"Okay! Just wait here, I'll go find you the ninjutsu scroll you want."

Leaving such a sentence, Sarutobi Hiruzen disappeared directly in front of Lin Tuo with a Body Flicker Technique.

It didn't take long, just a few minutes, and Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to Lin Tuo.

Compared with when he left, he now has an extra ninjutsu scroll in his hand.

Apparently it's the B-level Fire Style that Lin Tuo wanted: The Great Fire Extinguishes!

"Here! Xiao Tuo, this is the B-rank Fire Style ninjutsu scroll you want."

Passing the ninjutsu scroll to Lin Tuo, Sarutobi Hiruzen chuckled and said:

"As long as you can extinguish the fire within a month, then I can teach you Wind Style Great Breakthrough."

While going to get the ninjutsu scroll, Sarutobi Hiruzen figured it out.

It's just a C-level Wind Style, as long as Lin Tuo is good enough, so what if I teach him?

"Okay! Then we have a deal!"

Lin Tuo grinned and happily received the ninjutsu scroll in his hand.

It's still a good deal to be able to prostitute a C-level Wind Style for nothing!

What? What do you say you can't learn?


How could a boy with a system fail to learn a B-level Fire Style?

So what if it is the famous Hao Huo Miu?

"It's decided! Go practice! If you have any doubts, you can ask me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, found a piece of clean lawn, lay down there and began to take a nap.

Lin Tuo smiled faintly, turned around and walked towards the depths of the training ground.

He doesn't want to practice ninjutsu here, because it will affect Tsunade's practice.

Entering the depths of the training ground, Lin Tuo found a wide and secluded place, sat cross-legged, and opened the ninjutsu scroll.

The moment his gaze fell on the ninjutsu scroll, the system voice came as promised:

[Ding——Discover ninjutsu, do you want to learn it? 】


Lin Tuo thought silently, all the ninjutsu information of Haohuo Mie Que immediately drilled into his mind, and at the same time the name of Hao Huo Mie Que immediately appeared on the system panel.


Basic Three Body Technique: Body Replacement Technique, Transformation Technique, Clone Technique

Advanced Three Body Technique: Body Flicker Technique, Hold, Invisibility

Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bomb (Class B) Fire Extinguisher (Class B)

It's that simple! It's just so enjoyable!

Master Madara's signature ninjutsu was learned by Lin Tuo just like that.

Not planning to try it right away, Lin Tuo found a big rock and lay down on his back, and began to doze off like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It would be too shocking to learn ninjutsu immediately after getting it!

Lin Tuo has already decided that he will tell Sarutobi Hiruzen that he has learned how to extinguish the fire after ten days.

That way he's just a genius, not a monster that needs to be sliced ​​and studied!

"By the way! I haven't signed in yet!"

Lin Tuo suddenly remembered this question, and immediately asked the system to sign in for the lucky draw!

[Ding——Congratulations to Host for successfully signing in and getting a random draw]

[Ding—Random completion, draw a lottery for random attribute points]

【Ding——Congratulations to Host for getting two points of physical skill attribute】

"Physical attribute? All right!"

Lin Tuo murmured and fell asleep in a daze.

On the other side, Tsunade and Orochimaru completed their training one after another!

Orochimaru also asked for a Wind Style ninjutsu, named: Wind Style Wind Cut.

Tsunade unexpectedly asked for a non-attribute ninjutsu: Chakra Scalpel.

Tsunade actually didn't know what kind of ninjutsu he wanted, but he made a request to Sarutobi Hiruzen, that is, he wanted a ninjutsu that could directly attack the enemy's body.

Chakra Scalpel fits the bill perfectly for Tsunade! So it was brought by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Chakra Scalpel is generally a ninjutsu used by hospitals to treat the wounded. Of course, it is not called medical ninjutsu now.

Tsunade, who started researching Chakra Scalpel, had no idea that this jutsu would be the starting point for her development of medical ninjutsu!

As for Jiraiya?

That guy is still practicing treading water!

As soon as the time turned, ten days passed quickly.

In the past ten days, Lin Tuo was very dissatisfied!


Of course it is a system problem!

In the past ten days, Li Lin Tuo has drawn things except for two illusion attribute points, one strength attribute point and two speed attribute points, the rest are rubbish!

And these attribute points are drawn bit by bit!

In other words, five attribute points cost Lin Tuo five full days of sign-in lucky draw opportunities!

But it's not too bad!

With the improvement of these five attribute points, Lin Tuo, except Chakra attribute which is six points, all five attributes of ninjutsu phantom speed have become three points.

In other words, Lin Tuo's current comprehensive score has reached blackjack, barely reaching the level of Special Jōnin.

Of course, the same sentence, this is just strength on paper! It does not represent real combat power!

As for the other five days, they are all random ninja lottery draws... Let's see what the hell they are:

A handful of kunai, or TM crude kunai! Lin Tuo was so angry that he threw it away on the spot!

A detonator, this... can only be said to be very ordinary!

A pair of worn ninja shoes! Or a size forty-eight, my feet are that big?

Of course Lin Tuo threw the shoes into the trash!

A threaded black silk... Well, this Lin Tuo is hiding quietly.

But by the way, is black silk considered a ninja tool?

Finally, I just got it today, an old ninja bag.

So, today Lin Tuo has an old ninja bag on his body, and the detonator he drew is put in it.

This is all the receipts in the past ten days!

That's it!

At this moment, while Lin Tuo went to the training ground with Tsunade, he asked the system in his heart:

"System, the things you have drawn are getting more and more tricky! Don't you want to explain it?"

【If the host wants to draw good things, this system recommends that the host accumulate the lucky draw chances】

[Because the random lottery draws obtained by signing in every day are primary lottery draws, and one hundred primary lottery draws can be synthesized into one intermediate lottery draw]

[Ten intermediate lottery draws can be synthesized into one advanced lottery draw]

Hearing the system's explanation, Lin Tuo couldn't help but widen his eyes!

"Can you still play like this? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

【Host, you didn't ask, how can you blame me for not saying it? 】

"Okay! Count me unlucky!"

Lin Tuo curled his lips, making up his mind to combine a high-level lottery!

What he wants most is of course the Blood Successor Boundary! Should there be a greater chance of getting the blood succession limit in the advanced lottery draw?

However, one hundred primary lottery draws are combined into one intermediate level lottery draw, and ten intermediate level lottery draws are combined into one advanced level lottery draw.

In other words, it takes a thousand primary lottery draws to synthesize one advanced lottery draw, and it takes nearly three years to get it together!

Nearly three years!

Lin Tuo couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart when he thought of the days when he won't be able to draw prizes in the future.


It hurts so much!

Ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a ticket! Ask for collection!

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