Siblings By Day, Lovers By Night
Chapter 9 - 8
N.a.k.e.d yoga. Oh, okay, that's a great idea. Why didn't I think of that? That's work out awesomely, I'm sure. No,no, really. I can see it now.
"Evie, dinner's ready come down and…." I could imagine Day's bewildered, absent-minded expression as he walked into my room while I'm buck n.a.k.e.d doing the Balasana position being all extra with my a.s.s in the air staring right at him.
I'm sure he'd just be l.i.c.k.i.n.g his chops going, "Sis what are you doing?"
"I'm just doing yoga. And you know how sweaty I get so I decided to take everything off."
"Makes sense. Why don't I help you?"
"Would you? Gee, thanks bro! You're the best!"
And he'd be stretching me out and I'd noticed his raging boner and start nonchalantly rubbing my a.s.s over his shorts. Then he'd sneakily whip out his d.i.c.k and when I ask what that hard thing is he'd say it's just his phone and eventually he'd slip his d.i.c.k in my p.u.s.s.y and when I go, "OMG what's that? It's so big!"
He'd reply with a, "My phone fell in your p.u.s.s.y…"
"Ugh, nice try bro. That's not a phone, that's your d.i.c.k! God, you are SUCH a pervert! I can't believe you're doing this to your own sister!"
And he'd mumble some excuse and we'd proceed like an episode of BrattySis.
Yup. That's surely how it'd go down...not.
Jesus. What the hell? N.a.k.e.d yoga. I can't believe a teacher of all people would suggest something…
"Yo!" All of a sudden I felt a hand slap my back, jolting me away from my thoughts. A pretty, almost elfin face full of mischief appeared before me.
I pushed at her cheeks. "Jesus Christ, Bea! What the hell?" Holding her away, I stretched and endured the pain. It wasn't a very hard back slap, but it did demand attention.
"You looked like you were spazzing out over something so I thought I'd come and cheer you up."
"Did you have to hit me?" I picked up my beret that had fallen to the floor and wiped at it.
"People need a good smack when they're mulling over things, okay? It's the only way to get their attention. I called out five times. Ignoring this Goddess, I really oughta have done worse. But you're cute so I was gentle. Hehe."
The girl gave me a thumbs up, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth foolishly. I hate that she was adorable just then.
"I want to hit you, but also hug you. What sorcery is this?"
"No sorcery, just overwhelming charm. So anyway, school's almost done. Wanna go shopping?"
I wasn't exactly in the mood right now so I responded vaguely with a, "Day's supposed to pick me up."
"Does he have anything planned?"
" I don't think so?"
"Great!" Bea clapped her hand. "Then he shan't be able to say no."
"To what?"
"Being our chaperone." She explained with a twinkle in her eye. "We're going with a few friends of mine, see. And being the responsible a.d.u.l.t he is, he'll obviously want to make sure us rascally kids don't get into trouble. Especially not when his precious little sis is out with us."
"I didn't even say I want to go yet."
"Oh, okay, so you're fine with letting him spend even more time with those two homewreckers? Come on, chicka, think about it. While he's out with us being our chauffeur and bag-carrier, you'll also get the chance to show off. Take him to get opinions on clothes. Better yet, lingerie! He'll be enamored by your e.r.o.t.i.c bishoujo aura, I guarantee it."
I had little idea what bishoujo meant, but I could sorta guess. I considered it, and well, if nothing else it'd be better than going the P.o.r.nHub route, yeah? And Bea's right, if we went home those two s.l.u.ts would probably be there already or come over later and hog up all his time.
Screw that. I'm tired of watching them hang all over him. I'm tired of him indulging them. It's time he got back to spoiling me instead!
So let's do it.
I gave Bea a solemn nod. "I'm in."
"Great. Now everyone gets some eye candy. Hmph, those damn boys think they're the only ones who get to ogle us pretty young things? Ha! We have ourselves our own sight for sore eyes too, so there!
"Wait. What?"
"Oh, I didn't mention it? Yeah we're going with a few guys too. Jer wants to pick up some new manga, Kyle's buying the food and Luke's gotta pick up a gift for his girl and I sorta promised I'd help." She informed. A moment later she caught my look and smiled. " We're an inclusive group, Bea. We don't discriminate between gender unless it's convenient. "
"Ah...okay…" Not the usual girl's day out but it's fine.
"We'll have the guys follow us. The best shopping mall is in the next town so we're taking a bit of a road trip. Day'll be cool with a few girls in his car, right?"
"...Are you working with me or against me?"
"Oh don't worry, my friend. They'll just stare at him a bit and use him as material later, no big deal. They know the YES Damien NO touch rule."
"There's such a rule in place?"
"I established it, yes. I mean everyone thinks I'm planning to jump him myself now, but it's alright. I'm here for you, chicka. Remember, my fetishes can't be fulfilled without you!" She held a hand over her heart. "I promise, you're the only one I ship him with."
"Anywho, be ready. We'll all surprise him when he gets here and give him no room to say no."
A few hours later and the final bell rang signaling the end of school. I packed my bag and followed everyone out, narrowly avoiding the throngs of people rushing out and threatening to trample poor little me.
Walking out the front entrance it wasn't long before I heard Bea's unmistakable voice calling out. She was standing a few feet away with some people I'd seen before during her cafeteria introduction
"Hey, Rabbit. You remember the man with the shit waifu, Jeremy, right?" Bea met me halfway and pulled me over to her group of friends. She gestured to a tall and lanky guy with an easy-going face who, like that day in the cafeteria, wore a jacket depicting various women with rolled over eyes and drooling tongues.
"Of course. Oh,, sorry…" I smiled awkwardly, realizing I was basically agreeing with Bea's assessment of his "waifu" and remembering that it was pretty important to the guy. I didn't want to start an argument.
"It's alright," He waved it off, "Bea's tastes are just--"
"God-tier, I know. Worlds above your own basic bitch vanilla crap.
"Hey--" Jeremy tried to get in another word but was left behind as Bea continue one. She pointed to another guy, also tall but much stockier, with a head of long dirty blonde hair who had on several pieces of men's jewelry on which I recognized as all from the designer Alexander McQueen, including a spider resin ring I knew cost upwards of $600. The guy must've been several thousand dollars worth of jewelry,
Not the most expensive I've seen people wear, but he was certainly from a well-off family. Extremely well off. This was considering his other clothes too, all also brand name. I suppose I knew who was going to be buying us food later.
"This is our meal ticket, Kyle. He likes me so we're going to milk him dry."
"Ask a girl out one time and she thinks you're her personal simp." The guy's smooth baritone said he was quite tired of Bea's shit.
"You're my bitch, admit it. I won fair and square. Accept your fate as my meal ticket for the rest of the year."
"I hope you choke on filet mignon."
"Holy hell. I was thinking Outback or something but f.u.c.k yeah that's even better. Let's go Michelin star, baby!"
"Motherf.u.c.ker." He cursed. Then brought out his phone and started making reservations, grumbling all the while and walking off."
"And the cutie over there is Luke. He's a cool dude."
The cool dude was wiry but sturdy, seeming quite serious with a calm, almost aloof expression on his face. He wore a pair of close-fitting jeans and a red sweater over which was a silver locket, He gave me an acknowledging nod. "Nice to meet you."
"Sucks at picking out gifts. Last time he tried he ended up looking at snakes. For his mother."
"They were cute." He replied simply.
"Yes but they aren't something you give a woman who got bitten and hospitalized by a snake the year before, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g moron."
He gave a small smile. "It would have been funny watching her freak out though."
"I forgot to tell you he is also a tad twisted. "
"Where are the girls at?" I asked.
"They'll be here. I told them your brother was taking us and they ran to the bathrooms to pretty themselves up. "
"I thought they followed the rule." I raised a brow.
"Yeah, but they want to look presentable in front of a hot guy. Wouldn't you? It's like, a pride thing."
I guess I do see her point. I always look fabulous so I didn't understand the plight of common women, but yeah.
Except in mornings. Mornings are hard on anyone.
Maybe not mother...the bitch….but still.
"Well he'll be here in a few minutes so they better hurry up."
"I'm sure they'll--"
"Nope," I said, seeing Day's car sneak in. "They won't."
"Crap. Stall 'im!" Bea ran off like a cheetah, shoving aside several people in her mad rush.
I looked at the three guys she left behind. A few seconds of silence passed by as we all stared at each other.
"So….you guys want to meet my brother?"
**********Author: Its a short chapter but i have a guy who is gonna bitch at me for updates for this novel, so i'll be getting them out more frequently from now on. As such, i dont mind them being a bit shorter than usual. I feel things move faster in this novel anyway.
BTW I decided to not name chapters anymore and will retitle previously named chapters. I feel most of these chapters wont have any obvious lines or themes with which to make a times in themselves. So i wont do that. It'll be a shorter novel anyway, im thinking maybe thirty to forty? We'll see. Depends on a few things. I have a plan for how i want the second volume to start too.
"Evie, dinner's ready come down and…." I could imagine Day's bewildered, absent-minded expression as he walked into my room while I'm buck n.a.k.e.d doing the Balasana position being all extra with my a.s.s in the air staring right at him.
I'm sure he'd just be l.i.c.k.i.n.g his chops going, "Sis what are you doing?"
"I'm just doing yoga. And you know how sweaty I get so I decided to take everything off."
"Makes sense. Why don't I help you?"
"Would you? Gee, thanks bro! You're the best!"
And he'd be stretching me out and I'd noticed his raging boner and start nonchalantly rubbing my a.s.s over his shorts. Then he'd sneakily whip out his d.i.c.k and when I ask what that hard thing is he'd say it's just his phone and eventually he'd slip his d.i.c.k in my p.u.s.s.y and when I go, "OMG what's that? It's so big!"
He'd reply with a, "My phone fell in your p.u.s.s.y…"
"Ugh, nice try bro. That's not a phone, that's your d.i.c.k! God, you are SUCH a pervert! I can't believe you're doing this to your own sister!"
And he'd mumble some excuse and we'd proceed like an episode of BrattySis.
Yup. That's surely how it'd go down...not.
Jesus. What the hell? N.a.k.e.d yoga. I can't believe a teacher of all people would suggest something…
"Yo!" All of a sudden I felt a hand slap my back, jolting me away from my thoughts. A pretty, almost elfin face full of mischief appeared before me.
I pushed at her cheeks. "Jesus Christ, Bea! What the hell?" Holding her away, I stretched and endured the pain. It wasn't a very hard back slap, but it did demand attention.
"You looked like you were spazzing out over something so I thought I'd come and cheer you up."
"Did you have to hit me?" I picked up my beret that had fallen to the floor and wiped at it.
"People need a good smack when they're mulling over things, okay? It's the only way to get their attention. I called out five times. Ignoring this Goddess, I really oughta have done worse. But you're cute so I was gentle. Hehe."
The girl gave me a thumbs up, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth foolishly. I hate that she was adorable just then.
"I want to hit you, but also hug you. What sorcery is this?"
"No sorcery, just overwhelming charm. So anyway, school's almost done. Wanna go shopping?"
I wasn't exactly in the mood right now so I responded vaguely with a, "Day's supposed to pick me up."
"Does he have anything planned?"
" I don't think so?"
"Great!" Bea clapped her hand. "Then he shan't be able to say no."
"To what?"
"Being our chaperone." She explained with a twinkle in her eye. "We're going with a few friends of mine, see. And being the responsible a.d.u.l.t he is, he'll obviously want to make sure us rascally kids don't get into trouble. Especially not when his precious little sis is out with us."
"I didn't even say I want to go yet."
"Oh, okay, so you're fine with letting him spend even more time with those two homewreckers? Come on, chicka, think about it. While he's out with us being our chauffeur and bag-carrier, you'll also get the chance to show off. Take him to get opinions on clothes. Better yet, lingerie! He'll be enamored by your e.r.o.t.i.c bishoujo aura, I guarantee it."
I had little idea what bishoujo meant, but I could sorta guess. I considered it, and well, if nothing else it'd be better than going the P.o.r.nHub route, yeah? And Bea's right, if we went home those two s.l.u.ts would probably be there already or come over later and hog up all his time.
Screw that. I'm tired of watching them hang all over him. I'm tired of him indulging them. It's time he got back to spoiling me instead!
So let's do it.
I gave Bea a solemn nod. "I'm in."
"Great. Now everyone gets some eye candy. Hmph, those damn boys think they're the only ones who get to ogle us pretty young things? Ha! We have ourselves our own sight for sore eyes too, so there!
"Wait. What?"
"Oh, I didn't mention it? Yeah we're going with a few guys too. Jer wants to pick up some new manga, Kyle's buying the food and Luke's gotta pick up a gift for his girl and I sorta promised I'd help." She informed. A moment later she caught my look and smiled. " We're an inclusive group, Bea. We don't discriminate between gender unless it's convenient. "
"Ah...okay…" Not the usual girl's day out but it's fine.
"We'll have the guys follow us. The best shopping mall is in the next town so we're taking a bit of a road trip. Day'll be cool with a few girls in his car, right?"
"...Are you working with me or against me?"
"Oh don't worry, my friend. They'll just stare at him a bit and use him as material later, no big deal. They know the YES Damien NO touch rule."
"There's such a rule in place?"
"I established it, yes. I mean everyone thinks I'm planning to jump him myself now, but it's alright. I'm here for you, chicka. Remember, my fetishes can't be fulfilled without you!" She held a hand over her heart. "I promise, you're the only one I ship him with."
"Anywho, be ready. We'll all surprise him when he gets here and give him no room to say no."
A few hours later and the final bell rang signaling the end of school. I packed my bag and followed everyone out, narrowly avoiding the throngs of people rushing out and threatening to trample poor little me.
Walking out the front entrance it wasn't long before I heard Bea's unmistakable voice calling out. She was standing a few feet away with some people I'd seen before during her cafeteria introduction
"Hey, Rabbit. You remember the man with the shit waifu, Jeremy, right?" Bea met me halfway and pulled me over to her group of friends. She gestured to a tall and lanky guy with an easy-going face who, like that day in the cafeteria, wore a jacket depicting various women with rolled over eyes and drooling tongues.
"Of course. Oh,, sorry…" I smiled awkwardly, realizing I was basically agreeing with Bea's assessment of his "waifu" and remembering that it was pretty important to the guy. I didn't want to start an argument.
"It's alright," He waved it off, "Bea's tastes are just--"
"God-tier, I know. Worlds above your own basic bitch vanilla crap.
"Hey--" Jeremy tried to get in another word but was left behind as Bea continue one. She pointed to another guy, also tall but much stockier, with a head of long dirty blonde hair who had on several pieces of men's jewelry on which I recognized as all from the designer Alexander McQueen, including a spider resin ring I knew cost upwards of $600. The guy must've been several thousand dollars worth of jewelry,
Not the most expensive I've seen people wear, but he was certainly from a well-off family. Extremely well off. This was considering his other clothes too, all also brand name. I suppose I knew who was going to be buying us food later.
"This is our meal ticket, Kyle. He likes me so we're going to milk him dry."
"Ask a girl out one time and she thinks you're her personal simp." The guy's smooth baritone said he was quite tired of Bea's shit.
"You're my bitch, admit it. I won fair and square. Accept your fate as my meal ticket for the rest of the year."
"I hope you choke on filet mignon."
"Holy hell. I was thinking Outback or something but f.u.c.k yeah that's even better. Let's go Michelin star, baby!"
"Motherf.u.c.ker." He cursed. Then brought out his phone and started making reservations, grumbling all the while and walking off."
"And the cutie over there is Luke. He's a cool dude."
The cool dude was wiry but sturdy, seeming quite serious with a calm, almost aloof expression on his face. He wore a pair of close-fitting jeans and a red sweater over which was a silver locket, He gave me an acknowledging nod. "Nice to meet you."
"Sucks at picking out gifts. Last time he tried he ended up looking at snakes. For his mother."
"They were cute." He replied simply.
"Yes but they aren't something you give a woman who got bitten and hospitalized by a snake the year before, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g moron."
He gave a small smile. "It would have been funny watching her freak out though."
"I forgot to tell you he is also a tad twisted. "
"Where are the girls at?" I asked.
"They'll be here. I told them your brother was taking us and they ran to the bathrooms to pretty themselves up. "
"I thought they followed the rule." I raised a brow.
"Yeah, but they want to look presentable in front of a hot guy. Wouldn't you? It's like, a pride thing."
I guess I do see her point. I always look fabulous so I didn't understand the plight of common women, but yeah.
Except in mornings. Mornings are hard on anyone.
Maybe not mother...the bitch….but still.
"Well he'll be here in a few minutes so they better hurry up."
"I'm sure they'll--"
"Nope," I said, seeing Day's car sneak in. "They won't."
"Crap. Stall 'im!" Bea ran off like a cheetah, shoving aside several people in her mad rush.
I looked at the three guys she left behind. A few seconds of silence passed by as we all stared at each other.
"So….you guys want to meet my brother?"
**********Author: Its a short chapter but i have a guy who is gonna bitch at me for updates for this novel, so i'll be getting them out more frequently from now on. As such, i dont mind them being a bit shorter than usual. I feel things move faster in this novel anyway.
BTW I decided to not name chapters anymore and will retitle previously named chapters. I feel most of these chapters wont have any obvious lines or themes with which to make a times in themselves. So i wont do that. It'll be a shorter novel anyway, im thinking maybe thirty to forty? We'll see. Depends on a few things. I have a plan for how i want the second volume to start too.
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