"He's going to school first! Breakfast is on the table, eat it yourself!" Uzumaki Mito replied Tsunade without looking up.

"This bastard! He didn't wait for me!"

Tsunade snorted, finished the breakfast with a dissatisfied face, and left the house immediately.

Soon, Tsunade came outside the ninja school.

What puzzled her was that there were many people at the gate of the school today, and they seemed to be watching something.

Showing an interested expression, Tsunade immediately squeezed into the crowd.

In the center of the crowd, a 'heart' made of candlesticks was placed here.

Inside the heart-shaped candlestick, a little boy with bright eyes and cool teeth stands here holding a bouquet of ninety-nine roses.

Not Lin Tuo who?

That's right! He was going to confess to Tsunade in full view today.

Although they have already lived together, Lin Tuo is still not at ease.

In other words, Lin Tuo is not at ease as long as Tsunade is not taken down!

Looking at Lin Tuo, who was quietly waiting for the heroine, the surrounding ninja school students talked a lot:

"Who is this guy? Is this going to confess?"

"Confess at the school gate? Isn't that too bold?"

"He is so handsome! If only he would confess to me! I will definitely promise him!"


When Tsunade squeezed into the crowd, Lin Tuo happened to look over as if he had a heart-to-heart connection.

Lin Tuo saw the existence of Tsunade at a glance!

Among the crowd, only Lin Tuo exists, Tsunade naturally also saw Lin Tuo,

Their eyes met, Tsunade blushed, and a strange feeling rose in his heart.

Tuo-kun... what is he doing?

You don't want to confess to me, do you?

The Lord had already appeared, and Lin Tuo stepped out of the heart-shaped candlestick without hesitation.

"It's started! It's started!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed, and the eyes of the onlookers all fell on the heroine Tsunade.

"Is this the girl he likes? So cute!" This was the boy's thought.

"Cut! She's not as pretty as me!" This was clearly the thought of the jealous girl.

Although Lin Tuo's confession is very old-fashioned, it is in his world!

No one in this world dares to confess like this, so Lin Tuo's confession is still very novel.

Seeing Lin Tuo getting closer with the roses in his hands, Tsunade's heartbeat also slowly accelerated.

When Lin Tuo stood in front of Tsunade, her face was already flushed red!

"Tuojun, what are you going to do?"

Tsunade's voice was small, showing her shyness inside.

Facing this question, Lin Tuo smiled gently.

Then Lin Tuo suddenly took a deep breath and shouted with his loudest voice:

"Tsunade! I like you!"

There was silence all around, everyone was shocked by Lin Tuo's confession!

In this era, there is no one who dares to announce to everyone who he likes so loudly, Lin Tuo is the only one!

There was silence all around, as if everyone was waiting for Tsunade's answer.

Tuojun actually...really confessed to me!

The fact has happened before her eyes, Tsunade is completely dumbfounded!

She stared blankly at the serious Lin Tuo in front of her, filled with indescribably complicated feelings.

She is a little happy! I am happy that someone likes me, and the person who likes me doesn't hate me, and even likes me a little bit.

She is also a little shy! Ashamed of being confessed by Lin Tuo in front of so many people.

It's romantic! Tsunade thought so too.

But if you agree... Tsunade thinks it's still too early!

After all, I am only six years old now, how can anyone start dating at the age of six?

It's almost the same when I grow up!

Among the crowd, a white-haired boy stared at Lin Tuo.

I saw his fists clenched tightly, and his eyes were burning.

How dare he confess to the girl I like?

The bastard!

Who is the white-haired boy? The future Toad Sage Jiraiya of course!

Although the crane tail in the class, Jiraiya's sense of presence is not low.

Looking for things to do is his favorite thing to do!

As for Tsunade, the prettiest girl in the class, Jiraiya certainly likes it.

Therefore, he often behaves in front of Tsunade, and the most frequent thing he does is mock Tsunade as an airport.

Just let Tsunade send him a big bag on top of his head every time!

However, Jiraiya never tires of it, stubbornly thinking that this is a sign of 'love'.

Hitting is kissing and scolding is love!

But after seeing Lin Tuo and Tsunade's confession today, Jiraiya suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

Because Lin Tuo's confession is so romantic!

Jiraiya felt that if she was a girl, she would definitely not be able to stand such a confession of love!

So he can only pray!

"Don't promise! Don't promise her! Tsunade"

Jiraiya shouted in her heart, but she didn't dare to stand up and show her feelings.

After all, he is just a six-year-old kid, how can he have such courage?


Not far from Jiraiya, a little boy with pale skin turned and walked into the school with a look of disdain.

If Lin Tuo saw him, he would definitely recognize him!

Yo! Isn't this Uncle Snake?

Meanwhile, Tsunade made a mental decision after being silent for a while.

I saw her staring at Lin Tuo, seriousness written on her cute little face.

"Tuo Jun, I'm sorry! I'm still young, and I don't want to fall in love yet!"

Tsunade felt that he was already very tactful! Because she was a little worried that Lin Tuo would be disappointed.

If it wasn't for embarrassment, she even wanted to tell Lin Tuo, come and confess to me when you grow up!

Then she promises him again!

"Is this a refusal?"

Received Tsunade's response, Lin Tuo's face was full of disappointment.

Of course it's fake!

Lin Tuo never thought that he could confess successfully in one go.

After all, I have only known Tsunade for two days, how could Tsunade agree to his confession now?

The reason why he made this confession is actually to tell Tsunade that he likes her.

At the same time, I am telling everyone my age that Tsunade is mine!

If you want to get Tsunade's attention, then let's go through his level first!


Tsunade nodded, affirming that it was a refusal.

"Sorry to bother you."

Lin Tuo sighed and pretended to be sad.

But just when Lin Tuo was about to turn around and leave, the rose in his hand suddenly disappeared!


Lin Tuo looked at Tsunade suspiciously.

The rose is in her hand now!

Tsunade's face was rosy, and she asked shyly:

"I really like this flower, can you give it to me? Tuo Jun."

Like flowers? OK! I'm afraid you don't like it!

Looking at the shy Tsunade in front of him, Lin Tuo nodded vigorously.

"Of course! This flower was originally prepared for you, if you like it, of course!"

"Thank you! Taku-kun."

Tsunade's eyes turned into crescent moons, and his sweet smile was heart-warming.

Even Lin Tuo couldn't help but stare dumbfounded!

"Let's go in!"

Stretching out his little hand, Tsunade took Lin Tuo's hand and walked towards the school together.

It seems that because of this confession, the relationship between Tsunade and Lin Tuo has become much closer!

Seeing this scene, the children around were suddenly puzzled!

Did Lin Tuo fail or succeed in his confession?

It is conceivable that after today, the news of Lin Tuo's confession to Tsunade will spread throughout the entire ninja school!

It's a pity that Lin Tuo and Tsunade had definitely graduated successfully at that time!

Lin Tuo felt that if he could stay in school for two more days, his confession plan would be even more successful!

Staring closely at Lin Tuo and Tsunade's holding hands together, Jiraiya is sore!

"You bastard! Let go of my Tsunade!"

Roaring in his heart, Jiraiya just followed silently, not daring to approach at this time.

Soon it will be time for graduation exams.

Teacher Chūnin in Lin Tuo's class called the students one by one to the next classroom to take the exam, while the rest waited in the classroom for Teacher Chūnin's call.

In the stepped classroom, Tsunade and Lin Tuo are sitting together in the corner of the class at the moment.

Tsunade fondly played with the roses in the drawer, her love was written on her face.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tuo asked curiously:

"Tsunade, do you like roses very much?"

"It's okay! Girls like flowers." Tsunade said shyly to Kaidō.

In his heart, Tsunade thought very arrogantly:

Not at all! It's just because it's the rose you gave me, Tuo-jun, so I like it better!

"Is that so?"

Lin Tuo nodded slightly, making up his mind to send Tsunade flowers every day, at least one.

As for why not give ninety-nine flowers every time?

Feel sorry! Lin Tuo said he didn't have that much money.

You have to persevere, so that you can impress the heart of the goddess, right?

Not far away, Jiraiya looked at Lin Tuo who was sitting next to Tsunade with envy.

"How dare this guy whisper to Tsunade! I must beat you!"

Jealousy makes Jiraiya unrecognizable!

Jiraiya has decided!

After the graduation exam, he will challenge Lin Tuo under the witness of the whole class, and then defeat Lin Tuo in full view.

Get him out of Tsunade's side!

"Well! It's definitely possible!"

Jiraiya thought smugly.

Ps: The 3,000-word chapter is here! Ask for flowers! Ask for a ticket! Ask for collection!

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