The next day.

Li Ming waited until noon, and Guo Xiefei did not come to him.

"Did this guy oversleep?"

Originally, Li Ming and Guo Xiefei said yes and came to find themselves this morning.

Let's go and chat with the junior sisters.

But why hasn't it moved until now?

Just as he was wondering, a familiar figure walked in from the mountain gate.

"Isn't this Guo Xiefei, he went alone to secretly enjoy the blessing?"

Li Ming sat up, stepped forward and grabbed Guo Xiefei's arm, and said viciously:

"Good boy, leave me alone to be happy, right?"

Guo Xiefei was puzzled by the morning's events.

Why is there Deacon Li, those female disciples are scrambling to stick up.

And when they are alone, they don't

even look at it.... Suddenly dragged by someone, he was startled.

Looking back, it turned out to be Deacon Li.

He immediately smiled and said, "

Good deacon."

If he asks again where it is good, I will say that I am in good health, in a good mood, and I am not afraid of being stumped by him.

However, Li Ming had no intention of playing word games with him at all, grabbed him by the neck, and clamped it under his armpit.

Forced asked: "Say, what's going on!" Dare to release my pigeon!

Guo Xiefei was choked enough and quickly patted his arm.

"Wronged deacon, how dare I not call you, there is another reason, can you listen to my explanation?"

Only then did Li Ming let go, and said angrily:

"You explain, I listen, I can't say one, two, three, today I buried you here."


Guo Xiefei gasped several times before feeling slightly more comfortable.

Isn't this Deacon Li unable to cultivate? How was it so strong that it almost strangled me.

"Deacon, it's really not a disciple, I don't call you, I got up early this morning, and I planned to come to you to help others, but."

"But what's wrong?"

"But Hall Master Wang found the disciple and told the disciple that I would not be used to find you, and that I would do the errand of supervising the placement of new disciples in the future."

Guo Xiefei finished speaking in one breath, covering his neck that was strangled red and gently kneading.

Li Ming is in place, there are many high-level people surnamed Wang in Tianyan, but they can be called Wang Hall Master...

Only Wang Qiang!

"Why did he suddenly remove my errand? No, he's not that bold, that's why.

Li Ming pondered suspiciously.

"Deacon, may I ask you a question?"

Guo Xiefei, who was slowing down, asked with puzzled eyes in his eyes.


"That's it, yesterday we both went to chat together, no, when we were happy to help, the junior sisters were like hungry wolves, scrambling, but this morning, they talked to me but ignored it, why is that?"

Li Ming glanced at Guo Xiefei's terrifying appearance with pity.

I really didn't want to hit him.

Hesitating, he said tactfully:

"... Deacon Guo, you might as well start from the different points between the two of us, maybe you can come up with the answer. "

Ao, then I'll go back and think about it."

"Well, go ahead."

After Guo Xie flew away, Li Ming was puzzled.

The order to relieve himself of his errand must have been given by He Yue, there is no doubt about it.

But why did she change the order and relieve herself of the errand she had arranged for herself yesterday morning?

In his mind, he suddenly remembered Guo Xiefei's words.

“...... Junior sisters are like hungry wolves, scrambling..."Lie

in the groove!"

Li Mingden couldn't sit still.

Could it be that the chat with the little junior sisters yesterday was known by the female devil?

But it's not right.

With the sick character of the female devil, she knew that this matter was designated to unload her crotch, how could the system not prompt at all?

"The two functions of system, emotion perception and crisis warning are not limited by distance!"

Li Ming faintly guessed, and hurriedly asked in his heart.

"Yes, the effective range of these two functions is a radius of one kilometer, and the emotional value and crisis degree beyond this range will not be sensed by the system."

The system gave an affirmative answer.

"It's time to finish the calf, the system you hurt me a lot."

Li Ming sat down on the Tai Shi chair with a sad face.

Yes, the distance from here to the top of the mountain is only a thousand meters, He Yue must have known about his conversation and laughter with his junior sisters last night.

The reason why he couldn't bear it should be that he was afraid to go to the mountain gate and there were many people here, waiting for him to take the initiative to throw himself into the net.

How good this is!

"No matter, go back to the house first, hide at home for a day today, maybe she will disappear tomorrow."

After making a decision, Li Ming hurried home.

Heavenly Temple.

"Why hasn't Brother Ming come to me yet?"

He Yue sat on the edge of the bed with a cold face, still holding an iron sword in his hand.

Did he know he was going to teach him a lesson?

It's impossible, Wang Qiang won't leak the wind.

Brother Ming should have come to find himself a long time ago.

"Hmph, no matter how you guessed it, do you think it's okay if you don't come to Yue Yue? When there is no one at night, I see how you still run! A

cold light flashed in He Yue's eyes, and the plain white jade hand gently exerted force.


The iron sword broke inch by inch, turned into fragments and fell to the ground.

"Men are big pig's trotters!!"

He Yue kicked the broken sword away irritably, lay down on the bed, and covered his head with a quilt.

She didn't know what to do with Li Ming.

Speaking of which, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just chatted with a few female disciples for a while, and then helped them move their luggage.

But He Yue was just unhappy in his heart.

Brother Ming is alone!

How could he chat intimately with other girls and help them get things!!

Don't they have hands? I have to help Brother Ming!

"Do you really want to force Yue Yue to break Brother Ming's leg and imprison you, so that you can feel at ease that Yue Yue is alone?"

He Yue said to himself in confusion.

Now that the sect knows that he is going to be engaged to Brother Ming, if he is suddenly broken by someone, it will definitely be a major blow to the hearts of the Tianyan Sect...

What should I do to reasonably let Brother Ming get hurt?

He Yue was physically and mentally exhausted, and unconsciously slept over.

As night falls, a cool breeze blows in from the window.

He Yue slowly opened his eyes.

"Is it already so late?"

Looking at the thick night outside the window, she lifted the quilt and sat up.

Blushing shyly, reminiscing about the beautiful dream just now.

She knew what to do with Li Ming!

When a male disciple first embarked on the path of cultivation, his master would tell him that wine should not be coveted.

Wine makes people blur reality and illusion.

Color can make people lose the desire to be enterprising.

And He Yue plans to start with the word 'color'!

"There will be an upper limit to everything, I think Brother Ming likes to contact girls, it should be because, at the age of blood and qi, there is a pursuit of beauty in the body and heart, and a desire for that kind of thing."

He Yue took off his clothes, revealing his snow-white and tender carcass.

She took out a long black dress, and then took out the black silk that Li Ming gave her.

After dressing, sit in front of the dressing mirror and put on a light makeup.

Trying not to be shy, she waved her small fist at herself in the mirror and exclaimed,

"Come on."

Since Brother Ming has desires, then completely solve his desires!

In a short period of time, he was disgusted when he thought of that kind of thing, and he was afraid when he saw girls....


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