Rurui didn't care about Uchiha Kagami's ridicule.

"Could it be that you can't see it!

For the sake of your strength, Uchiha ninja, tell me your name.

That way I'll know exactly which Uchiha ninja I'm killing. "

Hearing this, Uchiha Kagami's eyes flashed with sadness.

Now that his arm is injured, he can't even tie an Indian style, let alone use ninjutsu.

In such a state, it is impossible to defeat Lurui!

And even Xiao Tuo is dead, how can I live alone?

Uchiha Kagami gave up resisting!

"My name is Uchiha Kagami."

"Uchiha Kagami? I remember your name!"

Lurui nodded and moved his footsteps, instantly showing his super fast speed comparable to the Body Flicker Technique.

In an instant, Lurui suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Kagami, and punched Uchiha Kagami in the head!

Looking at the approaching fist, Uchiha Kagami's eyes were full of despair.

Seeing that Uchiha Kagami's head was about to be blown off by Lurui, Rurui suddenly stopped attacking and disappeared in place.

Under Uchiha Kagami's puzzled eyes, a snow-white and sharp ninja sword appeared in front of him.

Obviously, it was this ninja knife that forced Lurui back!

Looking along the ninja sword, a short but handsome figure appeared in the eyes of Uchiha Kagami.

It's Lin Tuo!

"Xiao Tuo? Are you still alive?"

Uchiha Kagami's surprised voice came to Lin Tuo's ears, leaving Lin Tuo speechless.

"Senior Mirror, do you want me to die that much?"

Fortunately, I even shot to save you!

What about your gratitude? Senior mirror!


Uchiha Kagami panicked, the joy in his heart was indescribable.

"I just thought you were killed by those three Cloud Shinobi Chūnin..."

Uchiha Kagami didn't say the latter words, but Lin Tuo understood what he meant.

"Senior Jing doesn't believe in my strength so much?"

Lin Tuo looked disappointed, but stared straight ahead at Lu Rui.

His body was tense, not daring to be careless.

Because he can feel it! Lului is strong!

Looking at Lin Tuo who suddenly appeared, Lu Rui frowned.

"Since you appear here, it means that those three guys have..."

"That's right! They're dead!"

Lin Tuo snorted coldly, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"Just three Chūnin want to kill me? You're thinking too much!"

Knowing the death of his companion, Lurui's eyes burst into flames, and he was furious!

"Little devil, you managed to piss me off! I'm going to smash you to pieces!"

A terrifying aura burst out from Lurui, putting Lin Tuo under tremendous pressure.

In the next second, Lin Tuo's pupils shrank, and he realized that Lurui had appeared in front of him in an instant!

So fast!

This speed is about the same as that of the Body Flicker Technique!

Lin Tuo was startled, and he unleashed his quick sword technique without hesitation, slashing at Lurui's fist.

No matter how strong Lurui is, his body is still flesh and blood, and it is impossible to contend with sharp weapons.

Helpless, he could only retract his fist, raised his leg and kicked Lin Tuo.

It hurts!

Lin Tuo shouted in his heart, and also raised his leg and kicked.


A bang!

Under the strong reaction force, Lin Tuo slid backwards continuously, rowing back five meters in a row before finally stabilizing his body.

On the other side, Lurui also took five steps back before finally standing still.

After standing still, Lurui's eyes widened, and his incredulous eyes fell on Lin Tuo.

He was shocked by the strength shown by Lin Tuo!

Lu Rui didn't know that Lin Tuo was more shocked than him at this moment!

Because Lin Tuo just used the ninjutsu derived from Weiliquan to fight against Lurui!

Lurui obviously only relied on his body's strength, but his kick was as powerful as Pain Tian's kick?

What a terrifying body is this?

Looking at Lurui's tall and strong body, Lin Tuo was really shocked!

With a move in his heart, Lin Tuo suddenly inserted the Ninja Sword White Dragon back into the scabbard, and at the same time made seals with both hands.

"Want to use ninjutsu?"

Lu Rui snorted coldly, and rushed towards Lin Tuo.

However, before he rushed to Lin Tuo, he saw Lin Tuo took a deep breath and opened his mouth to let it out!

"Fire Style·Fire Extinguishment!"

Flame spewed out, burning towards Lurui.

Lurui had no choice but to give up his plan to attack and retreat to avoid the flames.

In the blink of an eye, a sea of ​​flames with a diameter of 25 meters formed between Lin Tuo, Uchiha Kagami and Lurui.

"Uchiha Madara's Fire Style?"

Looking at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, Lu Rui had to admit that Lin Tuo's strength was really good.

Although this sea of ​​flames has not yet reached the level of Uchiha Madara, it is already very strong!

At least he couldn't forcefully rush through the sea of ​​flames purely relying on his body.

But... who said he was going to fight through the flames with his flesh alone?

cheep cheep cheep cheep

The white lightning was shining, and unexpectedly condensed all over Lurui's body, enveloping his whole body.

Lightning Style Chakra Mode!

Under the protection of the powerful Lightning Style Chakra, Lurui rushed to the opposite side of the sea of ​​fire with one step.

His speed has become faster!

In an instant, he rushed through the flames!

While crossing the flames, Lu Rui also saw Lin Tuo standing there.

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Lurui rushed straight to Lin Tuo and punched him down.

At this moment, he didn't notice that Uchiha Kagami, who was supposed to be standing there, disappeared at some point!


There was a crisp sound, and the smoke rose.

But it wasn't that Lurui punched Lin Tuo into a blood mist, but the moment he touched Lin Tuo, Lin Tuo directly turned into a puff of smoke.

"Clone Technique?"

Lurui was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard the sound of something burning.

He looked down and his eyes widened instantly!


Because there was actually a ignited detonating talisman on the ground!


Faced with such a situation, Lurui couldn't help but swear, and quickly wanted to back away.



With a loud noise, the detonating talisman directly sent Lurui flying.

Simply, his whole body was protected by Lightning Style Chakra, otherwise even if he couldn't be killed, he would be injured.

But even so, Lurui who got up from the ground still felt a little stuffy in his chest.



"I must kill you! Brat!"

Angry roars echoed in the forest...

Lin Tuo and Uchiha Kagami were running wildly in the forest hundreds of meters away from Rurui.

That's right! They are running away!

Kage-level powerhouses are simply not something they can deal with!

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