
Arc II Chapter 7

Asami rested on the soft grass, watching the one-sided slaughter. Nothing too exciting. Her eyes followed her teammates.

Once again, Aritame took another hit . Once again, the boy made contact with on the hard ground.

"Ouch", Asami commented.

And once again, Aritame rose up only to be knocked out a few seconds afterward. This wasn't funny. This was a tragedy. Maybe she should help Aritame and Yukihiro?

They didn't stand a chance even in a million years. They could need her support as she considered their team work ... improvable.

No proper coordination, no discipline, no formation, nothing. While Yukihiro was more of a conservative type, Aritame was clearly the hot-headed type, attacking without planning. Aritame, lots of muscles, but no intelligence

Asami sighed. Unfortunately for them, Asami had little interest in intervening as she pondered about the two bells.

What was their purpose ? Asami doubted Masasane would send them back to the academy. His words were nothing an empty threat.

The majority of the graduates were unlikely pass a test like this. It was impossible to get one of the bells under normal circumstances. No fresh genin could scratch, not to mention defeat a fully-fledged jonin. 

The bells were a ruse. Masasane didn't test their combat prowess. He didn't test their abilities.

But what then? What did he want from them?

Asami tilted her head, and was thinking, and thinking, and thinking. 

Masasane gave her an disdainful stare. Asami reciprocated with her own special glare.

Who did Masasane think he was? What had she done to offend him? Why did he stare ...

Asami's eyes widened. How could she be so stupid? The answer was so simple, so obvious. The whole bell test was just a matter of teamwork. He didn't test their strength, but their teamwork.

Asami broke out in laughter. "Thank you, sensei, without your help it would have taken me longer to finally figure it out."

Confident and proud, Asami marched forward. "Aritame, Yukihiro, get your lazy asses up. Playtime is over, lads."

Asami drew her blade, pointing the tip at her sensei. She hoped her sensei loved swords as much as her.

Asami smirked. "What are you waiting for, the second coming of Hashirama?"

Aritame's and Yukihiro's mouths hang agape.

"What?" Asami showed her irritation.

Yukihiro gulped, intimated by her glare. "Nothing."

"Wonderful. And now take your positions, we don't have all day." Asami smiled.


Asami's mood worsened. "What did you say again, Aritame?"

"I said no. I won't stand up." Aritame defied her authority.

"I won't follow you, you stuck up ice princess. You think you are better than us with your holier than thou attitude, don't you?"

"Correct, Aritame, I do." Asami giggled amused.

"I am a stuck up ice princess I won't deny that. But to be fair, I care little about your opinion, Aritame.“ 

“I am better than you to a degree you can't even comprehend in your wildest dreams. And now move, before I decide to kick your ass, Aritame."

"Why do you think you can order me and Yukihiro around?!" Aritame growled, standing his ground. He resisted her cold freezing stare.

Asami was much shorter than him, and she was girl. But she was really ... scary. Asami hadn't changed over the years. Her soulless eyes still frightened him like back at the academy.

“Why? You ask why?“ Asami furrowed her eyebrow.

“Because I am the leader here, Aritame. And now get moving! Show me that you aren't completely useless!"


Tired, exhausted, they lied sprawled across the ground save for Asami. She held two wonderful bells in her hand.

A bit of coordination and she got what she wanted. Using a tiny bit of chakra to boost her speed also helped. Masasane's dumbfounded expression when she snatched the bells from him was priceless. This was a victory.

"Aritame, Yukihiro, Asami, please come over. I have something to tell you.", Masasane sighed. His shoulders hung low.  

He got defeated by a bunch of genin. How embarrassing. Everything was going so well until Asami got her tiny hands on the bells. How did that happen? He was an actual jonin and he wasn't supposed to lose.

Masasane laughed uneasily, trying to forget his little blunder. "The good news first,  you have all passed, even when your teamwork is improvable and certain girl's leaves a lot to be desired.“

“Congratulations, you are now official genin of Konohagakure."

Aritame blinked."Wait, what? But how? We didn't get the bells …"

"That's not exactly true." Asami smiled, presenting proudly two ringing bells.

Aritame's eyes went wide. He saw Asami in a completely new light. "How?"

Asami tilted her head. “A secret."

Masasane cleared his throat. "Now to your individual evaluation.“

“Asami. As far as I can tell, your taijutsu and kenjutsu both ... excellent. I wonder how you managed to scored so low at the academy with such potential? Did you tank the exams, or what?"

"No, no, no, not at all." Asami denied all these unfounded accusations. She was a good girl.  She wouldn't never do something like tanking exams.

"Sure." Masasane remained sceptical.

"Aritame, you are next. Your attacks are suboptimal. It is painfully obvious that you attack without any kind of plan and your main strategy consists of landing a lucky punch. But you have motivation and fire in you."

"Yukihiro. Compared to Aritame, you actually think before attacking. Sadly, you lack the necessary brute force and a healthy dose of aggressiveness, unlike our little princess." Masasane glanced at Asami.

"Any questions left?" Masasane concluded his analysis. "None? Then come with me.“

“I have something to show you."


They arrived at a black monolithic granite. A memorial. Hundreds and hundreds of names covered the surface. 

"Do you know why I brought you here?" Masasane stared at the stone.

Aritame and Yukihiro shook their heads. 

"I see." Masasane grew silent. Some day they would know. They would know sooner or later.

Masasane sighed.  "I still have to designate a team leader among you, someone who will take command in my absence."

"I think I will appoint Aritame as my second in command. I have high hopes for you. I am sure you will make for a good team leader."

"What?!" Asami cried out in shock. This wasn't a joke. Masasane was serious. He chose Aritame instead of her.

Had he lost his mind? This was madness, absolute madness. 

"Apparently, you don't agree with my decision, Asami. What's the problem?" Masasane frowned.

"With all due respect, sensei, I fail to understand the reasons behind your rather questionable choice. I doubt Aritame possesses the necessary qualities to qualify as team leader." Asami gritted her teeth.

Asami felt betrayed. Her heart stung. She was robbed of what was rightfully hers.

Masasane chose the personified incompetence over her. She who was better by all standards. She who deserved it.

"I suppose you consider yourself as a more suitable candidate, don't you?" Masasane waited for an answer:

Suitable, her ass. She wasn't just suitable. She was the only sensible candidate.

Asami glared. "It didn't say so explicitly,  but it was heavily implied, sensei."

Masasane sighed. "I knew you would oppose my decision."

"What a surprise. Unexpected, isn't it, Masasane?" Asami didn't bother to hide her sarcasm.

Masasane set his eyes on the  memorial. "I am well aware that from a purely technical standpoint you would be the better choice. But you lack something important."

"And that would be, sensei? What do I lack that Aritame doesn't?" Asami clenched her fist. Rage filled her voice. Insider her, her purple chakra boiled.

"Asami, you know what this stone is, don't you?"

Asami controlled her anger. "A memorial obviously. And? "

Masasane nodded. "Do you see the names? These are the names of all the men and women who died for Konoha."

"And what do they have to do with me, sensei?"

"That's exactly the reason I didn't select you, Asami. You lack something important. You lack the conviction. You lack the ideals these shinobi gave their lives for.“

“The will of fire doesn't burn in you. The fire that grants us the strength to protect our friends and loved ones.“

“I see only emptiness in you, which is why I chose Aritame. He may not be the best choice, but I believe in him and his will of fire."

"Aritame has potential. One day, he will surpass you", Masasane ended his speech. Everyone fell silent except for Asami.




Asami broke out in uncontrolled laughter. Surpass her? Did he really say surpass her?

Asami giggled with maniacal glee, answering with a dismissive smirk. "So you forwent the rational decision in favour of a purely emotional one? You are telling me I am not eligible  because I don't believe in superstitious nonsense like the power of friendship and love?"

"You are fool, Masasane, a fool! You deceive yourself with your fairy empty tales of the will of fire."

"Hollow ideals are no substitution for real power. What can friendship achieve against indisputable power? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Your precious love and friendship are useless. They won't save anybody.“ Asami left in rage. She had enough.

"Hey, you can't go!" Masasane tried to salvage the situation, but it was already too late.

Asami narrowed her eyes. "For your information, I don't need your permission for anything, Masasane. I go wherever and whenever I want."


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