After explaining the meaning of the bell assessment, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered to continue to come to the first training ground at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

At that time, he will come here to teach Lin Tuo and the four of them to practice.

After completing the training, he will take Lin Tuo and the others to do the task.

After giving the order, Sarutobi Hiruzen took one last look at Lin Tuo and announced the dissolution.

After leaving the first training ground, Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the Hokage office immediately.

"Teacher! I found a genius! A genius in ninjutsu!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said excitedly to Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.


Senju Tobirama nodded lightly, not showing too much surprise.

After all, he has seen too many geniuses!

Whether it is Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara, or the Shadow of the Five Great Hidden Villages, which one is not a genius among geniuses?

Seeing Senju Tobirama's flat response, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled awkwardly.

He suddenly remembered that the usual Senju Tobirama is very serious!

"Sorry, teacher, I'm so excited!"


Senju Tobirama shook his head slightly, and asked with a trace of curiosity:

"The genius you're talking about is little Tsunade, or someone else?"

"It's Lin Tuo!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen still couldn't describe the excitement in his heart, and there was a tremor in his voice.

"Today I originally planned to use the bell test to teach them the meaning of companions.

But during the assessment, Lin Tuo not only used the B-level Fire Style Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, but also used the Body Flicker Technique and the hold technique of the advanced Three Body Technique.

It's fine if you just use it, but Lin Tuo's ninjutsu is very proficient.

Even I dare not say that my Body Flicker Technique, Immobilization Technique and Fire Dragon Flame are better than those used by Lin Tuo!

and! When Lin Tuo used the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, he only pinched a Yin Yin to use the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet.

Except for Uchiha Madara, I have never seen anyone use B-level ninjutsu with only one Indian style!

So I judge, at least in terms of Fire Style ninjutsu, Lin Tuo is not inferior to Uchiha Madara's genius! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen said a lot, the only thing that caught Senju Tobirama's attention was the last two sentences.

Not inferior to Uchiha Madara's Fire Style genius?

Senju Tobirama finally raised a glimmer of interest.

After all, Lin Tuo is also the guardian of Tsunade chosen by Uzumaki Mito. It would be better if he is a genius!

Therefore, Senju Tobirama looked up at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said:

"Monkey, since you said that he is not inferior to Uchiha Madara's Fire Style genius, then you should train him well!

I allow you to teach him all ninjutsu and provide him with everything he needs.

When he's fully grown, I'll test him out myself.

Hope you don't let me down! "

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen Kaidō with a serious face:

"I understand! Teacher!"


Senju Tobirama waved his hand and continued to deal with the affairs of the village seriously.

On the other side, Lin Tuo and Tsunade are walking slowly towards home.

Lin Tuo didn't know that he was evaluated by Sarutobi Hiruzen as "a Fire Style genius not inferior to Uchiha Madara".

Along the way, Tsunade was chattering with Lin Tuo about how well he performed today, how shocked she was, etc. It was too noisy!

Lin Tuo was speechless, and suddenly saw a flower shop.

Thinking of the things he had decided before, Lin Tuo, who was a little impatient to be quarreled by Tsunade, suddenly turned his head and said to Tsunade:

"Tsunade, you stand here and wait for me!"

"Where are you going? Can't I go with you?"

Tsunade grabbed Lin Tuo's arm subconsciously, as if he didn't want to separate from him.

Lin Tuo is naturally very satisfied with this!

This thigh has been successfully embraced!

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." Lin Tuo comforted.

"All right!"

Tsunade let go of his hand reluctantly, and stared at Lin Tuo, wanting to see where he was going.

Lin Tuo didn't care, turned around and walked straight to the flower shop.

Seeing that Lin Tuo was going to the flower shop, Tsunade's eyes widened suddenly, and her cute little face instantly turned red.

Tou-kun, is it...

Under Tsunade's nervous gaze, Lin Tuo went straight into the flower shop.

After buying a bouquet of roses, Lin Tuo left the flower shop and returned.

As it got closer, Tsunade's little face became more and more red!

When Lin Tuo stood in front of Tsunade, Tsunade couldn't help thinking:

If Tuo Jun confesses to me about I agree?

"For you! Tsunade."

Lin Tuo handed the newly bought roses to Tsunade.

"Thank you, Taku-kun."

Tsunade smiled shyly and took the rose in his hand.

The next step is to confess, right?

"let's go!"

Lin Tuo didn't know Tsunade's expectations at all, turned around and continued walking towards home.

And the reason why he didn't confess was entirely because Tsunade said that he was still young when he rejected him before.

Lin Tuo naturally felt that Tsunade planned to fall in love after growing up.

That being the case, then Lin Tuo will naturally wait until Tsunade grows up before confessing!


What about a good confession?

Looking at Lin Tuo's back, Tsunade was stunned!

In front, Lin Tuo smiled in his heart.

It's finally quiet!

Tsunade hasn't recovered from it all the way home.

Looking at the rose in his hand, Tsunade thought silently:

Is Tuo Jun not liking me? Or did he think I wouldn't like him after the last refusal?

The six-year-old's little mind couldn't figure it out, so Tsunade stopped thinking about it.

The future is still long, and she will slowly tell Lin Tuo what she wants.

She also believes that Lin Tuo will not empathize with others!

This is the confidence of Tsunade!

next day

Lin Tuo and Tsunade were not late this time, and honestly arrived at the first training ground at nine o'clock.

When they arrived, Jiraiya and Orochimaru had been there for a while.

At exactly nine o'clock, Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared on time and brought Lin Tuo and the four of them directly into the training ground.

At the same lake, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed Lin Tuo four people treading water and climbing trees, and said:

"As long as you can complete the practice of treading water and climbing trees within today, then I will reward you with a ninjutsu."

Hearing this, even Lin Tuo became excited!


Apart from Blood Successor Limit, what he wants most is ninjutsu!

Without hesitation, Lin Tuo and the four of them immediately started to try.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen, he was standing next to him, his eyes falling on Lin Tuo expectantly.

Covering the feet with Chakra, Lin Tuo put his feet on the water curiously.

Will it really not sink?

With the desire to explore, Lin Tuo slowly increased his strength.

It wasn't until the whole body stepped on the water that Lin Tuo realized that he had succeeded once?

Ps: Add more chapters, thank you for your support!

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