
"Didn't you see me?"

Everyone followed the sound, and Li Ming was looking at them with a smile.

The lord of the Jiang Palace smiled and said with a straight face: "Brother Li, you listen to your brother's advice, you can't keep the treasure, so take it out."

"Yes, Brother Li, we are all for your own good."

"Take it out quickly, we won't think about the divine pill you fed Sect Master He just now, there are so many of you, it is easy to hurt Brother Li when you move your hand."

"You guys are shameless." Liu Zhen pouted and scolded.

"What will you do to me if I don't give it to you?" Li Ming said curiously.

"Look what Brother Li said, they all sat down and drank together, what can we do with you, it's just that I just drank, my head is a little drowsy, and it's easy to mess around."

The Jiang Palace Lord smiled kindly and said seriously.

Hearing this, Li Ming's face rose with deep worry, and he asked cautiously: "Do you mean to hit me?"

"Haha, look at his instigation, how did such a guy get fancy to Sect Master He? I felt like I could cry him with a punch when I went up.

In the crowd, a fierce and vicious strong man burst into laughter.

"I'm weaker, I need two punches, hahahaha."

"I want to swell his little white face and look at the air."

"Ahem, how about you wait a minute, I'll go to the sleeping clothes and he will take out the treasure?"

Everyone: "??? "

This nightgown, is it serious?

Speaking of this, someone looked at He Yue in Li Ming's arms, and an unknown light flashed in his eyes.

"Or not? Don't do one or don't stop! Everyone also taste the taste of the witch? The

voice fell.


Li Ming, who was originally standing in place with a cautious face, suddenly disappeared.

Only an afterimage is left in place.


The sound of fists and flesh suddenly sounded.

The man who spoke instantly flew out backwards.

In the eyes of everyone.

An invisible, shadow quickly chased after him, choked the man's neck in midair, and slammed him to the ground.



A giant pit appears.

Li Ming put his left arm around He Yue and pinched his neck with his right hand.

The smile was grim: "

What do you want to taste?"


The huge force made him a little suffocated, and while his face turned red, he stretched out his hands and tried to break Li Ming's palms.


Reiki came in from the neck.

In just an instant, everything was shattered.

Casually throwing the livid-faced corpse in the big pit, Li Ming calmly looked at the sluggish people in the hall:

"Who else plans to taste it?"

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

At the back of the crowd, Liu Zhen, who realized that something was wrong as soon as Li Ming made a move, frantically urged the exercises to flee.

Just as he was about to perform his body move, someone gently patted him on the shoulder behind him.

"Sect Master Liu, I haven't given you the seventy percent secret yet, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"


Liu Zhen swallowed his saliva with difficulty and slowly turned around.

"Lee, Brother Li."

"Squeak ~ Squeak."

The unparalleled coercion descended, and Li Ming controlled the invisible aura barrier to oppress.

The tooth-biting sound of bone crushing resounded in the silent hall.

"Who gave you the qualification to call Brother Li? Do you still take the name on the wine table seriously? If it weren't for the engagement ceremony between me and Yue Yue today, what kind of thing would you be, and you would be worthy of being called a brother and brother with me?

Li Ming playfully repeated Liu Zhen's previous words.

But right now.

Liu Zhen did not dare to refute a word.

Breathe hard, use all your body's aura to fight against the overwhelming oppression.

The invisible aura swirled and entwined around him.

It's locked like a giant python.

"Look up." Li Ming said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Zhen slowly raised his head with difficulty and looked at Li Ming.

In his doubtful eyes.

Li Ming raised his right leg and twisted his waist slightly.

The aura gathered into a dragon hovering over his legs.

Kick out.

"Bang~" The

unmatched terrifying explosive power slammed into Liu Zhen's face like a meteorite.

The huge impact force pushed him back, but he was fixed in place by the aura barrier and could not move.

"You want seventy percent, right?"

"Stand up straight!"

Frowning scolded.

Raise your leg again.

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang



A dull sound echoed in the hall.

At the moment when Li Ming retracted his leg.

Liu Zhen's hair was scattered, and his mouth was full of blood mixed with internal organs.

"I can't hold it with seven feet, and I need seven percent."

Li Ming pouted and commented.

"Hmm~ Brother Ming, what happened?"

He Yue slowly opened his eyes and asked suspiciously.


Li Ming gently put her down and gently touched her head, before the gesture of casually killing disappeared.

"Brother Ming, have you broken through the Mixed Yuan Realm?"

He Yue blinked his eyes and asked humorously.

It all happened too fast.

So much so that she only cared about Li Ming's state and did not think about this aspect at all.

Because it's incredible.

She had never heard of anyone who could ascend to the heavens from the early stage of the Supreme Realm and reach the Mixed Yuan Realm in one step.

But now.

Feeling the unfathomable terrifying cultivation in Li Ming's body, she immediately realized.

His own brother Ming.

Really one step across the heavenly graben.

Became a cultivator of the Mixed Yuan Realm.

"Well, let Yue Yue worry, Brother Ming apologizes to you."

"Heehee, Brother Ming is awesome, Yue Yue rewards you with a kiss."

He Yue stood on tiptoe and gently leaned his head.


" Liu Zhen

: "..." "Jiang Palace Lord: "..."


Don't you shy away from us at all!"

Feeling everyone's gaze, Li Ming glanced at it casually.



Everyone turned their backs neatly and plunged their heads into their arms.

Li Ming turned his head with a smile and said softly, "Come again, I didn't react just now."

"Don't be, so many people, shame."

He Yuetong blushed and hummed.

Li Ming grabbed her waist, "This is not up to you." "

Ah~ Brother Ming is cheeky."


Long time, lips parted.

He Yue's little face was bright red as if he was about to drip blood, and he hurriedly changed the topic: "

Brother Ming, what's wrong with them, why do they look afraid of you?"

"Oooh, yes, I'm going to sue you." Li Ming stretched out his finger to a person, and said angrily: "That guy wants to sleep with me!" "


He Yue instantly cooled his face and walked towards the guy who said that he wanted to sleep clothes Li Ming.

Grabbed his neck and pulled aside.


Everyone: (#°Д°)

While He Yue moved his hand, Li Ming walked to a person and gently patted him on the shoulder.

said with a kind smile;

"You said you were going to punch me to tears, right?"


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