Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Chapter 387: incident

The rescue ship is painted in orange, which is very conspicuous. Nuyev is also on board. This 10,000-ton ship is just comfortable. In addition, there are many good things on it, such as good cigarettes and good wine. After Da Mao's sea area, I just checked-checked twice, and when I checked-checked, I left with cigarettes and good wine.

Since the 1990s, there has been no military exercise in the north, so this military exercise is very important on the surface.

The name of the rescue ship was Jiaolong, and it also docked at the port for supplies. Eugene looked at the rusty ship in the military port not far away, and shook his head.

The people at the port shouted excitedly when they saw this big guy, one-third of the crew on the ship were also Da Mao, who had held positions on the ship, and they were poached away after He Gui bought the ship up.

There are also people from the mainland in charge of the ship, but this is a civilian rescue ship, and the management is not so serious, and everyone has been familiar with it for several years, and knows how to deal with the people here.

Even the Barents Sea in August is not very hot.

"Personnel can disembark one third at a time, and repair for ten days first." Eugene said loudly, the training site is in the sea 100 kilometers away from the show, just in a complex environment, simulating rescue, such as fighting.

"Okay." Many crew members cheered after hearing this, because there were no girls on the rescue ship.

Then I saw these people carrying money and good wine ashore. The people in the port here had heard that there was a ship rich in supplies, so they hurriedly took out good things.

Nuyev looked at the warships in the distance, and shook his head too: These guys, they drank all the fuel, and if they didn't keep it all right this time, something would happen.

There is also a logistics ship in Nuyev, also several thousand tons, with all kinds of good things in it. Local dealers come here, and many good things are produced here, especially precious metals. This is also the home port of the Northern Fleet.

But this time participating in the performance is better than in history because the black-powered aircraft carrier that should be dismantled is still there.

In fact, in the past ten years, this aircraft carrier has been acting alone most of the time. Because there is no money, the Jiaolong was retired two years in advance. It was originally 1997 in history, because there was no money.

Many ships are even sealed up. As for whether there are escorts underwater, it is not clear.

Why are there so many precious metals, because this is basically a military industry, with only tens of thousands of people.

Of course, there are still some people who have some wealth, such as some mink coats and so on. In addition, the fishing industry here is also good, and it is very cheap.

There are more than 300 people on the Jiaolong, and these 300-people-take turns to go to the port for consumption.

At the same time to replenish supplies, Nuyev has friends everywhere here, and after some understanding, he feels that something will happen.

Ten days later, the Jiaolong sailed out of the port to carry out a series of rescue experiments in the Arctic Ocean. Many of the equipment on the Jiaolong were brand new, such as sonar detection, underwater robots, deep submersibles, etc. There was no way. .

And because it is a large ship of more than 10,000 tons, the equipment is also advanced, and the sea conditions are complicated, such as strong winds, big waves and so on.


He Gui continued to do a series of experiments that were doomed to failure, and then read the description of the active phased array radar given above, in addition to the terrain following radar, terrain avoiding radar, and some related things.

Then He Gui summed up... copied some, and wrote a theory about the development of active phased array radar, beam wave radar and control system.

This is used by Baian Aircraft Co., Ltd. over at Millennium, and it is researched according to its own theoretical direction... It is guaranteed to be correct.

This is complementary, which is very important for the development of the radar over the millennium.

Copying back and forth, jumping repeatedly, in fact, our strength, in a previous conflict, we even tied tanks and cannons to the front of the warship and pulled them out to fire. Now it's all right, 500 kilometers...don't be nervous.

There has been a huge improvement in the Millennium, because there are Tomcats and Black Falcons. Since buying 160, all the big and beautiful boats have gone there.

Although the mainland does not have the manufacturing capability, several of them are dispatched together....

Experiment, copy the theory, and then ponder the system. As for the matter of Millennium Nuyev, why don’t you care about it? People like Nuyev have the opportunity to sell favors, and they will let them go. They are extremely shrewd.

This is the good thing about doing research. You can go home from get off work every day and spend time with your children. He Gui doesn’t care about things. Things are managed by Liu Ru. When a large sum of money needs to be spent, He Gui just sign it.

He Gui actually makes a lot of money every year, such as pig farms, drought-resistant soybean seed companies, homestays, hospitals, dividends from big white geese, museums, parrot park in Hainan, patents on rice seven bananas, vanilla pods, etc. wait.

And of course the studios.

"Liu Zhe is getting married, New Year's Day." He Gui heard Liu Ru say something after get off work in the evening.

He Gui rubbed his chin: "Well, I see, I'll ask him what he wants."

The girls looked at He Gui very strangely, but they didn't speak. Someone asked him directly.

He Gui picked up the phone and sent a message to Liu Zhe. Anyone who has dealt with He Gui knows that He Gui's reply depends on the situation. Sometimes it is very fast, sometimes it takes three to five days, and of course it usually takes a week at the latest.

The relationship between Liu Zhe and his girlfriend is very stable. In fact, this is due to Liu Zhe's clear understanding of himself. He knows that he has no skills, so he relies on his family, so the first girlfriend he talks about has been together.

Of course, Liu Zhe is also because the family's finances are under control, and he has no independent source of income, so there is nothing he can do if he is disobedient. Anyway, Liu Zhe intends to take care of the old, and then wait for the child to grow up and take care of the young.

It is not uncommon to start a business, an animation studio, but it faces a lot of troubles.

It is impossible to start a business in this life. If you give birth to two children earlier to your parents and seniors, you can live a chic life by yourself.

He Gui sent a message, and Liu Zhe called back right away.

"Brother, lend me your big yacht, just use it for your wedding, and make sure you don't mess around." Liu Zhe called immediately.

"Use it, when is the treat?"

"I don't know about this. Anyway, someone arranges it, so I'll just be a wooden man."


"Where is the wedding?"

"It seems to be a certain hotel in Hainan, should they notify you?"

Good guy, He Gui is speechless, he didn't even know where he got married, Liu Ru picked up her mobile phone and handed it to He Gui, only then did she know that she had sent it to Liu Ru and the others.

"Understood, I'll ask if you want anything..."

"That...your siblings said they want a pair of bracelets..."

"what colour?"

"Transparent, transparent." Liu Zhe said.

"Okay, send me the exact size, and I'll look for it for you." He Gui said.

"Thank you brother, thank you brother." Liu Zhe also knew that this pair of bracelets was not cheap.

After hanging up the phone, He Gui said to Liu Ru and the others, "I'll leave it to you."

Liu Ru and the others nodded. He Gui's warehouse has a lot of white and transparent jadeites. These things were not worth much when He Gui bought them in the world next door, and they became valuable later.

He Gui doesn't do any specific physical labor now, and basically eats together every night. Although the girls don't eat much, they accompany the children, and the four little guys in the family are extremely noisy, but they are noisy during the day, so they sleep well at night.

During the day, a few play with the lambs, donkeys, and ponies on the farm, and at night they sleep together...

He Gui's research is still going on, but because it's copying, it's just a matter of grasping the timing. It can't be said that I do ten experiments a day and then research it in half a month. That's not good, it's too fake.

Because theory requires a process of thinking.

So He Gui is experimenting, copying various modern things, writing them out, making a directional theoretical guidance, and then giving it to the millennium Baian Aircraft Company.

However, there are also skills in copying. It is necessary to point out the direction, but it must also have a basis on the original basis, even if it is a guess, it must have a reasonable basis, which is more difficult.

When He Gui buried himself in copying things, there was Millennium.

———————— Millennium —————

The Barents Sea has become much more lively here, and the Jiaolong is conducting sea training in a designated area outside the acting area.

The weather in the Sea of ​​Barron in August was very bad, with strong winds and rough waves. Of course, the rescue ship Jiaolong was going to train in this environment.

Jiaolong carried out a series of training at different depths and under different hydrological and climatic conditions. The stronger the wind and waves, the more training is required.

Jiaolong's equipment is very advanced. There are two underwater remote-controlled robots, and the maximum depth can reach 1,500 meters. The huge LED underwater lights allow you to see many things on the bottom of the sea, including crabs.

Sometimes the training task is to catch crabs. The underwater robot has a mechanical arm. The strength must be controlled well, otherwise it will be difficult to catch.

Nuyev looked at the screen showing below the surface of the sea, huge LED lights glowing yellow, which can penetrate far underwater.

The maximum search radius of the underwater robot is three kilometers, which means that the two underwater robots on the ship can conduct a careful search of the area within a radius of three kilometers.

In addition, it is also equipped with drones. These drones carry sonar equipment, which can conduct sonar searches in a large area around them, and there are also a variety of black technologies.

For example, if the water surface is detected, oil pollution will be found immediately. This kind of detection has been applied to satellites in modern times, because some large cargo ships secretly discharge waste water, which can be detected on the route.

Seeing that it was performance time tomorrow, Nuyev came to Eugene's room.

Eugene himself is engaged in related work. One-third of the people on this ship have served on this ship, of course in the past.

However, rescuers, He Gui, allow everyone to drink regardless of their age, but those on duty are definitely not allowed to drink.

"Mr. Nuyev." Eugene was actually a little worried all the time, worried that Nuyev would follow him and do some bad things secretly.

Nuyev nodded and asked, "Eugene, what do you think of the ships that will be shown tomorrow?"

"?" Captain Eugene looked at Nuev with some doubts.

"According to my opinion, most of these ships and the equipment on them have not been maintained for ten years, and it is only the aircraft carrier." Nuyev continued to ask.

Eugene nodded, stroking the fixed stainless steel table: "Yes, before this big guy retired, a lot of things that could be taken away were actually taken away and sold."

"This is also the reason why I came this time. According to my speculation, there is a high probability of an accident in tomorrow's performance..." Nuyev said.

Eugene's eyes widened, and Nuyev shrugged: "Eugene, don't doubt, I have many channels to get any of these things, or anything else."

"Based on what you know, is there a high probability of an accident? Is there any?" Nuyev continued to ask.

Hearing what Nuyev said, Eugene also understood that what Nuyev wants, he will definitely get it. There is no need to take the risk of doing it at this time. It's been like this for ten years. The upper ones are sold one by one, and the lower ones are dismantled, and everything that can be dismantled is dismantled. Even the accessories are not spared.

"It's very big." Eugene had to admit, because Eugene was also a member of it.

In fact, many people say how many trillions of wealth the United States looted in the first place, but it is estimated that it is only hundreds of billions of dollars.

Because the ruble is still the ruble, the general looting is the looting of foreign exchange, is it useful to loot the ruble?

In the process of suppressing the ruble, because of the need to continuously buy rubles and sell them at low prices, and then trigger a credit crisis, the ruble was exchanged for US dollars, from 1.5 rubles to one US dollar at the peak, to 3,800 rubles for one US dollar.

The profit was based on this price difference, so the capital flow was large, but the pure profit should only be 100 billion, because there was not much loss of fixed assets at that time.

Ten years after the separation, the loss of fixed assets was serious, and a small number of people got rich.

Of course, the foreign exchange market is only part of it, and the main thing is radical changes. It is necessary to change all the planned economy into a market economy within one and a half years, and even 30 years of cerebral thrombosis will not make such a decision.

But it was done and implemented, and what the senior officials said at the time, they were all people in the circle, with more than three million relatives.

The most typical is the factory restructuring, where each worker is issued an equity certificate, but this is waste paper in the hands of the workers, some people buy it at a low price...then the factory becomes someone else's, maybe only 1% of the price less than.

Well, you say you don't sell? Then the factory executives will take the loan, and then you as a shareholder will be loaned... Quack.

There was still a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars, and the goods were still purchased in rubles. It just said that the economy collapsed. However, in the subsequent time, the privatization of the oligarchs caused heavy losses to Da Mao.

Look at the steel used for aircraft carriers. The United States only pays 400 US dollars per ton.

All kinds of means of production and production equipment have been emptied by the West and others, which is why Da Mao's economy can only rely on energy later, because once lost, it is difficult to get back up.

Your equipment needs to be repurchased, and then various other things, the most troublesome thing is the patent. In the past ten years, others have imposed layers of patent barriers against your industry for civilian use, unless it is used for military use.

Of course Eugene knew that in the past ten years here, there has been a black market everywhere, and everything can be sold. Radars worth millions have been sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

There are also various precious metals, raw materials, various scrap iron, helicopters, and so on.

Back then, some people in the mainland traded daily necessities for airplanes...

Anyway, the big thief and the little thief, when everyone takes it, no one cares, because everyone wants to eat, everyone wants to eat bread, and everyone has to spend the winter.

"What does Mr. Nuev mean?" Eugene asked.

"Pay attention tomorrow, if there is anything unusual, let me know immediately."

"Actually, I don't want to come here either. I have several secretaries in Africa. Are you uncomfortable on a yacht in the Mediterranean?" Nuyev said a little annoyed.

Eugene suddenly realized that what Nuyev wanted to get, he shouldn't have to go through such troubles, just stay on this boat, and the master is here... Tsk tsk, you can't do anything you want.

"I hope nothing will happen, otherwise it will be a big deal." Eugene also felt his scalp tingle, and there will be a lot of black people in his performance tomorrow. If this thing had an accident, it would be a huge disaster.

"Yeah." Nuyev was also upset in his heart, who the **** knows if it will be black or something, I hope these drunk guys don't drink alcohol tomorrow.

It’s impossible not to drink alcohol. People here still use the fuel in the torpedo to drink, because for a while, the torpedo contained ethanol... Adding color and odorant to it didn’t work. Later, methanol didn’t work. (Ahem, I will travel to the north in the future, and I will be given cigarettes and alcohol when I encounter a car check or something...)

Eugene didn't sleep well all night, and Nuyev didn't sleep well under the protection of bodyguards. Nuyev made up his mind that if something happened, he would go to the logistics ship first. That's why he had to follow a thousand-ton ship The logistics ship is next to it, so Nuyev can run around.

What the hell, if something shady happens, you can get involved, your own billions of wealth, so many beauties, what the **** will be cheaper for others.

On the next day, August 10th, the training continued, the monitoring equipment was turned on, and Eugene was able to be the captain, with both skills and command.

The Sea of ​​Baron is very lively. Of course, various surveillances in other countries have also been activated, such as the nearest pirate country...


But today everyone was worrying in vain, and nothing happened. Eugene and Nuev even had a drink in the evening.

On August 11, everyone was tense on this day, but it was fine, because the submarine had no live ammunition.

On August 12th, the weather was a bit bad. Everyone rested today, because today's performance is over, but the detection equipment is still on, such as sonar, such as shock wave detection.

Nuev even went fishing.

The parameters of the torpedo training eggs are much lower than the official ones, so the manufacturing process is not so rigorous, but the torpedo uses liquid fuel, which is actually very stable, but it does not encounter a catalyst.

But the torpedo tube is made of copper, copper is the catalyst, and the torpedo shooter is not trained for this type of submarine. This is also caused by ten years of economic weakness. Most ships are maintained in name, but the maintenance funds... cough cough.

At 11:28, the electronic investigation room of the Jiaolong is still undergoing training. After today's training, you can go back to the port. There are hot girls. Go back for ten days and continue to go east. There are also many girls over there.

"Dididi!" Suddenly there was a beeping sound, and the person responsible for the shock wave measurement was taken aback, and then quickly tapped the red button.

All are all, all are all!

The entire ship immediately sounded the Dududu siren.

Eugene was blowing the sea breeze with Nuyev, when everyone thought it was over.

"Damn it." The siren stunned both of them, and Eugene dropped the cigarette in his hand.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Eugene rushed into the telecommunications room.

"An abnormal seismic wave was detected, the magnitude was 2.2, and the depth was 70 meters below sea level." The technician responsible for the detection reported immediately.

The velocity of seismic waves is different, so the depth can be determined. The velocity of propagation in different media is different. The water depth here is basically more than 100 meters.

"Damn it," Eugene cursed.

"Measuring the position, hurry up."

The technicians quickly calculated, and Nuyev also took a deep breath, 70 meters below sea level, this is a **** fish.

At 11:31, the instrument beeped again, and the machine that recorded the seismic waves produced a piece of paper.

"Quick." Eugene's face turned green when he saw this scene.

Nuev patted Eugene on the shoulder: "Calm down."

"Captain, a magnitude 1.5 earthquake is located on the seabed, in this area." The technicians breathed a sigh of relief this time, and said they didn't pay attention last time, and it was easy to measure twice.

Nuyev looked at the map marked by the technician, and his face turned green. What the **** is it not the center?

Nuyev said, "Eugene, get ready."

The funny thing is, although the other people who acted in the sea area where the incident happened noticed the fluctuations and thought it was an act, as for the loss of contact... This is too common, because the radio station of the Great Mao Fleet is often broken... Ahem, parts, accessories.

Nuyev picked up the satellite phone and called someone.

A certain person is the leader of this event. When he received a call from Nuyev, he happily asked, "Dear Nuyev, when will you come back? I have some beauties here."

"Drunkard, you idiot... Something big happened..." Nuyev scolded directly, he was just a second-rate dealer under him.

After Nuyev said it, he immediately contacted him to sell favors. This person is on vacation, and Nuyev can contact this This person felt that Nuyev would not lie, In fact, in history, no one discovered that a submarine had lost contact until night...

So he directly called the big head here in the north and asked him to verify it.

"Mr. Nuyev, we can't wait any longer." Twenty minutes passed, and Eugene was very anxious. The depth of the two shocks was enough to explain everything. It was impossible for a training bomb to cause such a big commotion.

"Don't worry, wait." Nuyev has no choice but to wait for someone to verify.

The big head in the north was scolded by Nuyev, and he could only touch his nose. There was nothing he could do. Nuyev was so **** rich, so he asked someone to check it immediately.

The fleet is having fun here, so of course the verification is the verification.

In fact, this time there was also a discovery, which was a non-existent aircraft carrier. But after the people above reported it, the captain of the aircraft carrier thought it was training.

It turns seems that things are getting worse.

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