing is ready to expand the flowerbed again!

She did this for the sake of future planning and planning!

The flowerbed in 'Liuguangjin' is not like the small flowerbed in my own yard. It can be taken care of in ten minutes!

How big is this flowerbed in the space? That is the size of the three Gao family courtyards combined, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sea of ​​flowers!

In the past, Jing Qingxin did not take care of this flowerbed completely and completely, but selectively took care of an area!

Seventy percent of the flowers in this garden are inherited from the space itself, and twenty percent is her mother, who added some common flowers when she gained space!

But contaminated with the aura and soil of the space, even the most common flowers in the world are much better than ordinary flowers!

The remaining ten percent are some precious flowers that she has gradually added over the past few years! Of course, these precious flowers cannot be compared with the flowers grown in the space itself!

Her mother, those flowers that do not easily move in the space, because they are too delicate and bright, and they are also contaminated with a strong spiritual energy, they are processed and made into products, which is too cruel!

Unless it is to send some very important relatives and friends, otherwise, Jing mother will not take out the flowers in the space at will, and the flower materials involved in Jing mother's name are all ordinary flowers planted in the space!

Now, Jing Qingxin has a blueprint in her heart, and the current situation is gradually becoming clearer, so she naturally has to prepare in advance!

Whether it is fruit or flower, there is a great use for it! Be prepared!

The two husbands and wives divide labor and work together, and each is busy. Fortunately, there is no big sun in the space, and they will not be exposed to the hot sun. Otherwise, after this hard work, it is estimated that the two of them will definitely peel off a layer of skin!

Jing Qingxin looked at her family, Ah Shen, who was working hard, thinking that they had been busy for more than two hours, and they should have a proper rest.

Thinking about it, Jing Qingxin went to the material warehouse first, and then returned to the lounge! Made a cup of coffee, a cup of tea!

Nowadays, because their family often enters the space, a thermos is often prepared in the lounge for them to drink hot water!

"A Shen~!" Jing Qingxin shouted in the direction of the flowerbed not far away.

Hearing the sound, Gao Shen raised his head and saw his daughter-in-law, waving and calling to him. Then, he cleaned up the dirt on his body and walked to the big wooden chair.

"Drink tea, take a break!" Jing Qingxin handed the cup of tea to Gao Shen.

The two sat on the wooden chairs, each holding a cup, looking at the scenery not far away, and slowly drinking!

Jing Qing didn't ask in her heart. Today, she will take care of the entire space!

Work and rest must be combined!

This flowerbed can't be organized in one afternoon! They still have time, so take it slow!

Her family, Ah Shen, rarely rests today! Work is just a way of vacation, appropriate, it is a kind of fun!

She didn't want to, she really had to work tirelessly!

Neither of the two said a word, they just drank their water cups quietly, but the atmosphere surrounding the two was extraordinarily harmonious and peaceful!

Jing Qing drank the coffee slowly, and the bitter taste spread throughout her mouth, but she did not feel the taste bitter. On the contrary, her taste buds felt a hint of mellow and strong fragrance. A hint of sweetness.

Such a quiet and beautiful time, Jing Qingxin enjoys it very much, such a warm little day is the life she longs for and wants in her heart!

Now, she has it!

She will take good care of this beauty!

After a second thought, Jing Qing suddenly thought that in a short while, there will be a great misfortune in the historical records, the apex of her heart couldn't help but trembled slightly!

Such heavy grief, compared with the quiet beauty of the years and the full sense of happiness she felt at the moment, completely formed two extreme emotional realizations!

Should she change?

Suddenly, Jing Qing felt a little heavier in her heart!

She was a little confused, she didn't know, should she try to change? ! What if her action affected the trajectory of history? !

However, she couldn't help but think about what happened to Zhou's leader before! If it wasn't for her pills, perhaps, history would not have developed according to the trajectory she knew!

Today's situation is about to change!

So, if she doesn't take precautions, then what if the final result becomes more severe and sad than the consequences she knows? !

The more she thought about it, the more tangled and confused Jing Qing became, and she was even a little upset!

To shoot or not to shoot? This is a very serious problem!

Gao Shen, who was sitting beside Jing Qingxin, keenly felt the ups and downs of his daughter-in-law! Even the sense of breath surrounding the two of them is a little impetuous!

Wasn't it just fine? Why, all of a sudden, the breath is irritable, and the mood fluctuations are so obvious?

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