Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 887: The order is down!

Jing Qingxin and Gao Shen's return to life, at this point, can be considered to be completely calm!

Regarding the above instructions, the two of them are not in a hurry at all! On the contrary, the two also felt that such a leisurely life at home was very rare.

If a new order is sent, it means that the wonderful time of their family is coming to an end!

Therefore, compared to the anxiety of other people, the two couples are very calm, as long as they wait patiently, they will always be ordered!

And this time, the couple waited until the beginning of November, which is more than half a month after they returned to the military compound.

Let a group of onlookers look forward to it!

At noon, it was Zhang Xiaojun who came to inform Gao Shen to go to Commander Li's office!

This is also the second time that Gao Shen came to the army's office after returning to the military compound. The first time he came was the day their family came back!

For more than half a month, he hasn't moved around much, and has completely played the role of a dad and a good husband at home!

Accompany the to study, help the daughter-in-law with the housework, and most importantly, cultivate the relationship with the daughter-in-law!

This small day, it is rare and comfortable, moisturizing!

Profound and rational, can distinguish between life and work, when it is time to rest, you must completely relax and rest, and don't think about other things! But after switching to work, you must adjust your mentality and do all the requirements and tasks in your work.

No matter how comfortable and undisciplined life is, you can't lose your fighting spirit and forget your goals, and in the same way, no matter how much work and tasks you have, you still have to think about your family and can't ignore it.

Coming to Commander Li's office, Political Commissar Zheng also sat aside, gave a military salute, and sat down as instructed by the two leaders.

He knows that today is the time to announce the final result! Maybe, after today, there will be different changes, right?

No matter what the future is or what challenges he will face, he must move forward bravely, because behind him, there are his wife and children!

He wants to stand in front of his wife and children, shield them from the wind and rain, and hold up the sky!

"You should know, what is it that asked you to come here now?" said Commander Li.

Gao Shen replied bluntly: "Well, I understand!"

Political commissar Zheng said with a smile: "Old Li, don't be silly, just go around the corner and announce it directly!"

"I'm just about to say it! Why are you in a hurry there? Look at Gao Shen, none of the parties involved are in a hurry!" Commander Li said with a smile on his face, and it could be seen that he was in a very good mood.

"Yes! I'm talking too much! Hurry up!" Political Commissar Zheng waved his hand.

Commander Li said with a hint of relief: "Gao Shen, this time the organization has debated a lot about your arrangement. Until today, we have completely unified our opinions and decided to let you study at the National Defense University in the capital for one year!"

Hearing this, Gao Shen's eyes flashed slightly, and he tried his best to control the excitement in his heart. Fortunately, the years of training have kept Gao Shen's face with a normal look, and there is no excessive emotional exposure.

Political commissar Zheng immediately laughed heartily: "Old Li, I'll just say it, Gao Shen can be steady! Look at him, the expression on his face has not changed!"

Commander Li said even more gratified: "Gao Shen, this is an extremely rare opportunity! Not every soldier can have this opportunity for further study! Do you know what this means?"

"I know!" Gao Shen replied calmly, because he knew, so he was excited.

Political commissar Zheng said: "If this award is only for a promotion, you will at most be the deputy head of the regiment. You also know that if you want to be promoted to head of the regiment, it is difficult to get promoted without strong military achievements. It will take at least two or three years to get a job, which is still a conservative estimate.

But if you go to the capital to study for a year this time, it means that after a year, you will directly appoint the head of the regiment! So, this opportunity is really rare! It can also be seen that the above organizations care and value you, you must take a good grasp of it! "

Hearing this, Gao Shen immediately stood up, saluted the two leaders, and said solemnly: "Yes! I will definitely study hard, work hard to improve my knowledge and ability, serve the motherland, and serve the people! I will not disappoint the organization's cultivation of me!"

"Okay! Just understand it in your heart!" Commander Li said with admiration.

Political Commissar Zheng congratulated with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Gao Shen! Hope, we will have the opportunity to work together in the future!"

After a year of advanced training, Gao Shen may not necessarily be assigned to their military region, and can only wait for the assignment from the organization above after Gao Shen's advanced training is completed!

But in the year of advanced study, his military registration file still belongs to the combat unit of Panshi 101 Military Region!

"There will be!" Gao Shen replied.

After the excitement and joy passed, at this moment, Gao Shen's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and he thought of a very serious and serious problem!

What about his wife and two treasures? !

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