Li Ming's English level in his previous life was okay, and he could barely read it.

"76 years old, hiding in this broken place to practice for decades, I finally broke through the mixed yuan realm, no longer have to worry and be afraid, I have the power to protect myself, Laozi is going to find a woman!"

The corner of Li Ming's eyes twitched.

How is this ancestor not very serious.

And he hid until he broke through the mixed element realm before he dared to be born, not an ordinary gou.

Continue to look down:

"77 years old, the Yaochi Holy Land in Zhongzhou is a bunch of female madmen! Didn't you just deal with your eight female disciples at the same time, and hunted and killed me for five months..." "

101 years old, Zhongzhou actually has the Great Tang Dynasty, but unfortunately only the name is the same, but the female emperor of the Great Tang is okay, and the ass is able to give birth to a son, that is, the age is not small and a little saggy."

"135 years old, Zhongzhou is bored, all are chasing me, I want to leave this sad place."

"At the age of 136, I came to Nanzhou, the girls here are much more cheerful than in Zhongzhou, can the Buddha sect also have female disciples? Buddha, I want to hear her talk to me about Zen.

"136 years old, escaping the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect... It's not that you can't beat them and give the Buddha girl face.

Li Ming: "⊙▽⊙ So

the ancestor attacked the Buddha girl of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect, and then was discovered?

In other words, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect has existed longer than Tianyan.

Also, your autobiography.

Something isn't quite right!

"284 years old, those porcelain hammers of the Lingxuan Sect are all high-spirited, but their saints are quite good-looking."

"287 years old, established the Tianyan Sect with the Holy Daughter of the Spirit Xuan Sect."

Li Ming: "..."

frantically complained: Is

there something missing in the middle?

Why is it that one second you still hate Lingxuanzong, and the next second their holy daughter ran away with you!


The hatred between Ling Xuan and Tianyan began here....

Li Ming was a little puzzled, since the reverse side is these strange things, what is written on the front?

Curiously turned to the front:

"When the old man was eighteen, he strayed into a secret realm, forgot to sleep and eat and concentrated on cultivation for decades, and devoted himself to the Avenue of Eternal Life, all disciples, they also need to be like the old man, red dust and the world, do not worry too much."


What a sudden commotion.

What is this called? It's called, 'Teaching.'

Li Ming, who was greatly shocked, continued to look down.

"At the age of 76, the old man broke through the mixed element realm, encountered a bottleneck in cultivation, and had no choice but to go out of the customs to go to Red Dust to practice."

"At the age of 77, the old man was chased by dozens of top powerhouses dispatched by the Yaochi Holy Land of Zhongzhou and left abruptly."


the age of 284, Lingxuanzong prides himself on being the leader of the righteous path in the world in Nanzhou, but he hides dirt and dirt, and his name is not true."

"At the age of 287, the Holy Daughter of the Lingxuan Sect recognized the ugly face of Ling Xuan, and established Tianyan with the old man, since the Lingxuan Sect full of dirt can be the leader of the right path, then this righteous old man can't look at it. Tianyan should be the way of the devil, and do things that are quick to take revenge. "

It's getting late.

Li Ming finally finished reading the autobiography of his ancestor.

Positive, the last sentence is.

"I don't know how old I am tonight, but the old man has no shame in his life, and he will go to the end."

On the contrary, the last sentence is.

"I can't remember how old I am, my new life, it's worth it!"

Putting down the book in his hand, Li Ming was silent for a long time.

This is the life of another otherworldly soul ten thousand years ago.

Stepping out of the Tibetan scripture pavilion, the setting sun is shining and the breeze is blowing the leaves, rustling.

Disciples walked by in a bustle.

Not far ahead.

With a gentle smile, the beautiful woman stood in the pavilion, "Brother Ming, Yue Yue is coming to pick you up."

"Why are you here?"

"Tomorrow is the new ceremony, take a break tonight, hee-hee."

"Let's go then, I'll cook for you when I go home."

Li Ming naturally took her little hand and walked in the direction of home.

The setting sun draped over their shoulders, and the shadows clinging to each other.

A moment later.

Li Ming brought out the last dish and sat down at the table.

He Yue looked at He Yue with a smile and said, "Let's go." "

Although after the foundation is built, the monks can take the Pill of the Valley instead of food.

But the vast majority of cultivators in this world are still accustomed to eating.

Compared to the Gu Pill, which is a three-point poison, the five grains and grains are nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is not only not harmful, but also beneficial to cultivation.

"It's so fragrant."

"Can my cooking not be fragrant?" Li Ming said with a smile.

After eating.

Li Ming asked curiously, "What is the content of tomorrow's welcome ceremony?"

"First of all, I'm going to speak, then I will worship the ancestors, read the door rules..., and when these are over, it will be the disciples' program."

He Yue threw himself into Li Ming's arms and chattered.

"Oh, what's on the show?" Li Ming asked the question he was most concerned about.

"A lot, but according to the custom, the main thing is that the female disciples dance."

"Convention?" Li Ming wondered.

"Yes, this show was passed down from the ancestors, saying that it can increase the enthusiasm of new disciples, and successive generations of disciples also like it, so it has been held."

The corners of Li Ming's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless for a long time before he sighed:

"Ancestor, his old man... Wise. "


Early the next morning.

Heavenly Temple.

"Brother Ming, let's go."

He Yue walked out of the back hall and called Li Ming, who was waiting outside.

Li Ming, who had been waiting for a long time, heard He Yue's voice in a drowsy room and looked up at her.

Instantly stunning.

A red skirt is on the ground, and the golden phoenix dark shadow is beautiful.

Long black hair, coiled into a bun, jade pine hairpins, and then inserted a golden step shake, long beads trembling and hanging down, swaying between the sideburns.

The eyebrows are not depicted, the skin is white and tender like a green onion, and the lips are pursed, like a danguo.

Stunning city.

Seeing Li Ming staying in place, He Yue's cheeks were slightly red, and he asked in a low voice:

"Brother Ming, is Yue Yue looking good today?"

"It's pretty." Li Ming put away his stunning gaze and hurriedly changed the topic: "Let's go quickly, otherwise you will be late for a while."

"Brother Ming, come over and help me wipe the corners of my mouth."

"Huh? There's nothing. Li Ming approached, took a closer look, and did not find anything wrong.

He Yue snorted dissatisfiedly, "You can take a closer look."

Li Ming was helpless, so he had to probe closer.


The delicate lips were gently pasted, leaving a red mark.

"Brother Ming got up so early, hard work for you, reward you with a kiss."

After speaking, He Yue pulled Li Ming out a little shyly.

And Li Ming, who had just reacted, was full of the soft touch just now, and hurriedly wiped off the marks on his mouth.

Secretly said:

"The gap between girls wearing makeup and not wearing makeup is too big..." Although

He Yue in the past was also very good-looking, it was not as stunning as today.

With a cold temperament, she wore a solemn dress, and she was noble and beautiful and not like a woman in the world.

"Remember to tell me before kissing me next time, I didn't even react!"


" "That Yue Yue kissed again."


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