"Brother Ming has an idea?" He Yue was pleasantly surprised.

"The main problem now is that disciples can't feed themselves when they are recruited, right?"

"So to speak." He Yue nodded.

Li Ming smiled mysteriously and asked rhetorically: "

Have you ever thought that the sect recruits them, teaches them to cultivate, and manages their food and housing, why do you have to pay salaries?"

Although He Yue had never heard of the word salary, he probably understood what Li Ming meant.

"But if a disciple wants to cultivate, it is difficult to move without a spirit stone."

"I didn't say that the spirit stone will not be issued, but it can be changed to another form."

"What form? Brother Ming, don't sell Guanzi!

He Yue urged angrily.

"Each disciple must hand over ten spirit stones when they enter the sect, so can this relieve our pressure to a great extent?" Li Ming showed a treacherous smile and said, "How cool it is to pay them with their spirit stones."

After thinking about it seriously, He Yue lowered his head in frustration:

"It doesn't work, most of the disciples are from ordinary families, and they simply can't pay for ten spirit stones."

In her opinion, Brother Ming's idea is good, but it still does not take into account the local environment of Nanzhou.

It is true that there are many wealthy families in Nanzhou, and they can definitely pay for these ten spirit stones.

But compared to the population of nearly a billion, how many wealthy families can there be?

One spirit stone is equivalent to one thousand taels of silver, which is an astronomical amount for the vast majority of ordinary people!

If the Tianyan Sect charges and the Ling Xuan Sect does not charge, then the disciples all run to the Ling Xuan Sect.

Over time, without the infusion of fresh blood, the Tianyan Sect is bound to decline.

This was also the reason why all the sects in Nanzhou had never had the idea of charging fees.

"Let me ask you, what are the best sects in Nanzhou?"

Li Ming did not rush to explain, but smiled and diverted from the topic.

"Brother Ming is so stupid, of course it's Tianyan and Lingxuan."

He Yue was afraid that Li Ming would be sad because his opinion was not adopted, and deliberately ridiculed.

Brother Ming can think for Yue Yue's sake, and he is already very happy.

Let Yue Yue solve the rest of the problems alone.

"How many spirit stones does the Spirit Xuanzong distribute to disciples every month? Just say miscellaneous servants. Li Ming continued to ask.

"Four, previously three, after I reverted to the system of ten years ago, they also followed suit."

He Yue thought for a moment and gave the answer.

"Then if a new disciple enters Tianyan after paying ten spirit stones."

"In the long run, isn't it more cost-effective than entering the Spirit Xuan Sect?"

"Yes, Ling Xuanzong gives them forty-eight spirit stones a year, while Tianyan gives them sixty spirit stones."

He Yue felt as if he understood something, but he couldn't grasp that little bit of aura.

"That means that in the first year of joining Tianyan, they will have to take two more spirit stones than the Spirit Xuan Sect, right?" Li Ming followed the seduction and said with a smile: "This is just a miscellaneous disciple.

"Yes!" He Yue nodded excitedly.

In the first year, there were two more than Lingxuan, and there was no need to deduct ten entry fees later.

In other words, starting from the second year, every year after that, Tianyan disciples would take twelve more spirit stones than Lingxuan Sect disciples!

But soon, He Yue calmed down.

She discovered the deadliest problem.

That is, even if there are twelve more spirit stones every year, the disciples will only get them in the second year.

Ordinary families still can't afford to pay the entrance fee for ten spirit stones.

"Don't be in a hurry to lose first."

Li Ming saw that He Yue's excited expression quickly disappeared, and of course he understood what she was thinking.

"I didn't say that this spirit stone must be paid on the day it joins Tianyan."

"Brother Ming said?" A flash of understanding flashed in He Yue's eyes.

"Join first, pay later! Monthly repayments. Li Ming affirmed He Yue's thoughts, adding

, "For example, five spirit stones should have been given to his disciples in the first month, but he didn't pay the entry fee."

"Then starting from the month of entry, only three spirit stones will be issued to him every month from now on, until five months later, ten spirit stones will be paid off, and then he will be restored to five spirit stones per month."

"And there must be some disciples who can afford ten spirit stones, so wouldn't it be enough to take the spirit stones they handed over as a blessing for all new disciples?"

"If there is more, it will be free money, on the contrary, if it is not enough, Zongri will make up a little."

Speaking of this, Li Ming paused and said with a relaxed smile: "

Anyway, the vast majority of disciples only give out three spirit stones a month, how much can the sect subsidize?"

"Brother Ming, you are simply too cunning,,, no, you are too smart."

He Yue was stunned after hearing this, and muttered in a low voice.

After silently combing through his thoughts and thoroughly digesting Li Ming's ideas.

He Yue happily sneaked into Li Ming's arms, wrapped around him like an octopus, and pecked him fiercely in the face.


" "Brother Ming is amazing!"

After reacting, he hurriedly jumped down embarrassed.

Run out of the hall with a red face:

"Brother Ming, I'll go and summon the elders for a meeting and discussion!"


Li Ming looked at He Yue's back and showed a smile of successful conspiracy.

-churning stick plan, open the door!

His seemingly seamless analysis just now is actually a few blows of blindness.

The transition from free to paid is so easy.

If nothing else, what would be the reaction of ordinary people when they heard that they still had to pay fees to join the sect?

"What! Do you Tianyan Sect still have to pay money to enter? Let's go to other sects. "

Where will give you the opportunity to explain, you can't wait for you to speak, and everyone will run away."

"Our people, I'm really happy today~"

Li Ming, who was in a good mood, hummed a song and sat down on the spacious throne.

He could already see that the lucrative reward for failing the mission was beckoning to him.

But will the result really make him get his wish?

A moment later.

The temple was overcrowded.

Li Ming suspected that there were too many people and was too noisy, so he hid in the back hall to sleep.


After scolding everyone who exchanged their heads and ears, He Yue slowly spoke:

"I have a new idea about the recruitment of new disciples who will come soon..."

After listening to He Yue's detailed narration, everyone in the hall fell silent, weighing the pros and cons.

"Sect Master, I think this idea is very good, and it greatly relieves the financial pressure within the sect."

Old Man Wu came out of line, stepped forward, and said in agreement.

"You fart!"

An equally old elder stood out from the crowd, pointing at Old Man Wu's nose and scolding angrily.

"The recruitment of disciples is the great plan of the sect for ten thousand years, and the foundation of standing up, how can it be said that it will be changed?"

The old elder trembled with anger and continued: "

I see that your old Wu was blinded by lard and lost his money!"

Turning to face He Yue, he shouted anxiously

, "Sect Master, don't do it!"

"There are countless sects in Nanzhou, and there has never been a precedent for charging any entry fees, if you do this to do this, the Tianyan Sect will be laughed at by the world!"

The words fell, and the old figure knocked to the end.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the hall.

And Li Ming, who was sleeping in the apse.

I don't know at all.

His own-stirring stick plan has already encountered strong resistance.


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