"Who are you?"

Uzumaki Kushina snorted softly, took out a kunai from the ninja bag and held it tightly in his hand.

And Uchiha Mikoto behind her also immediately opened her Sharingan and entered the fighting state.

This is a pair of Sharingan!

Noticing Uchiha Mikoto's Sharingan, the three ninjas couldn't help but be amused by her - laugh!

They are actually ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village, and they are all Jōnin level ninjas, how could they be afraid of a ninja school student?

So what if it's a Sharingan? It's just a Sharingan!

"A ninja from the Uchiha family?"

The leader, Cloud Shinobi, smiled disdainfully.

"Do it!"

With a wave of his hand, the leader, Cloud Shinobi, had no intention of doing anything at all.

Hearing his order, the other two Cloud Shinobi Jōnin instantly disappeared in place.

"So fast!"

Uchiha Mikoto and Uzumaki Kushina exclaimed in their hearts.

Before they could react, they were directly knocked unconscious with hand knives by two Cloud Shinobi Jōnin who suddenly appeared behind them.

The power gap is really too big!

Taking out a bag, the leading Cloud Shinobi Jōnin directly put Kushina into the bag, and then fled outside Konoha Village with the other two Cloud Shinobi Jōnin.

As for Uchiha Mikoto, they have no intention of killing him.

Because the strength of the Uchiha family is still very good!

They don't know the identity of Uchiha Mikoto, what if killing her will anger the Uchiha clan?

What's more, Uchiha Mikoto wasn't their target.

Their goal is only Nine Tails Jinchūriki!

Time slowly and quickly came to the night, and Uchiha Mikoto woke up slowly after being knocked out.


Panicked and worried voices echoed in the silent night.

Uchiha Mikoto got up and looked around, and found that there was no Uzumaki Kushina around.

She knew Kushina must be in danger!

what to do?

Brother Lin Tuo must be told about this immediately!

Realizing this, Uchiha Mikoto hurriedly ran towards Lin Tuo's house.

She dare not waste even a little time!

What she didn't see was that a pair of dark eyes were coldly watching her back, and a cold smile curled up on the corner of her mouth.

On the way to Lin Tuo's house, Uchiha Mikoto happened to bump into Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato came downstairs to throw out the garbage, and happened to see Uchiha Mikoto with a face full of Jing.

"Mikoto, haven't you come home yet?" Namikaze Minato asked with concern.

The moment he saw Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Mikoto hesitated for a moment, but said:

"Minato, Kushina is in danger! Three ninjas suddenly appeared and took Kushina away!"


Namikaze Minato was startled, and quickly asked:

"Mikoto, do you know where that ninja took Jiuxintu?"

"I don't know, I have to tell brother Lin Tuo about this right away!"

Before the words were finished, Uchiha Mikoto had disappeared into the night.


There was a flash of determination in the blue eyes, Namikaze Minato turned around and rushed towards the Konoha gate.

He wants to save Kushina!

at home

Lin Tuo sat on the sofa with a scroll and watched quietly.

What is written on the scroll is not ninjutsu, but various information from the ninja world.

This information scroll was sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen to let Lin Tuo understand the current situation of Husi.

Tsunade and Uzumaki Miko had finished dinner and went to bed, only Lin Tuo was waiting for Uzumaki Kushina to go home in the living room.

There is not much content on the intelligence scroll, and Lin Tuo read it quickly.

Putting down the scroll in his hand, Lin Tuo glanced towards the yard, frowning slightly.

"Why hasn't Kushina come back?"

Lin Tuo was a little angry!

Compared with the obedient Uzumaki Miko, Uzumaki Kushina is not so obedient.

Although Uzumaki Kushina has always maintained the appearance of a good girl in front of him, Lin Tuo is very clear about Kushina's usual performance.

It's not the first time he's heard of the name 'Blood Red Pepper'!

But before this, there was no precedent for Xi not going home so late.

Lin Tuo knew from Uzumaki Mikoto that Kushina was staying with Uchiha Mikoto, so he was not too worried.

No matter how arrogant the Uchiha family is, they still dare not do anything to the people around him.

Because they dare not!

Standing up and stretching, Lin Tuo stepped out of the living room.

He's going to Uchiha Mikoto's house to get Uzumaki Kushina back!

Arriving at the gate of the courtyard, Lin Tuo was about to open it, when suddenly there was a heavy and hasty knock on the gate.

...asking for flowers...0

Hearing such a knock on the door, Lin Tuo subconsciously had a bad feeling in his heart.

Without any hesitation, Lin Tuo directly opened the courtyard door.

Uchiha Mikoto was running all the way outside the door, short of breath, but Uzumaki Kushina was not seen.

"Where's Mikoto, Kushina?" Lin Tuo asked.

"Lin... Brother Lin Tuo!"

Seeing Lin Tuo's Uchiha Mikoto let out a long sigh of relief, and took a while to smooth out his breath.

"Brother Lin Tuo! It's bad! Kushina was taken away!"


Lin Tuo narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Lin Tuo, who had experienced the storm, was not in a hurry, but asked Uchiha Mikoto calmly:

"Mikoto, do you know who took Kushina?"

"I have no idea."

Uchiha Mikoto apologized:

"Sorry, Brother Lin Tuo, I don't know their identities, but they don't look like our Konoha ninjas.

"Isn't it Konoha Shinobi?"

Lin Tuo's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a plot in the original book.

In the original book, Uzumaki Kushina seems to have been captured once, and the person who rescued her was Namikaze Minato.

It was also because of that life-saving grace that Uzumaki Kushina changed his attitude towards Namikaze Minato.

It was the beginning of their love!

But for too long, Lin Tuo also forgot what kind of ninja captured Uzumaki Kushina.

We still have to find Kushina quickly!

Glancing at the anxious Uchiha Mikoto in front of him, Lin Tuo asked softly:

"Mikoto, would you like to rescue Kushina with me?"

"Well! Brother Lin Tuo, I want to go with you to save Kushina."

Uchiha Mikoto nodded heavily with his little fist.


Lin Tuo didn't talk nonsense, and stretched out his hand to hold Uchiha Mikoto in his arms.

The sudden hug made Uchiha Mikoto's eyes widen, and his cute little face instantly turned red!

Brother Lin Tuo... hugged me?

Looking at the shy girl in his arms, Lin Tuo laughed in his heart.

You are not very young, but you can remit quite a lot!

Ps: You are really awesome! There are more than 270,000 flowers, and a new chapter will be added today!.

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